
Thursday, July 26, 2018

I Like Thursdays #99 shops, festivals, and more

Welcome to this week's list of likes! Today I have a mix of cute random stuff, so grab a cup of tea, maybe pet your flamingo, and let's get started!

I Liked these Enormous flamingo sculptures at a garden shop in  Ft. Collins this past weekend.

Around the house, I like the container store pull out shelves DH installed in the bottom of each kitchen cabinet
I liked finding this cow spinner in a box, from a trip to  Rehoboth Beach MD
He keeps getting blown down because we live in a dang wind tunnel.
I liked meeting Emma in the hood...

And Milo loves this little girl who is his age and we must set up a play date
They get along great and would be running partners if their peeps would get out of the way! On the way to Ft. Collins

we stopped in Loveland at Stitches and stuff Quilt  (find them here!) store
Great owner, great supplies and atmosphere! The owner especially likes English paper piecing and has everything to do a project, and ahem, I bought a cool kit to do something later. She welcomed Milo the good in while I shopped...
He likes a good scrap project too, and pulled a scrap out of the pile they were giving to a dog bed making group!

We headed to Ft. Collins next and found a charming mix of art and high end flea market booths, gourmet food, soaps, and people.I've been having trouble with my back, and this was a level place to walk around. We try to do something new each weekend.
I took time to chat to this artist about her work and process...
She developed her technique/style from a love of fabric! She always loved fabric but did not like to sew... hmmmm..... interesting isn't it?  To take a medium I use and do this with it...

She uses acrylic paint, and thick medium to crumple fabric onto canvas, creating rich texture.

I asked if she stayed to muslin, and she said nope! Prints, burlap, cheesecloth, etc.

Also rocks, beads, metal, and other mixed media are incorporated. Her studio is kind of a mess she said.

Rocks, paint, and more

 she has a youtube channel (HERE)  with 59 videos on how to do what she does!!! How generous!

After the festival we walked around the historic town and shopped. What fun we had and I'll show you some cool stuff I found.

I liked this book on America's immigrants (that means every one of us if you go back in time)

My birth mother was from Germany and my birth father was from Italy. My adoptive parents were from Georgia and Alabama so I didn't know my roots growing up.

I liked this mosaic floor and tin goats at a store front

beautiful curved quilt stand
ceramic treasures
salt and pepper shakers, and the flask "I used to drink, but that was 4 hours ago"
from all the flamingo booty, they must be "IN" right now!
This little cutie was on the clearance shelf, must have been too expensive for a broken, repaired item, or I would have bought it. And put it where I have no idea, but isn't it adorable??!
words to live by. Or, maybe be a flamingo amidst other flamingoes since they are fun and pink!
it's why people are coming here according to many
clever business name! 
Milo here... after we walked my poor poodle paws off, we had to finish the day at another quilt shop!
This time
We went in and lookie who greeted me! Whee! Parker! A rescue shepherd who shepherded me upstairs for a romp. Boy he was a fun dude and we would have run all over that shop if the peeps hadn't gotten in the way (again)
Anyway, it was good to meet him, and we chatted while the peeps chatted.
After that we almost went to Wyoming! but stopped at this visitors center for info on future trips
Lee Anna: I liked the painted horse and view of the mountains in the distance.
I liked our sky view later that evening too
When I start painting on fabric again, when I can find my fabric and paints, I plan to use this as inspiration.

Milo's moments
 Hi y'all! Here I am surveying my domain. Yes, I'm King of the Poodles. The little Poodle Prince!
Mama told me a story about the olden days when she was a young pup. When she and her friends saw a VW bug they gave each other a little play punch on the arm, "punch buggy!"

I play a game like that and Mama hates it, heh heh.
I call it "punch bunny"
Every time I see a bunny, or, er, sometimes a rock I think is a bunny, I stop! I stalk it! I YANK the leash to chase it! Punch bunny mama!

she is not amused.
I can't help it, they are so darn cute and fun to chase so I do chase them in the back yard.
How do those things squeeze out of the little squares on our fence?

Anyway, I always like pretty much everything so there! Prince of Poodles! I like that title!

