
Thursday, October 4, 2018

I Like Thursday #109

Welcome to this week's list of likes! The above photo is from yesterday's post with lots of fun fall pictures from the festival we attended last weekend! I liked that they had tubs there for washing off your purchase before going home!

And this reminder we aren't in the East anymore!
Nope, maybe we aren't in big sky country but it's darn near close enough!
We have had a few cool days and the trees are trying to brighten up the landscape with color

and it's beginning to look a lot like Halloween!
 teehee! I went to a scrapbooking show with my friend Monika
and had SUCH a great time! Wow, this is a whole new world to me and just so much fun!!!
Why I could have spent a fortune and likely will next year. It was like, walking into Oz with all the colorful possibilities to make!
These ladies met doing it and have been together for over 20 years now! They go to shows dressed alike, and do retreats. I begged to join their little group, sort of reminded me of the Sweet Potato Queens books! They said they'd love to include me, even though I'm more of a painter/quilter and gave me their phone numbers!
I loved discovering a new craft, and finding stencils and stamps to use on my quilting
that's a little card with a snowglobe plastic on it with snow you can shake too. I mean, what
creativity! I got some stencils and stamps to use on fabric,

 lots of ideas from demos, and learning what's out there to use my way...there was a whole wall of laurel Burch stamps y'all! I got one. I had heard about Diamond painting from JulieRose so I bought a kit after watching the demo. Whee another craft to try! Mine's a pumpkin scene!
It was hard not to buy everything I saw, but I love this little tree stamp, and the scissors embellishments for totes.
I love the little sugar cantaloupes we found at Sams this week! Yummmmmmmy with a bit of whipped cream for dessert
and I kept the little electric blue bag for "something" later
We also love these two new to us snacks from Sams
The coconut bits have 3 grams of protein per serving and are DELISH!!! All three of us give them 2 paws up!

The little box of natural delights was made from dates pecans and well, delight.

with a bit of pumpkin spices they are like little candies for when you want a sweetie. More healthy that a cookie I suspect. Being raised in Florida, I love vine ripe tomatoes and they are rare here...

Our trip to the garden center, (post and lots of silly pictures HERE) was planned for these. I've been enjoying BLT's made with turkey bacon and it's sad when I look at the last bite! So good.

The furniture repair guy came this week to fix two sewing cabinets the movers broke... I liked his calm confident demeanor... 
Here he is on our front porch repairing my current cabinet drawer.
I'll tell you, I'm sick to death of hearing people brag about being the "best" so it's a pure pleasure to meet a quiet artisan, with lots of experience at his craft, just quietly say "I've repaired a lot of these, and they came out good"
The movers piled boxes on my great grandmother's treadle, so he took the top off to take to his home to fix. I have such severe chemical sensitivities that he wanted to refinish it and let it cure before putting it back on. When he opened it, the machine had some rust which, now that I see, I'll have someone clean and service for me. Of course the hinged top will look great and the rest of the cabinet kind of shabby now, but time will tell. I'll let you know how it did.

I love tri-colored mums in one pot!
and the fall entry of our house
and the new to us table display
a perfect place for little gourds. Look at that swan! And the black one! Nature went all out painting these!
And the sun is setting earlier these days, so I like coming back from a walk and seeing our entryway
in the evening light
Thanks for looking...
the end

Milo's Moment

I talked a lot yesterday about my trip to the garden center where I saw so much cool stuff to sniff and played with lots of kids. I've been pretty excited with cooler weather myself.
It's hard to be a good poodle ALL the time.
It was hard I'll admit to walk around in a black fur coat when the sun was so hot my Mama nearly perished from the vapors! But now it's cooler and I'm ready to kick up my dog heels and run!
And bark!
Why I had quite a scare this week. I saw a flat baby and y'all it weren't natur'l. I barked and barked at it til I watched Mama walk over and touch it. Then I went over and had a real good sniff... well, it wan not like the usual babies. (editors note: it was a sign in a front yard that someone had a baby, "it's a boy!" with a picture of a staring baby) (Milo is big on faces, and doesn't like anything odd like a helmet, or a kid with a pool toy around them, or people holding hands...)
Yep! I also saw a weird two headed creature last night I had to bark at and warn to stay away which was hard because Mama barked back at me and said stop it but I was just protecting us from danger anyway!!!
(editors note: an older couple was walking hand in hand past us)

Please check out these fine folk also keeping it positive this week, and for those of us who are also "me too" it was a very difficult week to survive. (read my post HERE)

I ordered a book before it was on the stands this week, by my fave author on writing, Anne Lamott.
Her new book is on having hope. I have learned so much from her about writing, and need hope, so I'll give you a review when I get it!

  .http://homesewnbyus  (not posting this week)
Minou's Minute

Linking to parties
ruby tuesdays
Our World Tuesday
sundays in the city
http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade


  1. Milo is so funny! I can totally imagine him protecting you from the two-headed monster. All the fall stuff looks really fun- it's wonderful to see a little color in your trees. My mums have buds but haven't opened yet, hopefully soon. I can't remember what color they are and I could look at last year's pictures but I kind of want to be surprised!

  2. First of all, I loved your Wild West post. What a wonderful display of pumpkins and gourds! Today's post is even more fun. Tri-colored mums(love), pumpkin leggings(I wonder where they got them), sugar cantaloupes (never heard of them before), and a Scrapbooking convention. I used to do that craft but stopped when I started quilting. heehee-I would need a bigger house. Thanks for sharing all your fun trips! mary

  3. That scrapbooking convention sounds like a lot of fun. Great pictures! I LOVE that orange sky!!

  4. I love Anne Lamott too. I find it intriguing when someone can use simplistic words and yet convey a deep meaning.
    Wow, lots of fall loves in this post and you seem to be so settled in your new house. I like the way you make so many connections with people when you are out and about.
    Funny you should mention stamps; I just watched how they can be used in quilting and would definitely help with the diamond shapes I am drawing out in the Grasshopper last 4 blocks. On my list.
    Milo is a busy fellow too and isn't it interesting how he has a well defined idea of what is 'normal' looking and what is not.

