
Thursday, August 30, 2018

I Like Thursday #104 Plums, Mums, and a poodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes!
I found this piece this week, while trying to start setting up my new studio space. More on that later.
 I painted wooden letters with acrylics, having fun with the designs, the hand-dyed background is quilted, bound, then stretched on wood.I sewed loops around the letters to attach them.
Unfortunately the packers/movers broke it but I will eventually try to repair it with wood glue.

I liked finding these mums 80% off at Lowes this week. I just pinched off all the dead flowers and the worker said they would  bloom again this year. I love Fall, can't wait til the temps get cooler!
Apparently Lowe's can't wait either! The Halloween dec is ready to go! Milo was spooked by the "life sized" werewolf that made noise so we didn't tarry here.

I loved seeing these volunteer flowers surviving in the Driveway concrete crack... how fun to see color show up!
instead of just weeds
When I went out to take the photo, I told Milo "STAY!"
"okay, I'll stay, but not fur-ever!"
And he did! I like that he's finally able to show a leeeetle bit of self control as he matures!!!

I loved finding my calendar too! ( Of course I was looking for my passport and birth certificate  instead, to show the DMV , and luckily found them too)

Ain't this the truth?!

"things will usually be tough before they are brilliant. Ask any diamond"

Curly Girl calendar

Now maybe I can keep track of appts again

I liked being able to check a big chore off our list this week. (cue scary music)
Going to the DMV to register the cars in CO and get DL's 
There's 3 1/2 hours of my life I'll never get back nor forget.

After the  AA county in MD office, this one seemed a bit disorganized but now it's done. If you think I'm showing you a picture of my DL you're cracked.

My big hope is I don't look like that.

I visited with a new friend this week, and she had picked all the plums off her trees to freeze.
brought them in bags to her son's house (where there is a big stand alone freezer)
washed them
cut them in half and removed the pits
placed them on trays to freeze
(OMG they were so delicious!!!) before putting the frozen halves in plastic bags to use all year in pies, drinks, and jellies.

I love talking to Fran, and Milo loves her little girl Mei Shi
A big plus... Fran will give me a bag once they are frozen! Yea! Better start researching what I'll make with them. Don't you love having fruit trees and vege growing in your yard? I hope to plant something in our yard next year.

One of the things I enjoyed this week was a string of videos on youtube about how women in different historical periods  got dressed. All those layers, or not, and how they did life functions in those layers. I watched about 12 videos!

 Very enjoyable. Here is just one example, for the others go directly to youtube!

Milo's Moments
Hmph! Doesn't smell much like a dog!
I liked playing with my friends this week 
my girlfriend Izzy

except for I got a hot ear and had to go to the doctor. I liked that doctor better than the other doctors because 
1. she's a woman with smaller fingers
B. she was gentle with my poor ears and put some medicine in there to make me better. 
I tried to shake the bad stuff out by myself, and let mama pull hairs out for a minute but they hurt. 
Did you know poodles grow curly hair all the way down their ear canals? 

I liked going to the home store with Mama and Daddy, and picking out lumber I want to chew up. We had lunch at Panera and a guy walked by and said, happy Dog Day. What! No one told me, where is my order of ribs with no sauce??? 

that's it! Please tell Mama if you like her likes and please visit  her friends (follow their links) and think about doing an I Like post of your own... it's a good way to remember how much there is to like in life! For now, I'm going to go rest my poor ears, leave me a message if you want.

letting go the bay leaf

musings of a menopausal melon

Minou's Minute


Linking to these parties

Let's be social Wednesdays 
Midweek makers wednesdays
pet parade
Wednesday around the World Awe Mondays
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
lovelaughquilt.mondays Pink Saturday!
sewcanshe Saturdays

can I get a whoop whoop Fridays 

Thankful Thursdays pet parade
myquiltinfatuation Thursdays 


  1. oh wow is it that time again? it seems our stores skipped the fall events 87 chocolate satans grinned at me as I looked for howl-o-ween stuff ;O)

  2. Oh poor Milo's ears--my Eng Springer, Winnie, had ear canal problems too--we used to put medicine drops in her ears and then massage them in...she was a beauty--would let me do anything--(I once took a tick off her EYE! Yikes--cannot believe I did that! I
    had the Vet on the phone and he was giving me directions...Winnie got a treat after that operation for sure--
    I've never thought of freezing plums like that--I guess you could do peaches and nectarines (my fave) too.
    Hope your cooler temps arrive soon--we are still in the ultra-stickiness here...ugh hugs, Julierose (Milo stayed beautifully;)) Good doggy...;)))

  3. Great post as always LeeAnna. I'm still in loving summer mode here, heat and all, though it finally cooled down overnight that we can open the windows up, yay! I got peaches, not off my tree, but locally grown this past week, made cobbler and going to make a pie to take to our friends' house tomorrow night when we are getting together. Going to go back for some more to freeze! My post is up this month now too. :-)

  4. Hope those ears are well soon, Milo! Those plums look awesome! I'm ready for any cooler weather at this point. Welcome to autumn indeed! Hugs!