Stay and visit mama's friends keeping their own lists of likes this week. Make Mama happy and join us okay?

what the world needs now is love


letting go the bay leaf 

musings of a menopausal melon
Minou's Minute

linking to these parties:
Pink Saturday!
http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade


  1. I would buy this two giant berds immediately... I still miss my shame-mingo... snitched after only one meeeean ;O)

  2. Hi LeeAnna,
    Oh what a fabulous sunset. And Milo and his new friends look like they will have great fun. Mr. Parker is a beautiful shepherd - I can imagine they would have had a fabulous romp had the people just stayed out of the way! Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Oh I like Sara Bareilles! And can you give me a little detail on the pull-out shelves? We have one custom-designed (by my husband to be narrower) IKEA kitchen cabinet that something like that would be perfect. I LOVE what you said about us (Canadians too) all being immigrants except for Indigenous peoples. So many of our ancestors fled their countries because of persecution: pogroms, concentration camps, civil unrest/wars, seizing of property, walls being built...hmm much like the poor Central America and Mexico people of today. How wonderful that Milo got to go in not one but two quilt shops, and chat with a canine friend! :-)

  4. OMGosh, those flamingos! But more than that, those pull out shelves!! I need those so bad. Time to set up a little project for the hubby. You had a fabulous week.

  5. Nice post. It is really interesting. Thanks for sharing the post!
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  6. That fiber artist using the crumpled fabric and media looks great. What an interesting idea. I'm always wonderfully surprised when I see things like that that are new to me. Cool!

  7. Pretty much the whole post made me smile over and over again with each picture. Love, love the fiber artist's work. Wow!!

  8. I like your adventures...and Milo's post. Biologically, I am of United Kingdom ancestry, with a little French.

  9. So glad you found so many things to like up here! I'll have to go back to Stitches - I can't believe I have only gone in there once.

  10. Hooray, more mingos! Hey Milo, don't you think Emma has a sweet smile? Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Yes, I think you're right - flamingos are in - I see them everywhere! And I would like to be a flamingo among other flamingos … have you ever heard the "Pretty Flamingo" song by Bruce Springsteen? We listen to Bruce all the time because my hubby is a big fan, and I always think of you when I hear it. Thanks for hosting, and enjoy your weekend.

  12. I love, love, love flamingos. My favorite. I've got many flamingos.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  13. Hi LeeAnna,
    What fun! I wonder if they have slugs that big?
    Drew, sliding shelves in the kitchen! Brilliant! I have to copy that idea!
    You guys had a great day out!

  14. Llama! Lots of neat stuff. I like that floor and the fiber artist.

  15. Love the flamingos and that quilt shop, wow!

  16. That was fun. I'll be in Fort Collins in four weeks to visit my son. Did you go to the Fig Leaf quilt shop while you were there?

  17. Lots of fun likes! Milo is so handsome and he still has a lot of his black color! Lucky you! Everyone thinks Scout is an old dog until she stops hopping around (punch bunny= what a hoot! :D )

  18. Great post. I like your likes, you get out an about. I don't always do that. I must do that more. I am totally lost in time though.

  19. That is surely an inspirational skyscape!

  20. ...'take time to create.'
    ...'be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.'
    just a couple of the neat things you have today. Thanks for the visit and enjoy your week.

  21. The Emma photo...brought me a smile! Loved all the finds, great pretty knick-nacks at this wonderful shop. The pull-out shelves, oh yes...could use those! And the painted horse was awesome.

  22. Love those flamingo ceramic statutes. Soooo cute.

  23. That's such a beautiful sky with great colors. Perfect for inspiration!! Have a great weekend.

  24. Oh my goodness-you're in flamingo heaven. Colorado Pot in a box. LOL. I sure would like that pull out shelf. Great post. Have a fun weekend. mary

  25. Flamingos - Painted Horses and the cutest bulldog ever . . .
    you are wealthy . . .

  26. This is indeed a colorful post, replete with shadows.

  27. Can Emma and Milo be friends, I think his handsomeness might balance out Emma's you know, special cuteness.