  5. Oh, that pumpkin bath is too cool and the Clemson fans here would go wild over that orange cloud. Keep barking Milo and keep having fun too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Hi LeeAnna! Oh scrapbooking! I used to do quite a bit of that before I got into quilting much more. Your front stoop looks SO inviting, and I love the big tri-colored mum. I know I am enjoying these cooler temperatures but I know there is a lot of cold weather to follow. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. There are so many fun pumpkins and gourds everywhere these days! I always want one of each. I enjoyed your post yesterday, too!

  8. So many likes! Those ladies with the matching outfits look pretty cool. Those tomatoes are to die for. Yum!

  9. I used to dabble just a little bit in scrapbooking, and the fun papers, stencils and stamps still temp me when I see them. The other thing tempting me this week has been all of the gorgeous mums I see at the stores. I still may buy a couple of them for the front porch.

  10. I love to reread some of my Anne Lamott books, especially like Bird by Bird.She is a favorite author. Oh, you go to the most interesting places and meet new faces and those pumpkin pants make me want to dance! Just emptied a purple net bag of its last sweet onions so that net bag went from Kitchen to studio for "something" someday! Thank you for your great Thursday like post(s). Milo's POV on the couple holding hands is hilarious! He has such a cleaver and playful mind! Ruby also has a black and shiny fur coat and knows what Milo feels like in the summer ! Have great weekend, sonja

  11. I'm happy you're enjoying your world. I'm sure it's been quite the culture shock! It looks like you're assimilating well. I so appreciate true artisans...especially in this "throw-away" society we live in now. And, before I even read your caption, I thought those gourds looked like swans too. Hope your day is a good one. Give Milo a kiss on the nose for us. :-)

  12. I am going to have to look for those treats at Sam's club...they look yummy. I like decorating with gourds and pumpkins too. The pumpkin bath is a great idea.

  13. I too have MCS and sooo much effects me--so hard to buy anything and to go places--not sure you read my blog post--but I moved from Fl to NY a month ago and it has caused me a terrible reaction--will be a long road back to somewhat normal this time--have realized though that I probably need to return to Fl soon--time will tell--
    love all your adventure stores and Milo's--keep them coming--
    enjoy, di

  14. That was a fun outing to the expo. Sorry I took such a bad photo. Sheesh. Those coconut bites are sooooo delish. I keep a bag in my studio 😊

  15. This is a whole bunch of likes indeed. I love those Halloween pants. I want a pair.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  16. I want to look for that book. Thanks for mentioning it! And I can't wait to buy some gourds and little pumpkins! It's too hot here in FL to put any outside. What a fun event you went to! I know you got lots of inspiration!

  17. So many great things again this week. I've seen those swanlike gourds a few years ago, but not recently, but then I guess I haven't really been anywhere to see them. I have only gotten 4 Halloween/fall items out so far. I need to get busy. It looks like you found a gem in your furniture repair guy, someone who appreciate quality work. I have no real interest in scrapbooking, maybe because I don't have much to document? That's okay. It leaves more money for fabric. Love Milo's antics.

  18. Oh I am so jealous of your scrapbooking show experience! I have spent a small fortune on scrapbooking/card making supplies over the years and am always looking for more.

  19. Wonderful to see that you have an experienced repairman to help you. I hope you join up with those scrapbooking ladies. They look like fun! You can find their leggings at Wal Mart. I saw some of them today. Cheap, fun, and soft! Thanks for linking up today!

  20. That orange sky is fabulous! Seems like a fun week.

  21. I love the scrapbook fair and absolutely adore the pumpkin bath teeheeee.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I do love to go to festivals of all kinds! Lots of fun!
    Great photo for Skywatch Friday!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. I love that beautiful oak wood on the treadle! Have a nice weekend.

  25. That is a lively collection of photos my friend. That swan, how cool and fun. Your craft store photos remind me of when my cousin and I went shopping for ribbon and netting and material to build a candy Christmas tree and were told we couldn't take pictures or video (we did anyway especially since we figured out how to keep the camera on the shopping cart and get a dolly shot).
    A bathtub of pumpkins, that could be somebody's dream or nightmare (also a dream I guess).
    You keep up the good work and stay frosty, Milo.
    I don't exactly know what those iron eye glasses are but do know that I love them.

  26. It's good to see you having fun - scrapping looks just your cup of tea. I like all the orange in these photos - very seasonal.

  27. Love the halloween leggings


  28. A fabulous time of year for you. Here in New Zealand, it's just becoming spring, so pumpkins are out of the question!

  29. Love all the pumpkins. Especially the swan neck gourds! I miss pumpkins that have longer growing seasons and so taste much better. Here they mainly sell them for Halloween. We did grow some, but eventually I decided that butternut squash, which is cheaper, has darker flesh and tastes more like pumpkins in America.
    I am glad you found a restorer who even cares for your health.
    And I wonder if you would do better with a physio for your pain. I have gone to chiropractors, but I got much more help from the physiologist.

  30. This is a special time of the year to visit the USA. I still have fond memories of our time there with the Autumn foliage colouron trees and the Halloween decorations!
    Thanks for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.
