
Friday, May 25, 2018

In the Pink

The color of the month at Rainbow Scrap Challenge is pink. I took an hour this week to play with my pink scraps as I could actually FIND my pink scraps! I made a dresden
and with the trimmings from the blade,  sewed together a flower
For fun I placed a turned-edge green stem and a purple heart on it. Of course after stitching the angled bits it was uneven so I quickly went along the outside with my pinking sheers.

Can't throw away anything so the cut offs from this
went into these, and I actually might not like the flowers better than the dresdens!
obviously I did the same with the yellow dresden cut offs. So pretty... wonder if they might go with my  practice painted birds into something??? For now they decorate the design wall
For more improv flowers and discussion of technique see Flower show HERE

linking to
Esther's blog Wednesdays 
Let's be social Wednesdays 
sew stitch snap share
 Free motion by the River Tuesdays    

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
sew can do mondays
Pink Saturday!
 scrap happy Saturdays
sewcanshe Saturdays


  1. I love how you used thepurple heart... brilliant idea... and pink is great... no wonder that aerosmith honored this fab color with a song ;O)

  2. I can't believe what you did there! So cool. I love dresdens but those flowers are a great new idea.

  3. Hi LeeAnna,
    Those are so cool! Love the new flowers! Would look great on a quilt!

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous! xx

  5. Love your little Dresdens! Do you use a special ruler to cut the blades? Making the flowers with the leftover pieces is such a fun, creative idea, too!

  6. Love the Dresdens! And the flowers look so happy, too. Why wouldn't they go with the birds? Seems right to me! :)

  7. In my book, you can never go wrong with pink. 🌸

  8. So pretty and original !! You'd asked about my Canterbury Bell Flowers...I am PA and this perennial has come back two years thus far :)

  9. You can't go wrong with those bright pinks. Beautiful Dresdens!

  10. The little flowers are charming! And they need friends in more colors. So cute!

  11. Lovely scrappy flowers - you need a whole garden full.

  12. I can just imagine these flowers in a whole garden!

  13. So sweet! The little Dresdens could mix just fine with the flowers.

  14. Seriously - I love how you "play"! Your Dresdens are so pretty (really, I need to make some!) and your flowers? So pretty!

  15. Beautiful flowers, and a very creative way to use leftovers! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  16. You're working with my favorite color today! Love how you made the flowers

  17. Pretty. Great use for scraps.
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty link Party. Pinned.

  18. love love love the spin off flowers!

  19. Beautiful! I really, really love the flowers Leeanna!

  20. The pink fabrics in the dresden are amazing. But those flowers... WOW! Those are stunning!


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