
Thursday, September 20, 2018

I Like Thursday #107

Welcome to this week's list of likes! 

Doesn't this look inviting? We love the front porch, with it's little sliver of a mountain view. I like to  sit a moment to cool off from my walks, before jumping back into house jobs. The chairs are from Pier One. Also from that store is this wonderful blue pumpkin
It looks great on the mantel right now!
Monday, I wrote a post about my table purchase and weekly goals (in case you missed it, look HERE
 This bowl is hand painted (not by me although I've painted a lot of pottery over the years), and I've owned it for years but never had a place to display it til now. 
The deep golden color inside glows with the yellow undertones of the new $25 yard sale table! 
The two lovely hand painted pottery candlesticks are from my niece who lived in Mexico for a long time, and I think they look lovely with the bowl!
We have not really set up the living room/dining area/entry yet, the pictures lean against a wall waiting to be placed and there are random boxes still but it's nice to walk in and see it starting to take shape. I love the sunny room, holding a mix of new and antique pieces.
One giant picture is hanging where there was already a hanger in place
 I'll never have a "house beautiful" magazine house, but I like my collections

We have flamingos for the yard, but didn't want to shock the neighbors right away.
 This one, sans legs, found it's way into the bush next to the front steps. I love it lurking there! 
While attending a couple yard sales, we passed this and I asked dh, did they resurface that driveway in colored pebbles? 

he backed up the car, and we saw they were chili's being sun dried on tarps!!!! I live out west!
I saw this sign at the yard sales and had to laugh...
 In case you can't read the bottom, it says, help me get my garage back! 
Tee hee! Poor woman sat in the heat surrounded by stuff no one was taking away. 

The owners of the table we bought gave me this little red wagon too! For free! It's creating a nice scene on the back porch now

I read about Princess Sewing baskets (produced in the 1950's in Ill. ) in a quilting magazine so...
When I saw one at the recent estate sale, for $15 and 50% (so $7.50) off that, well, I got it! It required some cleaning up and I took the long chords off to wash 70 plus years of handling, off, it was surprisingly hard to get them threaded back the right way. It's not rocket science but I had to do it a couple times! 

I love vintage sewing items and have several. This one was in great shape, one of two that I saw there, but in an effort to enjoy not hoard, I purchased only one and am thrilled! It's already worth $45 on ebay so it's an investment, DH. 
I found this at another yard sale. There were brush rollers in it that I didn't want.

 The owner, a kind woman of about age 60, lovingly looked at it, and said she used to roll her mom's hair every night for her, and asked who would buy just the rollers? I wondered did she think someone might actually use them on their hair??! I said, I'm buying the box for the $2 you wanted, but will not use the rollers in case she wanted to keep them (instead of me throwing them out) and she did keep them, but her husband was shocked I would pay $2 but I love items from the 50's and 60's and was too tired to bargain. 
so now I have a lovely pink box for the studio. There is a slight burn indentation on the top, and I wonder if a woman accidentally got her cigarette on it while getting her hair "set" I cleaned it up and who knows what treasures will find their way in! I betcha it was bought at a 5 and dime back then.

Milo's Moment
Hi to my friends! I've had a good time this week playing with new dogs and being with my Mama and Daddy. I played with this guy at one yard sale
and it was all fun and games til he noticed his Daddy put his toy in the sale, and he had to retrieve it and growled at me not to want to buy it! Heck no, Buddy! No way I'd take your toy! First of all you are twice my size, second it has your spit all over it so it's obviously yours! Besides...

I got a new toy and almost have it chewed into shape. 

I liked that Mama held my ears back while I urped up grass this week, nothing worse than getting sick in your curly ears. Good to have a Mama who cares. 

I liked when we LEFT the vet's office. She had to check my ears, and re-dose the right one, and they poked me with a needle what hurt a little but they did it in the room so Daddy held me. (a vaccine booster the vet said would make him sleepy)

I've been just a little tired since then but you can be sure I'll be up and running again real soon so send over the dogs!  

That's it, please visit these nice people also keeping track of things they liked this week. If you want to join us let mama know and she'll put in your link too!

Minou's Minute

Linking to these parties!!

Wednesday around the World

sundays in the city 
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade 


  1. I love the pumpkin and I love your porch, it is the perfect place to take a deep breath when the daily madness becomes too much ;O)))
    I will write such a sign too but for our attic...;O))))

  2. Hi LeeAnna! Wow, I love that blue pumpkin. Who'd have thought they'd make a blue one?!! And that bowl sure does look fabulous with the candlesticks - nice job painting it too. Holy moly - that is a LOT of chilis! Aww, poor Milo. Too much grass and a shot all in one week. You deserve that new toy, buddy! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Hi Lee Anna- love that flamingo hiding in the bush-fun. Whenever I see those rooms in House Beautiful I think, "it's not functional-just pretty". I enjoyed this post. mary

  4. Your front porch looks so inviting! I miss Pier One Imports, all the ones close enough to us, just to browse, closed. Did you also paint the picture already hanging on your living room wall? I really like it!

