
Thursday, December 14, 2017

I Like Thursday # 67 inspiration to laugh

I tend to clip things out of magazines, newspapers, menus, wherever there is an inspiration I want.

I also love to laugh. One of my early memories is being a first grader, just able to read, and clipping comics out of the Tampa Tribune to make my own humor book! I became allergic to hydrocarbons so I can't really get the paper anymore but I looked through a pile of clippings before the move.

Some of them for paintings, or art quilts. The above is four clippings.
Top left was saved for a valentine quilt one day
Top right was for the humor of a wild woman in a martini glass.
Bottom left was another couple gesture, for a possible art work.
Bottom Right is a shot of a church in Annapolis in the snow. So well composed, it spoke to me.

I love to keep images of faces, or gestures. When you want to convey an emotion, it's sometimes hard to come up with one out of the blue when the time comes. I look back thru my files for proportion, tilt of a head, gesture.

I really liked the almost full face of this woman, the tilt of her head, the eyes, chin angle. I would love to be all dewy faced again like her!
this made me laugh... you'll have to click on it to read it.
I liked the love image of hearts floating around, the very graphic cropped face with only red lips for color, and the comic at the bottom which you'll have to enlarge to read, sorry about my camera
I liked this strong graphic of a building.

Nice perspective, obvious planes and angles, all done with two colors.

That's a lot to convey in one graphic.

I could try it with fabric, or write a story about it.

can you tell I'm a romantic???

I do a valentine quilt each year we've been married.

I like the artistic tension, the energy between the two people... they are caught almost but not touching... creating a palpable tension. Awesome photo, an ad for a movie. I could do something artistic,  using a man and woman, caught in that moment.

I've drawn so many women's faces but drawing a male is more challenging.

So I'm inspired by images, and humor, words and music, and good treats like these

how very civilized to keep purse mints! In anise, or violet.

And seeing this in a neighbor's yard combined sculpture, humor and the holidays... ho ho ho...

Milo has loved the cold weather. Prancing around, wrestling with us and the leash, hardly able to contain himself, knowing a big shift is coming... we're on the road again...

please visit these kind folks also keeping it positive today!
If you enjoyed my post, look at the other I Like posts, they never go out of style!



linking to some of these
Our World Tuesday

http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays


  1. I love your book of comics and clippings. I actually have a book like that from the turn-of-the century (20th) that a child had assembled, it always makes me smile. The purse and time grandma made me laugh out loud! Scout is not as enthused as Milo about the snow. It covers all the good smells in the backyard and she seems put off by it :D Have a great day!

  2. Hi LeeAnna,
    Those comics are too funny, and yes you are definitely a romantic! I can see where you would find inspiration from the clips you shared, especially that building. So graphic and lineal - that would make a cool quilt. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I love your funny cartoons--everyone needs a good chuckle every day...keep on smiling....hugs, Julierose

  4. Just have to say what a joy Milo is for you LeeAnna and esp. on outings!
    Our commonalities continue...we also love Pickles! And cartoons and esp. the dog and couple ones. Usually so dead on even in humour. And I also clip out anything that catches my eye. I have a messy wall behind the door in my sewing room with them stuck on. I will clip out bits of kleenex boxes that have really neat designs these days. It's all around really.

  5. I love the hat on the statue. There's a statue of a pilgrim on a horse in Walpole that gets a Santa hat every December. :-) The alligator purse made me chuckle.

  6. All your comic clipping made me laugh. My daughter used to clip stuff from magazines, make huge posters out of words and images. I like the hat on the statue the garden gets so neglected during the holidays.

  7. Hope you have the song playing"On the road again..." I love your neighbor's statue with hat. That graphic would be a cool quilt. This was a fun post. Thanks for including me! Best wishes on your travels. mary in Az

  8. I laughed out loud this morning reading this - especially at the first comic. My mom always cut out stories, pictures, comics - anything that really struck her fancy and filled numerous scrapbooks with those clippings. Interspersed were greeting cards or notes she had received. I have a couple of large tubs full of these. And I used to clip comics all the time. I hung some on a bulletin board in my classroom or tucked them into a coworker's mailbox. I even put some onto handouts or quizzes for my students to bring a smile.

  9. That last picture of Milo is so cute! I love seeing dogs from strange angles and I feel like lots of the pictures of mine wind up being that way too!

  10. I love your artist's eye! Thanks for always sharing it with us. Pickles is one of my most favorite comics! I read them every day to start my day with a chuckle!

  11. Those purse mints have such pretty packaging. I always think of my paper crafts! lol Love sweet Milo getting in the pic! Holiday hugs! (if I see an alligator today I'll tell him...or her your joke! haha)

  12. I love Pickles, but we gave up the print edition of the paper as they kept shrinking the news coverage and rsising the price. We do get the digital edition, but I rarely look at it now and never get as far as the comics.
    I've saved all kinds of clippings, too, but never in any kind of organized manner (shame on the retired librarian).
    Cold and snowy here. Be safe.

  13. That is so cool. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  14. That first photo gave me just the laugh I needed today. It's been a long one! Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  15. LOL at that first cartoon! I like the graphic of the building, too.

  16. Love the wild-eye Milo has going on in the last photo :)

  17. You might also like these easy spirits:

    1. Woops - I meant to post this on Mary in Peoria's blog comments. (sheesh - I get in my own way sometimes)

  18. Love your clippings! The funny ones especially. Sorry you are allergic to the hydrocarbons. Oh, I wish I could do a dozen art quilts! And I have started painting again.

  19. Sing it loud, sing it strong. Happy road trip, Milo!

  20. Nice collection of images. I love 'Pickles' and always have one or two on my fridge :) Love those mint tins. x Karen

  21. When I divorced, I bought 3 of those "it's my ex-husband" cards, and started writing to my 3 best friends. They are still in my "card drawer", half written, 10 years later. I pulled them out recently to see what I'd written~one day I will finish them and send them!

  22. For us crafters, the cartoon about the 'week' in the fabric store really resonates! I am so grateful to have a patient husband! Thanks for sharing these funnies and your private inspirational stash with us!

  23. Those mints used to come in an oval tin (er, plastic), and I have kept some just because I like them. Haven't found a use for them. I do like Trader Joe's Gingermints, but they come in a box just like Altoids.

    You could look up images of "Waiting for the Interurban." It's a statue in the Fremont area of Seattle of several people standing at a transit stop. They get dressed or "accessorized" quite often.

  24. I Love the fabric shopping comic! I laughed so hard.
