
Thursday, April 26, 2018

I Like Thursday #86

Welcome to this week's list of likes! Mad Tea party edition!
This party is going on outside our library. That will be my first like because ...
I Like our library
 It's large and modern... look at the magazine area... easy chairs, big fireplace
 I like the "bookends" next to the mantle. If you like, you go out the french doors to this area
sit in a rocker, and on a clear day, unlike this one with snow all day long, you see a magnificent view of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Take my word for it, it's taken my breath away a few times.
The library is the new town center with so many activities. I enjoyed the kid's drawings all around the sidewalks leading to the front door.
 Let the party continue with this fun wheel cover...
 Kind of makes me want to do a Halloween quilt... wonder if the martini leaks through when he drinks?? Party on Dude.
We've toured so many homes most look just alike but this one had some cool stuff...
Pretty lavender pillow

Pretty black shiny backsplash!

We don't know but it's an old house so we thought maybe a closed circuit tv monitor? Wonder if you can play pacman on it... lol
pretty entry table

pretty bird on a pretty screen

I must say, I wanted this screen. So beautiful with lots of movement and nice crossing swirls.
Very inspirational, no?
I liked the view from our walk this week. We went from 75F to all day snow
little snowballs, like styrofoam pellets
I like the new harness we are inflicting on our draft horse baby Milo
Milo: Finally they stopped yanking on my neck. Oh that never stopped me but I felt like they were being pretty bossy so I pulled even harder on the leash. This thing is kind of like a hug. 

LeeAnna: ahem, if you don't mind, it's still my turn

I also liked seeing this old hack of a truck in Aqua 
Cool, man!
Now it's your turn Milo
MILO: finally! Hi Y'all, BOL! I've got so many likes this week... most of all I likes the ladies. I've been collecting a harem around here. There's Jumble, and Blossom, and Carley, and this little number who is the youngest at about 6 months...Noelle
She's a doodle! I like that her Dad and my Mama and Daddy yakkity yakked while we played leaving us alone to have a good time. We both stuck around them, just so they didn't wander off but we mostly played "my teeth are bigger" don't you love that game? It's my favorite next to "grab and run" and "chase me"
I like that the dining room table shrunk so's I can see what's on offer up there now...
Heyyyyy have you been eating like that all this time? Where's your kibble bowl?
Apparently the pawrents are eating like kings on that thing.
Well now that I know that, you can bet I'll be right there touching their arms to remind them they have a hungry growing poodle who would like to be a gourmet. More cream cheese is always better.

I liked finding 5 balls in the park this week! So I tried them all out... chased each one... figured out the rolling to bounce ratio on each of them, weighed the colors against each other, tasted them all (results, they taste the same) (like humans have touched them) and chose two to take home.
I Made up a new game. Chase the ball, bring it back then roll over for your human to wrestle it outta your mouth. HA! AS if a mere human could win over the enormous poodle teeth! Mama cheated and tickled my feet causing me to drop it.

I got her back though. At home I'd go get the ball, and drop it on her foot while she was watching the talky talk tv. Heh heh
That's it for this paw-pisode, now SIT! STAY! and clickety click on the links mama puts in so's you can read other Paw-sitive blog post by her friends!
New today is:

 1 . .http://3poodlesandanana 

2 craftscaviescontras


linking to some of these

Make My Saturday Sweet @ Amanda’s Books and More
Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday  Our World Tuesday

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
lovelaughquilt.mondays http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays  



  1. Milo is too funny. SUCH energy! I love how he thinks the table has shrunk and 'where's your bowl?' That screen sure is pretty!! And well, welcome to the Rockies, where you get four seasons in one day! Hope 'the' house comes to you soon my friend. (I have a post up today; it's the end of another month egad)

  2. That's a pretty fancy library! And, what a view. That screen is so delicate and sweet. Enjoyed this post! mary in Az

  3. Hi LeeAnna and Milo,
    I hope Milo picked the yellow ball to take home - that one really stands out in the grass and snow. Your library looks FABULOUS. Geez, I would go visit it just to sit in those rockers (when it wasn't snowing) or in those comfy furniture. That TV - it has to be from the 50s or 60s. I wonder if it still works? Any luck finding a house yet? I guess I shouldn't ask as you would certainly tell us and start moving. Milo is quite the little player isn't he, with all of his girl friends. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Hahahaha Milo is adorable! I love your library!!! Have a great day!

  5. Looks like a wonderful library. I'm very glad that libraries are reinventing themselves so well. I've always felt at home in a library. Guess that's because I love being surrounded by books.

  6. Your library is gorgeous! And the view! Our's doesn't have a view but it does have a fireplace. :) Love the bird screen and that aqua truck!!! Reminded me of my Uncle Art. Milo is adorable!

