
Thursday, August 16, 2018

I Like Thursday #102

 Welcome to this week's list of likes!
I like the windmill's in our neighborhood. They are landmarks for neighbors to know where you are in the 'hood

One person is taking a picture of the windmill from the same angle each day for a year. For some photography project, great idea.

I liked joining Sams club again, and finding these containers of just the right size for paints!
In case you want some.
My studio space is very small here, so I am taking part of the living room for storage, and have to figure out what goes where. I think my paints, sketchbooks, and writing materials will live here as that's where I use them anyway.

I love history, and history books. I found this at our library and it had old pictures of people and places in Denver.

I have poured over it many times, enjoying details from 1800's
I look at who might be in a window, at the clothing, at the store merchandise and adverts painted on buildings. I just love looking at old photos.

I visited a quilt shop this weekend and saw this cool "sewing tutu" Isn't that clever? And the jar had a flamingo pin cushion on the lid!!!

 I met with a fellow blogger last week, Colette,
 and our pups played while we chatted. Milo was quite taken with Bobbin who using her hands to tell him a story in this picture.  I like meeting online friends in person.

I liked seeing the lake at this park, with pelicans which I've not seen in a long time
I've been listening to Laura Nyro this week, she has the most incredible phrasing, voice and piano skills. This song is always appropriate
Save the country on youtube

For a quiet and gorgeous song listen to this one, just let yourself be carried away on the rise and fall of her voice:
Upstairs by a chinese lamp

I liked seeing this amarylis at a friend Sara's house, she said she thought the leaves could use some sun, and boing! It bloomed again!
Now it's Milo's turn... he's been a very patient poodle...

Milo's Moments

One of the things I like best is dogs dogs dogs! I met and had play dates with these two cuties this week! Their Mama/grandma brought them over. They were older so our games were more quiet than I usually play, we played "sniff around" and "bark at the poodle" 
(ed. note: the schnauzer passed away days later from a heart condition, at age 14. Play hard in Heaven little one) 

I liked being invited to my friend Murphy's house for a tasting...not a Wine tasting Silly!!

We're both only 1 years old!!! Way too young for wine, so we tasted water...
It was a nice water, cool, from the inside house, so we tasted each other's bowls then took off for play time. That guy is FAST so we run a LOT at his house. He's a Welsh Terrier and a good pal.

I liked this sandwich joint that made turkey pastrami reubens for us at a festival
 It's fun to get out and smell different smells. I also played hard with a booth keeper's dog, we're the same age and wanted to get our teeth on each other!!! I sure wish she lived closer, but anytime you get to play you should do it! 
So I do! 
Don't worry about the next time, just have fun THIS time!!!

Am I right?  

So Mama asked me to say, if you want to do a like post, to let her know and she'll add your link in. 

Whatever that means! I'm just Milo the super poodle! And I gotta go rearrange my toy box, so you just sit! Stay! And visit these guys!


Minou's Minute  

linking to
Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday Awe Mondays
Pink Saturday!
Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. the sewing tutu is a super cool invention!!!! we are with Milo, we want to see dogs, dogs,dogs. Poodles and terrier the more the merrier right?

  2. Another fun post! I love those old history books with lots of pictures too. I just joined a Facebook group all about the history of towns and cities (in SD) and have been really the old photos from across the state.

  3. Love all the dogs! Apparently Holly got in some yucky muddy water while I was away at the quilt show and had to have a hosepipe shower in the backgarden. I wondered why her fur was soft and fluffy. Soft and fluffy doesn't last though.
    Amazing the second bloom of the amaryllis. I think we are done with the real hot weather here, or I could try putting mine out.
    How interesting to have pelicans in a local park in the middle of the Country! I thought they would only be on the coasts or maybe the Great Lakes.
    I have my post up now.

  4. Milo's friends are adorable! I love windmills and old books!And pelicans!!! We have pelicans at the beach but I haven't seen any yet. Another great post of likes!

