
Thursday, February 1, 2018

I Like thursday #74 Lemons, quilting kits, scarf and a poodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes!
Let's start with lemons!
Lovely fresh lemons in a bowl I made as a teen, it's like a cabbage leaf. It's the perfect shape, size and color
Please notice the picture at the top and the brilliant shiny white highlights.
 Still life! As an artist, the way the sun reflected on the skins, sort of a square, a mottled square, intrigued me.

The most interesting part was looking at them in person, and not seeing the highlights. It wasn't til I saw the image that I noticed it. And it's strong but my eye didn't notice it. I thought the strong shadows were interesting, but only saw shiny not the distinct white highlights.

So, it tells me, that's why we add in certain elements to a composition. We assume a light source and exaggerate a shadow and highlight. Sometimes we feel it's too much, unnatural. Then I see this and say, nope! Real life.
Fresh lemons in one's water, in cooking, brighten a dish, smell heavenly and hold vitamins. Magic.
The clear colors of spring green, and golden yellow next to the dull yellow of the banana are a bonus.

I ordered a kit from connecting threads.

It was on clearance and Halloween.
I figured the fabrics came out to about $5 yard, it's enough for the whole shebang, and comes with a pattern.

All with free shipping and to my front door.

I ALWAYS love Halloween.

Now I need to find my sewing machine supplies...

I like getting children's books at the library. I admit when I placed a hold on this, I didn't realize it was a children's book lol. 

They are usually concise, easily read, full of facts and pictures and teach you facts quickly.
When I was undergoing regular allergy treatments with acupuncture, I used to stop by the library on the way home, and go up and down the aisles. I would pick a bood from each shelf til I had 10-12, sit at a table and read til I tired of it. A number of them were children's books on things like how a castle worked, or the orphan train.

I did it to avoid the allergens at home for a certain number of hours post treatment, but it opened my eyes to so much I would never have known.
I love my puppy.

He's almost 11 months old very tall and very skinny. He is persistent and wants a lot (read, A LOT) of attention. When I work at the computer, he comes over to see what's so doggone interesting!

Sometimes he just stands next to my chair and I drape my arm across his back to rub his tummy. Love.

He stands very still...

til he's full. Then he moves on...
It's amazing to me, that he looks like Cole for the most part, but his personality is so different. I tell people Cole was chill, like Cole Porter jazz. Milo should have been called Johnny Depp. OMG he's a handfull. If he were human, he'd be drinking shots and charming the pants off women, then jumping from airplanes, eating caviar, drinking champagne out of a high heel shoe, and playing baccarat.

I finished the scarf for dh...
I thought it would be shades of blue, but it's turqoise and blue and magenta.

In the ball of wool it appeared more blue. Life is full of surprises, no?

I'm finishing up the hat to go with now. One hank of yarn makes a scarf and hat, bought on sale at Michaels.

This week, I randomly looked at a new person's info after she left a comment. She had fave blogs listed, so I went to a random one and found this.... ain't life grand?
It makes my heart sing

I wrote a bonus LIKES post this week on my trip to a mountain craft show...
lots of fun pictures
Find it HERE!
and part two...
stuff I bought there!
find HERE!!
(some of you only come by on Thursdays so I thought you'd like to see the cool random photos!)

Milo always has a good time. He liked playing with this edible ball this week
Of course I was trying to throw it away, silly me! Thinking it was a dried up apple.
Oh No, Milo saw much more potential in it! He said, look Mama! It rolls, throw it! So I rolled it and he ran to fetch. Only when he picked it up he tasted something sweet. Something worth investigating... hmmm...
MILO: heyyyyyy, this isn't no ordinary ball-toy! Has this been here the whole time? Yum! So, I played with it, I hit it around with my big foot. I chased it, then sat down to chew it up like I do all my toys. Guess what? It tasted good, like food. So I ate half of it, until Mama got interested then I had to act like it didn't matter.

She threw it away just as it was getting good. Note to self, be really quiet about investigating new stuff.

LEEANNA: that's it for this week. Check out my two prior posts this week, and these fine people keeping their own cool lists of likes for the week! Join us sometime won't you? Let me know by email...

Please join these fine folks also listing things they liked this week,
1. .http://3poodlesandanana

11. pug mom did an  I Like post.
linking to some of these

Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday  Our World Tuesday

http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays 


  1. Hi LeeAnna and Milo! Great likes! Milo likes apples, Scout likes bananas. I'm so surprised by these two! Looks like a great quilt to make, your scarf is FAB! Cheers!

  2. Hi LeeAnna,
    I love Milo! What a sweet boy, standing and getting his love until he's full. That scarf turned out great - it looks nice and warm and soft. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Your bowl is it. Isn't it amazing when you take a picture and something captures your eye in the photo later? The shadow, the light? Milo is getting to be such a big boy. LOL Dogs are like people, no two are alike. Your scarf is great.

  4. The description of Milo is hysterical. Thanks for sharing that Hamilton story-it gives me hope for our society. Love the "blue" scarf! Thanks for including me and have a great day. mary in Az

  5. I can just picture Milo standing next to your desk while you work. LOL. My cat sleeps on my feet under my desk while I work - some days. He's nice and warm.

  6. As always, thanks for hosting this. Yay for lemons, happy pets, kids books and pretty scarves.

  7. I really like your green bowl of lemons, and the way the photo catches the light differently than what we might notice with our eyes. I also love children's books, especially having been an elementary teacher for so long. Over the years I found so many that were beautifully written and illustrated and my class could learn from. I loved reading aloud to the kids!

  8. I love older teen books especially adventure ones. you can get an awesome story without the diversionary relationship descriptions or angst.
    Such a long nose on your tall doggie! I love that he comes to see why you aren't doing anything 'interesting'. Our Pepper used to love fruit and veg. But Holly can't get her head round why anyone would think they are edible!

  9. Hi LeeAnna,
    Love the green bowl! and with the lemons!
    so much to find at a library!

  10. I come by to see Milo!!!!!!! Ha! I love children's books. Love the scarf ... great colors. Yellow is such a happy color. Love lemons!

  11. You really are a good one Milo! Hey, that scarf is very pretty. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. The scarf came out great. And your dog is adorable.

  13. Your green bowl is The perfect pairing with the lemons. The camera does not see the same as our eyes, I also found. I have colored glassware lighted with a Christmas white light string. M y pics did no show the bright shiny, only a lighter color, like the white on your lemons. I was really disappointed. Love Milo's antics.

  14. The lemon still-life is wonderful in your hand-made bowl. Love your pretty scarf, too. I like that they both gave you little surprises. Milo is so cute. Intelligent dogs are always a challenge.....wish they could talk! x K

  15. Love that scarf - looking forward to seeing the hat! Yes, is full of surprises...

    It's so cool how you get into Milo's head! You know, my dogs love fruits and veggies! Every time I'm cutting up veggies, they join me in the kitchen to get their fair share...

  16. I too love your Johnny Depp description of Milo. Yes, I'm always surprised by how distinctive dog's personalities are. I had two shihtzus and both were opposites in personality and one much smarter than the other though both loved to cuddle on my lap which I miss now.
    Love your eye for the interesting, as always.

  17. Great blog post! I always enjoy your spin on things.

  18. Mmmm, now I want some lemon bars. With a side of turquoise scarf and flamingos, please! Happy weekend!

  19. Thanks for joining in The Pet Parade!

    Best purrs

    Basil & Co xox