  7. I'm so glad you shared the pretty pillow and screen. I love them both!

  8. A lovely library to spend some much needed reading time. I am joining in on your Thursday blog prompt!

  9. I love that Alice in Wonderland statue! I've always loved those books, and just re-watched my favorite movie version (a tv version from the 80s) the other day. So cool! I love our library too, though I confess I mostly check out digital e-books and audiobooks. I love that they have that service. And your library is really lovely!

    Milo looks to be having lots of fun, so cool that he plays and plays with the other dogs. My Bentley still likes to play, but Bullett is turning into a bit of a tetchy old man. Still likes to be snuggled and petted, but doesn't like to be stepped on or roughhoused or whammed into.

    1. I know how he feels! I don't like getting jostled either. Older dogs want to mill around sniffing with others not have some whippersnapper pulling on their ears!

  10. I love our library, too - they have done such a good job these days of making libraries a place you really want to go and hang out! You always see fun things wherever you go - the eye of an artist. Love the picture of Milo all sprawled out with the ball in his mouth! He finds fun wherever he goes!

  11. So very cool. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I love libraries, and you are blessed to have such a wonderful one!
    Hello Milo!

  13. That does look like an awesome library


  14. Ah yes, switchable weather spring in the Rockies. It looks like you're seeing some lovely homes. As the weather warms, I'll be walking through Open Houses around the 'hood. Always gives me interesting ideas and a few "hmm...wonder what they were thinking about here" moments.

  15. That Tea Party is very cool and so it that tummy Milo! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. Wow! What a library! I am glad they did the view to the mountains windows. Love the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

    Hey Milo, it is great fun to chew a very small super bouncy ball that your Mamma thinks you might choke on. Strengthens your jaw!--Holly.

  17. Always fun to see what Milo is up to. Gorgeous views and the library is a stunner! I'd love to "party" there!

  18. That library hardly looks like a library! Last summer my daughter and I made a point to visit each of the 20 libraries in our county. It was so fun and interesting to see how the location determined the style and overall feel of the library.

  19. The Mad Hatter's Tea Party sculpture is really cool (pricey, too, I bet). Looks like a wonderful library. My thought seeing Milo with the ball in his mouth was "Oh no, Milo, don't swallow that one or Mama will really be mad." There's been a lot of crazy weather everywhere this year. We had mid-70's two days ago, snow flurries forecast for Saturday, and then near 80 next week.
    Good luck with the house hunting.

  20. I always like a harness for dogs. Much better than a collar. Your library is awesome! We have a new "ish" one, but it is small, for our small town. Thanks for linking up today!

  21. Milo,
    We are jealous that you an reach the table without jumping up on it. We felines get yelled at when we jump on the dining room table. It's so much easier to saunter up to it and lay your head down!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver and The Tribe of Five

  22. LOL. Love Milo's comments. Fully jealous of your library. How delightful.

  23. Love your library! It's beautiful. And those house interiors were awesome. Fun times with Milo too!

  24. Fantastic library! Your furry friends is so cute, too!

  25. ...what a great sculpture.
    ...neat library!
    ...keep on partying! the old Ford.
    ...thanks for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  26. LOVE that library -- so clean and open. Those houses that all look alike? They're just blank canvases waiting for you and hubby to make them your own (with Milo's help).

  27. What a super cool library ! And those mountains.. Gorgeous! I had to look twice I thought that was a double of Milo - soooooo cute !

  28. As a former librarian, I was amazed when I visited my two adult children in Colorado and visited their libraries. WOW oh WOW. Even the smallest towns had fabulous libraries. They are way ahead of most of the country. I am late for I Like Friday - had full days of babysitting and not time for computer til now. Got a bit in on my latest post. Milo is such a doggie character. Blessings,

  29. LOL _ I meant I Like Thursdays in my previous post.

  30. That Tea Party is very cool and so it that tummy Milo! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
    ผ่านเว็บ B2BET

  31. Hello, I like your Library too. Cute sculpture. Milo is a friendly dog, great photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  32. What a great library. The pups are sweet too.

  33. Love the library and Alice in Wonderland sculptures and your sweet doggies! Fun photos!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  34. I love the library, enjoyed the tour and, of course, loved Milo! Our Bonnie-Belinda now wears a harness for walking, although she doesn't enjoy the putting-on of it. I keep telling her it would be much easier if she would cooperate, and she is starting to learn that...a little bit. She lets me put one paw through, but she somehow gets the second leg to go completely limp, and I have to wrestle it into the harness. I feel better that she's harnessed, though. She used to pull on the leash and it wasn't good for her neck, as you and Milo both know!
    Such fun to visit you two.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  35. Your Milo is a humdinger. :-) I like the bird screen, too. Got me wondering how I could make something like that. And, your library, oh my gosh! to get to sit outside and read while there.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  36. Absolutely love the library. Milo seems like a real character :-)

  37. I haven't been to the library in years. We don't have one very close to our house. Yours looks very nice!
