
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Weather" extremes Colorado edition, and an old town called Elizabeth

These are images from this past weekend when the February weather in Colorado was in the 70's and sunny.
We went to open houses, had an outdoor lunch at Panera complete with iced tea (I'm from the South)
Milo enjoyed his socialization exercise of greeting lots of people... Panera has a good greek salad of fresh greens, quinoa, and we ask to have chicken on it. It's a great meal with a fresh baguette.
We shopped for Milo's upcoming birthday while we were out, and I'll show you more March 1 when my baby turns a year old! (who knew any of us would survive his puppyhood)
We walk around neighborhoods with homes for sale, to test drive them. It was quite windy but warm. This guy gave us quite a surprise...
Another black standard guard poodle on the job. Milo skittered past his fence quickly.
We wanted to know what the land and the commute would be like if we moved south to Elizabeth so we took a little drive out and didn't fall in love. We did however discover the old town of Elizabeth, built up along the railroad tracks around 1900. It's small but quaint, and gave me a sense of the Western feel of Colorado from the early settler days.
The days when a cluster of public buildings and shops lined a main street
Because so much of Colorado was centered around gold rush, there had to be a bank, and this one was small but really pretty
Can't you imagine living on this prairie, going into the bank and running into some friends. It would be quite an outing to come to town.
You might even have a Saturday night bath first
Some of the shops were quite small and cosy,
They often have the American false tall flat fronts
I love architecture and history, and imagining walking around town in it's heyday.
Some of the buildings are taken over with the arts
some with antiques
just right outside after closing time... must be a trustworthy place
There are notices up to remind you this is still ranch country
"Adorable itty bitty mini pigs for sale"
A hat maker  step inside sit in the barber chair and get fitted for the right one...
Cowboy stuff is real stuff around here... oh and cowgirl stuff of course...
there was a cat on guard in this saddle and tack store
She meowed her alarm at the intrusion of a poodle nose on her window
I like the wreath outside one store
use what you have right?
I don't even know what this is on one of the tiny old buildings. I guess there wasn't a lot of wood with which to construct homes out here in 1900. Thing is, they are still standing, even if the paint is peeling
and the wood is showing it's age
It still harkens back to the days when riding into town was an event, a way to catch up on news, and do business, buy a yard of cloth, store your gold nuggets, buy a new saddle or rope. One had to rely on themselves to survive, but being social animals, we also had to rely on each other.
Imagine when the town was new. The prairie stretched forever open, the mountains loomed to the West both enticing some and repelling others. The sky was blue.

 I can imagine it.
Then Monday back to my new normal, snow all day, temps going from 70 down to Minus 8 F.

Milo says, well, I don't like to pee or poop back here anyway. It's way, waaaaaay too small for that.

DH shovels, and uses his new blower to try to clear the driveway, but we are among the precious few who do that around here.

A lot of people would have driven past the old town, but not us. DH has learned I want to walk and look and take pictures and get the sense of history of little areas like this. I think he secretly likes me to stop and point out odd details I notice. Did you enjoy the trip with us?

linking to

Our World Tuesday


  1. Wonderful shots! Looks like a nice town.

  2. love local history and wandering around - love Colorado hope you find the house you are looking for

  3. Super pics. Yes, loved this trip with you :)
    Have a great week!

  4. love it... I want an itty bitty minipig and a hat :O)
    it's sad that the spring promising weather from last week turned into snow much fun... here too, fortunately the 3 flakes melted away...

  5. Yes, I did enjoy the walkabout and pictures. We live "on the edge" of the west, so lots of similar main streets in small towns around here. And stores that sell hats and boots and saddles. We had snow again last night and it's now a bright sunny COLD day.

  6. Snow and -22C ! I remember those days well in the Canadian Rockies!
    I always enjoy your road trips!
    Outdoor lunch in February! then back to shovelling snow!
    Spring must be on its way!

  7. What great photos. An interesting town. That little box with the buttons is a lockbox - it likely holds a key for the place. I've never seen one installed on a wall, though!

  8. Well I would stop for the antique stores for sure. Looks like a great town.

  9. Certainly enjoyed this tour! This town is right up my alley - small enough not to be pretentious, but big enough for a good look 'round! Thanks for taking us along ....

  10. Very interesting little town. That picture has a lock box with a key inside it. Just enter the code and slide the center black button downward and the top comes off exposing the key. It's old school but not that old.

  11. I have been to Colorado only once. It was very nice.

  12. Such a fun trip, and love the architecture. I hear you. Hot, snow, snow, torrential rain.

  13. I absolutely love how you explore and share your journey!

  14. Exploring these areas will lead you to the perfect home. Good luck.
    We've had similar weather here: so warm for a couple of days and now freezing rain and flooding. I think I'd prefer snow.

  15. Leave it to you to find the quirky best everywhere you go. Loved your pix.

    Same crazy weather here in CT. Eight inches of snow on Saturday and now on Wed. it's 70 degrees, then cold again for the weekend.

  16. Great time for you, hubby and Milo and wonderful photos!

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Thank you for sharing this trip! Great photos, too. mary in Az

  18. wonderful photo's but the dog is my favorite ofcourse, having one myself... I would love to live in larger space so we could have more of them

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  19. I can honestly say I have not been to Elizabeth. The shame of it all. Looks like a charming cow town from yester-year.

  20. Looks to me like you're adjusting to your new surroundings - that's wonderful.

  21. Wow - that is an extreme temperature change! We've had the same, although not quite so harsh - in the 20's and snowing, when it was in the 60's two weeks ago. That's the west for ya! I loved visiting the little town with you. The shops look wonderful and very interesting. I liked your imaginings on life in the old west, too. I love reading books on pioneer days. Milo must love your adventures! xx K

  22. I have never been to Elizabeth either, so enjoyed your tour! We have definitely been having some extremes in the weather...

  23. I love that old town and that die for! Thanks for linking up today!

  24. Very cool town. Got a nice ol' West vibe going on!

  25. Looks like an interesting town to wander. Love the branches of the old tree. - Margy

  26. What a quaint little town Elizabeth is/was, thanks for taking us along!

  27. You have the knack of making me want to visit every place you go.

  28. Looks like you had a fun afternoon. Have a great week!

  29. Yeah, I heard about that town ... am getting hungry for the lunch you had! Love hoe they trimmed Milo's tail:):) He's (assuming it's a he) pretty tall -will get get bigger, or? Smiled about the "trusting" stores - quite an adjustment when you live in a bigger city. Thank you for sharing this delightful trip with All Seasons!

  30. I enjoyed the tour, thank you very much. Your description reminds me of being a child living in the country during the late 50s/early 60s. Going into town was a big thing to me, which meant combing my hair, putting on a going-to-town dress, and wearing shoes. :-)

  31. How interesting! Enjoyed seeing your photos.
    Thank you for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  32. Love the dog and tree shadow shot!

    Happy Week ahead to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