  5. That lurking flamingo is the best surprise ever!

  6. You are the Queen of yard sales! Amazing finds. The porch is perfect. Milo is a darn good writer!

  7. That bowl is really pretty, and I like the candlesticks, too! Fun to see your front and back porch scenes. And the drying chilis - what a sight! I would stop and back up to take another look, too!

  8. The chairs on your porch do look inviting. I have a similar setup on my front porch and really enjoy it. You find such interesting yard sales.

  9. Drying chilies like that is so cool. You find the funniest things at years sales. I like your flamingo hiding....

  10. Lots of pretty colors about today and I do love that mingo peeking out! I hope you feel like romping lots very soon Milo! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. That blue pumpkin is far out. And look at all those chilis!

  12. Poor wee doggie. Hope his ears feel better soon.
    Love the blue pumpkin!
    and why would anyone need that many chillies? or maybe they give them to friends or sell them? I still have some frozen from quite a while back when the young man had a chilli plant. But I don't don't seem to be able to eat spicy stuff. It is like - why cover up the taste of the food!! When I am away for a few days at the Festival of Quilts, DH buys himself a curry. If I make one, I use something like Thai Green curry sauce and then also add a tin of coconut milk to try to get it to the tolerable point!
    I am a bit late today, but it is up now. ;-)

  13. I think I'd like your neighborhood! Love your front porch and think it might be very difficult to get to those home jobs sitting there. That's a lot of cili peppers!!!!! And, I'd recommend the yard sale lady pack it all up, donate it to Goodwill and take the write off on her taxes....rather than sit there all day long! Hope Milo is back to his chipper self now. I need to work on brushing Cabo. He's looking a bit gnarly.

  14. Are you sure Colorado is ready for pink flamingos? Love the peppers drying on the driveway. They must have a business or a huge family. Your house is looking lovely. Glad Milo has the good taste to prefer his new toys to some other dog's used ones.

  15. You're lucky to have people taking such good care of you, Milo and I like the spot you picked to take a snooze. Rotties can be very good friends, there was one down the hall who used to visit me almost every day.
    I was looking for a sewing box and that is what I had in mind. Guess I'm 70 years behind the times, lol.
    Little red wagons are great for flowers or plants or just in the backyard, wish I had a backyard. And I do love that bowl, I think I'd eat more greens with that pretty bowl waiting for me on the table., I can see a fresh greens salad with a bit of dressing and fresh tomatoes and cucs in there. Man did you get some incredible deals, I mean that table!

  16. I will say that I love that box from the 50's and would have snatched it up myself! I love treasures like that. I don't have a "house beautiful" either. It is unique, but that is what I like and really that is what is important. Thanks for linking up today and each week. I appreciate it.

  17. Hi LeeAnna,
    Love your dining table and so comfortable to sit in chairs!
    Chilie's drying in the sun in Colorado! That's a great photo for climate change!
    Colours getting brought in with all you lovely treasures and finds! Little red wagon and a cool blue pumpkin! I'll have to see if I can find something similar!
    Love to join you out on the porch! Comfy colourful chairs there too!

  18. I love your front porch! The chairs look great and your table is lovely! My mom has a red wagon on her front porch and decorates it for every season. It's really cute and such a versatile thing to have!! Waving at Milo!!!

  19. I have a yellow Princess Sewing basket, I didn't know it had a name. Thanks for that info. I don't think the one I have was ever used, either that or someone else cleaned it up. You found some neat things!

  20. ...dang, that a lot of chilis! You can't beat free, I stopped at a sale and they want $100 for a little red wagon. Enjoy your week.

  21. Forgot to mention that I was taking care of five dogs for awhile and the Boston and labs tore toys to shreds until I started to get ones make from firehose. Even Frisbees became a challenge for them to destroy. Milo looks a bit less hard on his toys though, maybe it's the haircut, (:

  22. How very interesting to see chilis drying in the sun!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. In answer to your question about the scuppernongs - Some people make them into jelly, but we just eat them as fresh fruit.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. I didn't know about Princess boxes when you wrote last time. I looked them up online and recalled my grandmother had one, too. No idea where it went. I'm so glad you're settling in and making it your own.

  24. What a fun post! Love the pretty pictures. It is always wonderful to see a home come together. I enjoy collecting odds and ends too and somehow, they blend in to make "our" home. I am fascinated by the chilis drying in the sun! Your porch is very inviting!

    Hello, Milo!

    (Here via Sundays in my city)

  25. LA - love your giant picture - a 'window' onto the world … And that lurking flamingo - perfect way to ease your way into the neighborhood! The chilis - never seen anything like it - in Colorado. Did they grow them? Just more proof that it's HOT there!

  26. You found some great colors in your photos. I like the blue pumpkin and a table for $25...bargain. I love thrifting, but have been trying to clear out some myself so kids won't have to. Sewing items...a plus. Agree on the crafting even if no one sees it. :)

    Thanks for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday.

  27. I loved this post so much. It makes me want to go to a yard sale with you. Also, I can't believe all those chilis drying in the sun. That's some kind of bounty.
