
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Getting out of your head...?

Sometimes I sits and thinks sometimes I just sit

I told friends I'd spend at least a month recovering from this move/both moves/the whole year.
I said I earned a nervous breakdown, and I'd have it just as soon as we were settled in. Well, as most people know, there's no time for it now either since there are boxes to open, things to find, always something to sort through. 
Sit and stare time. Recovery. Porch-with-magazine-and-glass-of-tea  time. 

I've had some short periods of that. I figure it's gonna drag out if I don't find a way to spend a few weeks doing nothing (laughing out loud snorting) so I open a box and try to find a place to put things so they make sense and I can remember where I put them. 
Yesterday I found my 52 lists for happiness book

 and didn't want to do the next exercise, shhh don't tell, I went on to this one:
which says, list the things that get you out of your head. 
I tried, I really did. But... I am pretty much a thinker, and always think, and it's rare to not think. 
You see my list which is pretty short. And I mention walking around an old town but usually I start thinking about life when it was built, and how it looked and felt, and well, back in my head. 

What do you think they mean by out of your head? 

When I paint I am pretty much just doing it. Maybe that's what they mean. Playing with color, one next to another, watching them move across the paper or fabric, blend, bleed, live. 

When I sew random scraps together I can go there, sort of free thinking at least. 

I wonder if they mean, gets you out of your "regular rut of circular thinking/worrying/planning" 

I love TV and use it as a companion in the house. Except not here. I let the silence surround me here for some reason. Or I turn the cable to a music channel but usually it's the '70's and then there I am thinking and remembering what I did when the song came out. (careening around a disco floor doing the merange in my Candie's platform mules I suspect) 

So I understand distractions. I understand the value of meditation (if the monkey brain will allow it) and kind of know what they are going for. The follow up exercise is to:
Well, after we do the things that need doing this week, I hope to 
get out of my head

I think Milo is a thinker too
 What do you think??? Talk to me! 
Love and peace, LeeAnna 


  1. I often do the same when I sit only there whikle listening to some music of the past... so much memories came back, but sadly not only the good ones...sigh... I think I have a kind of fall blues... ;O((((

  2. i think it means breathe deeply......

  3. I am also one who has the TV on in the background as a companion in my house. I need that background noise in order to concentrate. I think you could set a goal of one box per day! I often reward myself for finishing a task I don't want to do - with something I really DO want to do. And like most people, I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to getting into my own head.

  4. Yeah Milo looks like a thinker that enjoys the time in his head. It's cool you do anything with your happiness book so don't beat yourself up. I'd go on my porch right now but there is a very weird little hippie neighbor out there causing a ruckus and swinging on the big willow tree.

  5. I think getting out of your head means getting out of the usual thinking wheel. Like you, I'm rarely not thinking. Love the vision of you, Candies, and the dance floor!
    I'd go to a talk or meeting. Try a museum docent walk/talk. But that's me.

  6. I think writing "worries" down is supposed to move them from active thought to "away". As a fellow thinker, this does not work for me very well. However, a mantra of "I can handle this" does. I think this is an alternate way of pushing the thought out of your head. We are all very different so isn't it good there are various approaches for us to consider. Do hope you feel settled in your new home soon.

  7. When I'm especially overwhelmed, it's hard for me to focus (that's the current state lately 🤨). I'm trying to step back more so things can be viewed rather than everything flying by at break-neck speeds. Sometimes it's good to just do nothing and watch squirrels, eh Milo?
    Note to self: Do more deep b.r.e.a.t.h.i.n.g.

  8. I believe you've earned some porch-with-a-magazine-and-wine time! I can empathize and sympathize with you. I have a difficult time getting out of my head too. I should grab Cabo and his leash and head out for a long walk. That's what I should do..........

  9. Getting out of my head usually involves throwing myself into something else, I guess. Reading or sewing or meditation or something.

  10. To me, 'getting out of your own head' means to stop worrying about things that might not happen. It also means to turn the focus from myself onto others. Being outside in nature always does it for me. And also, blogging has been effective - as sad as it is to say, someone out there in our community is always having a worse day than me - that perspective is a great wake-up call!

  11. I think Angie said it well...not worrying, shifting focus.

    My reaction was "live in the moment," but I like the way you think about the stories an old town carries. I'm not sure that would qualify as "living in the moment," but I think it does enrich the moment. So...back to not worrying, shifting focus.

    TV does for me; so does reading. I guess I like things that actively engage my mind. I don't necessarily get out of my head when out walking!
