
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Jack Frost and Milo's first snowfall

We don't usually have snow before Christmas in the Mid-Atlantic but it's snowing today. 2"-4"
We went out for our morning walk as it started, and I saw some "cool" sights I want to share with you!

A snowy poodle
The snow started as tiny pellets. Millions of little pellets that made a fabulous sound.
We tried to put it in words, sort of a faint rattle, a shhhhhh like wind through leaves...
faint, but distinctive, indescribable but maybe you know it??? How would you describe it?
Definitely peaceful. Quiet. One needed to be still to hear, be still and listen.

The marina was being covered with it...
Milo says, let's look over there! Or jump in the water!
Mama says, let's don't! It's so cold!!
Even the boats are wearing a coat...
and the houses are being covered
I thought this dried grass looked great... my quilter, and painter's eyes saw the white on cream colors. If you click to enlarge the picture for details, it looks really interesting.
Then something caught my eye with snow on a wind shield of a car...
I called Drew over... LOOK! The flakes are little stars! Little snowflake shapes!
I've lived in Edmonton Canada, gone to the mountains of NC each winter as a child to our lodge, lived through several major blizzards and Drew grew up in Cleveland Ohio. We've seen lots of snow and neither of us has ever seen snowflakes this shape!

If we'd gone out a half hour later we'd have missed this as the quality changed and it piled up. These are like quilting stars! Like painted ideal snowflakes!
You have to look closely but there are hundreds of stars on this windshield

A few thousand on this poodle
Some on this snowman scene
a few on this display
This family has a golden, can you tell???

And these gleeful geese are saying
yea! It's snowing!

I liked these leaves, imagining them saying...
I "heart" snow!

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  1. Hello, I think we have a few inches here already. Cute photos of Milo enjoying his first snow. The snowflakes are lovely, beautiful stars. Thank you for hosting and for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Those starry snowflakes are a sign of good things to come -- so special.

  3. I agree the sound the little ice flakes make are very cool. Milo looks like he maintained and had a good time. Love the flakes/stars on the window. How absolutely perfect.

  4. Awesome that you actually captured those snowflake stars. I've only seen them once when we were skiing years ago. I love being out in a gentle snow like that.

  5. Real snowflake snowflakes!
    Thanks for the wintery walking tour!
    Like the snowman!

  6. Just lovely photos of your walk...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  7. What good eyes you have, LeeAnna, to notice the snow stars! I enjoyed all the yard art, too. And I do remember the sound of icy snow.

  8. That first skiff of snow is always exciting! The dogs really do have fun with it! ENJOY! (We are still awaiting our first snow)

  9. Jealous! We are still snow-less here in Boulder with only 2 inches so far this year instead of usual 17.

  10. Ah, the snowflake stars are a sign that things are going to get better for you. We are getting a very pretty snowfall right now. We missed the storm that hit you.

  11. Wow, so very beautiful. We got nothing here. In fact it'll be in or near the 60's most of this week. Seriously! Mother Nature is have a hot flash in Denver!

  12. I've never seen snow flakes that look like that. I guess other people have, or we wouldn't associate that shape with that word, but so amazingly beautiful.

  13. Hi LeeAnna,
    Ooh, that sidewalk looks slippery every time you show it. I hope their was no slippage on your walk! It doesn't look like the snow phases Milo at all - he couldn't care less. Have a happy week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. You got some great pictures of the snowflakes! Those look pretty fascinating! Glad you got out to enjoy the sights and sounds.

  15. Oh my goodness. I have never seen snow like that! How wonderful and thank you for sharing. It was 80 degrees here yesterday. LOL
    Enjoy! mary

  16. I love the look of the white snow on black Milo! It makes me miss Jackson, my mom's big white standard poodle who died a few years back. He loved the snow!