  5. How fun to have the windmills in your neighborhood! I love seeing the pelicans in the lakes around here when we are out walking. Sometimes there are bunches of them all together! Fun to see Milo and Bobbin meet!

  6. Loved hearing Laura Nyro; hadn't ever heard of her, so thanks!

  7. Oh, those stacker things are really nice and that windmill is pretty! Hey Milo, you sure did enjoy that cool drink of water! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. I love old photographs too. I may wander over to Sam's Club for a look at those storage containers.

  9. Love that you got to have some fun doggy play dates. Milo looks happy! So sad about the schnauzer!

  10. I'm off to listen to that music...sounds wonderful! Have a FUN day!

  11. I hated history as a kid, but finally developed an appreciation for it in college. You came across some nifty finds this week! Love them all.

  12. It's nice to meet someone IRL, I've tried twice with no success. I love how the dogs are talking to each other, the little one must be Italian, lol. Very clever tutu sewing kit, I just got a large sewing box and it was really tough finding one I liked even a little bit. Very cool old fashioned windmill.

  13. Hi LeeAnna! Oh my goodness - I l.o.v.e. that picture of Milo and Bobbin! How cute is that - she's talking with her paws!! I always enjoy the Milo moments. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. Oooooh, there's nothing better than a large moving food delivery system, when will they have one for felines??
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver & Te Tribe of Five

  15. Sweet to see that Milo met an online friend. Bobbin is cute! Thanks for linking up this week and every week!!!

  16. Hi LeeAnna,
    They still make them! Those windmills! I always think of those type in metal, whaen it's really warm, and there is a light in those old fashioned fims! when you see those round balls of..?.. rolling by!
    The tutu for a jar is a great idea!
    Fun likes today! Pelicans!
    Thanks for the music tip!
    have a great weekend!

  17. I enjoyed listening to Laura while I read your post! Love old photos too! That sewing tutu is neat! Milo and Scout have another thing common, they love other dogs! :)

  18. ...a windmill in the 'hood' interesting.
    ...I sure love history.
    ...pelicans are something that you would not find here.
    ...Laura Nyro is new to me doing this cover.
    thanks for stopping by!

  19. What a clever tutu-I love that it won't make me look fat. 😆 Glad Milo is finding lots of fur-iends to play with. Stay hydrated little boy.

  20. What a fun visit you have given me today. (I like Thursdays, too . . just sayin') Your likes are fabulous.

  21. Love that first photo...and the pelicans at the lake too!

  22. Hello, I like the windmill, that sounds like a fun photo project. It is great to meet online friends in person. It is wonderful Milo has playdates. I love the white pelicans too, wonderful sighting. Fun post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  23. Milo makes great friends never seen stackers before

  24. I used to love to watch pelicans fly low over the surf when I lived in California. - Margy

  25. You have a whole lot of awww in this post and you got to meet a fellow blogger too. It's wonderful to meet blogger buddies.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Milo. My best to your mom. ♥

  26. I very much enjoyed your post today....and Milo's contribution. There's a tree in a big field in our town that I've always toyed with the idea of photographing it all four seasons. I hope I get to it before it dies! I bet Milo would love to play with Cabo. He's 3/4 Poodle and 1/4 Golden Retriever. They would probably love water tasting events a lot!

  27. I like your Windmill! Looks like you are having a great time - and Milo - crazy dog - what fun!

  28. Dancing in the Street is my favorite on that record. :-) Milo is so right -- enjoy the time now.

  29. Gosh, lots of sights and sounds there, something for everyone and every dog and his pals.
    Toodle pips

  30. Turkey sandwich? OOOh I love the idea. Summer was made for this YUM!!!!

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  31. I have never heard of Laura, but she has a lovely voice! The sandwiches sound yummy! I need to find our way to our city food trucks.

  32. Interesting post!
    Thanks for linking up with the "Travel Tuesday" meme.

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