  5. I loved that video. Egads! Can you imagine going through that every day?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Poor Milo - hope his ears get better soon. I didn't know the hair grew down inside like that. But my daughter's geriatric bulldog gets ear infections a couple of times a years.

  8. Love your inspiring sign Lee Anna- you are so talented. Green plums? I didn't know there was such a thing- but I sure do miss my old freezer I gave away when we moved to this smaller home. Ugh. I NEED those mums- can't wait for Fall! Thanks for including me ! Have a great day! mary

  9. Those mums are so pretty! Good find! Yum on the plums - and ditto what Mary said - I didn't know there were green plums. Hope Milo's ears are feeling better.

  10. I love your CREATE piece! Sorry it needs a repair. Those mums! My favorites. Now I want flowers in all sidewalk cracks. :) Milo is such a happy guy!

  11. I love mums. Mine have been growing bushy with the rain this summer, but no blooms yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll bloom this fall. And I love your sidewalk crack flowers! All I ever have are weeds....

  12. Lime green plums? Never seen such a thing. They're pretty. I really liked the pink flowers in the crack. And that dress - so many layers! I hope Milo feels better.

  13. I love using produce from our garden all year!

  14. How wonderful to get those mums! I love them but it will be awhile before we have them this far south! Love your dog pics today! Hugs!

  15. So many pretty colors today and I hope the ear is all better soon. Hey Milo, good job on the stay n' play! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. Hi LeeAnna! I LOVE your create sign! Once you glue it, you'll never know it was slightly broken. 80% off on Mums?!!!! Holy moly - that's quite a sale. I don't blame Milo for being afraid of that werewolf - I am too buddy! And sidewalk flowers - how cool is that??!! Last of all, Milo cracks me up - he stayed put like the good boy he is but he wouldn't look at you. Like he was mad! ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. That is a great sale on the Mums! Milo is so handsome waiting for you on the porch. Nothing like a canine friend. Thanks for linking up today and have a great holiday weekend.

  18. I loved watching the video of the lady dressing herself in Elizabethan style. I majored in Clothing and Textiles in College and had to memorize what so many clothes names were from history, and I can only remember a few, but it was fun to revisit my college days!! :-) Glad you found the things you needed to get your new driver's licenses: yes, time in a DMV is time you will never get back again!!! Have a great weekend!! Hugs, H

  19. Wow, DMV's have the same reputation here! I watched that funny. So much truth in cartoons. And the Georgian dressing- amazing isn't it, to think of how we have evolved to t-shirts and capris and flip flops.
    We had a greengage tree in the garden growing up and I always had them in my lunch box when they ripened. Happy memory.
    I always enjoy Milo's viewpoint. He's such a smart dog.

  20. Milo- I hope your ear is feeling better!! And good wishes also from Athena and Ollie, brown standard poodles!

  21. I'm glad Milo is getting better and delighted you're changing your official DMV info.

  22. The frozen plums were a great idea! And the wildflowers in the cement cracks was just such a delightful find!

  23. your adventures ver3ystimulating to one slowly rebuilding a home after hurricane Irma

  24. So Sorry for Milo not feeling well. I hope he improves quickly.
    Those plums look mouthwatering! I wonder if they are Greengages. Or at least, the green ones over here are called that.
    Well done for getting the DMV stuff sorted. So, now you haven't got that hanging over your head.

    Many apologies for being late posting this week. I was involved in putting up an exhibition at a quilt show about 2 hours from here. I think I need to stop saying I will do stuff like that. I was still recovering today.

  25. I so love your create-piece. Gorgeous colours, and I think the broken letter will be easy to repair and you won't be able to see it. Love those little bursts of colour in the concrete, and the plums look delicious. Have you ever tried making plum pie? It's delicious ... :-)

  26. LA - I would so like to have some mums, but with all the deer we have, they would be chomped in no time! Volunteer flowers are the best - so hearty. We can relate to the sloth video - my hubby spent three hours at the DMV to get plates for his new truck! That's a lot of plums - if they were purple, I would suggest jam, but I am not sure about the green ones. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  27. Ah yes, the DMV, the great equalizer of all humans. Next time (now that you're in the system) you can renew both plates and license by mail. Do the happy dance on that.

    As for the plums...plum tart. For starters.

  28. Sorry about your ear issues, Milo. I hope they get better soon.

    It's fall and that means Halloween. Oh boy.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  29. So many lovely colours and likes/loves in your post. Your CREATE sign is so wonderful! So sorry to see it broken like that. I am sure you will be able to fix it. Fall is my favourite too. Don't you just love mums?! It's always great to see Milo! What a sweet boy! I hope he feels better soon.

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


  30. Doing a very quick catch up. LOL Your story about the DMV. A guy I dated called to complain about the DMV in Hawaii. 9 hours just to get his license plate. Great likes, Milo is looking good. Hugs

  31. That is a fun and vibrant piece!

  32. I love the card. I keep looking at the Halloween stuff at the store, but can't bear to buy it yet as I am not ready to let go of summer. Have a great weekend.

  33. I feel your pain about the DMV - 4.5 hours to get a real id. Ugh. Also enjoyed the dressing video. It's amazing the add-ons women had to wear. Can you imagine the weight? And washing all of that?
