
Thursday, June 7, 2018

I Like Thursday #92 Events,Chalk, flamingos, shoes and a poodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes... the above picture is from my post on the chalk festival last weekend in Denver. 200 artists got down on the street and made temporary art with chalk for us to enjoy  That Post with lots of fun pictures is HERE

I liked this festival t-shirt
I didn't spend the $25 bucks on it but I liked it

I liked the drink samples they gave away
Moscow Mules
Yes it had a kick... lol.... ginger ale and grain alcohol... luckily we only got a tiny sip

I liked going into stores along Larimer Square and saw this t-shirt
Good thing...
This display caught my eye... what is that chain made of???
 Guess I also like bottle cap chains

 I like snoozy dogs waiting for their people to have lunch...

It was hot hot hot this day but not too bad in the shade. This pup just eyed me but didn't raise her head, her person said she is nervous so he tries to introduce her to a lot of situations so she will grow in confidence.

I liked the cool unusual shoes in here...
A selfie, shoes and a festival....
.. as well as how the selfie shows us, the window display and the art festival behind us!!!
Love this picture! (we spontaneously combusted shortly after this was taken lol)

all made by the same designer

I liked the display of rice crispy treats and how large they were... no we didn't get one. Most marshmallows are made with corn syrup and I'm allergic to corn,
 I found these at Trader Joe's this week!
Whee! I can eat these made with sugar and tapioca starch,  and they are delish. Now the world of recipes with marshmallow is open to me!

I also liked the dish my husband got for me...
Did you think you were getting out of here without a flamingo? Silly...

I like the roses we got at Trader Joe's too... lovely shade of pink!
In my valentine vase, they look so pretty and lasted for over a week!
Wonder how many shades of pink to lavender there are in them? My inner artist wants to know

Please check out the chalk festival post as it's just chock-a-block full of cool images!

Now for Milo's moment...

Hi Y'all! I liked that Mama and Daddy left me in my cool crate while they galavanted in the heat and crowds this weekend. When they came home we had a grand walk and I played with my friends. I like that the neighborhood kids all yell my name when I walk by, and come out to pet me.

I love baby feet, don't you?

I know we're moving again, but for now I was elected CEO of the
 "Stick Relocation Project" 
 in my 'hood.
Here I am choosing the latest stick to relocate...

what's that old saying, walk softly and carry a big stick?
Well, this is awkward. I'm normally VERY graceful. On this job I accidentally nicked Mama's leg and plowed into Daddy. Well they shouldn't get so close. They seem obsessed with that short leash, I am a BIG BOY now and don't need no stinkin leash to hold me back.
Maybe I need it sometimes, to keep track of my people so they don't wander off.

Sometimes in my role as CEO I have to make the hard decisions like whether to relocate a wild branch or mulch it "in situ"
It's a big job but someone has to do it and with my ENORMOUS Poodle Teeth, I'm the poodle for the job.

Now if my paw-rents would settle down enough to let me mulch it is another problem for another day. I can only solve one problem a day. I'm only one poodle!

Now sit, stay and read about other likes from our friends...



linking to some of these
Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday  Our World Tuesday

  http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays



  1. Hi LeeAnna,
    That chalk art festival looks really COOL and fun. So many talented people! Wow, that is a lot of bottle caps to make that rope. Who even has metal bottle caps any more?? That flamingo dish is so darn cool!! And Milo is doing an excellent job as CEO of stick moving. I am not surprised at all! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. The chalk art festival really looked amazing! Glad you found those marshmallows at Trader Joe's, too. The roses are an amazing color - I've really been enjoying seeing all the roses blooming wherever we go right now.

  3. I love seeing all the great places of Colorado through your posts. There was a huge chalk festival in the City of Bountiful, here in Utah, just a couple of weeks ago. So colorful....

  4. Cool Selfie! I think I saw a photo of Christa Watson at Spring Market with those type of shoes on in different colors! They remind me of Wizard of Oz for some reason. fun.

  5. I love those orange white and grey shoes! So fun! I hope you guys didn't suffer too many ill effects from the heat!

  6. The festival looks wonerful!! I love that t-shirt! Scout keeps trying to sneak toys OUT of the house and sticks INTO the house. SHEESH!

  7. Wow a bottle cap chain. I am going to assume it was heavy. Cute shirts, LOL Mule huh? Cute shoes. Great pic of the window with you two, and the art festival. Um Milo, Bobbin has taken to bringing in sticks and mulching them too. In my living room.

  8. The chalk art is fabulous and I enjoyed the rest of your week.

  9. Some really cool stuff! I once knew a girl who had a closet full of shoes not unlike that collection! No Prob-Llama! Loved it!

  10. I giggled at the stick relocation project -- go Milo! There is a chalk festival here every year, too ... amazing what the artists can do with chalk!!!

  11. Those shoes were colorful and fun! What a fun festival. With the wind around here, Milo should have a 'wagnificent' collection of sticks getting blown around from trees. Have fun, sweet boy!

  12. You are having some pretty cool trips out at the moment. Those shoes are wild - didn't you want to buy some?

  13. The chalk festival looks like fun. Love the shoes, but doubt I would actually wear any of them. The roses are beautiful! Love Milo!

  14. That chalk drawing really is super cool. Hey Milo, good job with the sticks! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. I love that shirt! I LOVE llamas! I think we need one here on the farmette, but the hubs thinks not! lol Thanks for linking up today!

  16. My gosh the talent is just endless isn't it though. Marshmallow, ahh; someone sent me a link for Peeps on fb this week so my love of marshmallow is getting out there. That rose is perfection! There's so much to see on your walkabouts.

  17. ...neat, neat stuff, I wonder if they have shoes in my size? Thank for sharing, have a special weekend.

  18. So many good likes! And you always have such fun photos. Those shoes! And the flamingo! And yay for marshmallows you can eat. :-)

  19. Yippee for Trader Joe's! I wish we had one near us! Those pink roses look absolutely divine!

  20. I have a corn allergy too! Their marshmallows are the best.
    Love the bottle caps!

  21. Thanks for taking us along to this fun place - love the chalk art - so amazing. I love that the artists put so much work into such temporary beauty, just to make other's happy! Oh, those shoes are wonderful. I once had a pair of two-toned purple suede shoes when I was a young 'hippie' girl. I loved those shoes so much, I wore them out! Everyone needs a fun pair of shoes once in their life. Now it's just 'sensible' shoes for me at this age! Love Milo's stick relocation project. I could sure use his skills around here! Beautiful roses. x Karen

  22. Milo is best what joy the roses .i can smell them

  23. That chalk art is amazing! My boys would love those rice krispie treats (I don't like marshmallows so it never tempts me).

  24. The chalk festival looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing it with us and I always enjoy Milo's take on things.

  25. I've never seen a bottle cap chain. I think I like it.

  26. Oh, Milo, I enjoy reading your stories. That was one mighty stick you found. I also like your Mama's likes this week. Imagine chewing on those cute shoes and playing around with a bottle cap chain.

  27. Fun shots. Those roses are gorgeous.

  28. Love the chain made out of caps and the colour of these roses is so beautiful

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