
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Cross country trip part Deux

Don't you want to get your hands on these??!
Welcome back to the cross country trip to Colorado!

The above picture was a BIG bin of rolled fat quarters at the quilt and gift shop in the most lovely town of Lawrence Kansas. So much to want in this shop!
I was only able to resist the kits, fabric and patterns by remembering I had to drive them back to MD, then pack them so movers could charge me a $1/ pound to drive them to CO for me. (wink wink)

I could not resist buying the prettiest hula girl in the world for my new studio space.

 I collect this designer's work, and she was playing a Uke, and I'm a "beautiful native girl of Florida" ( my high school friend and I always called ourselves that) and play the Uke or aspire to.

She's really small anyway. Hardly takes up any room at all!

We walked the whole main street and chatted with so many people and loved their outlook. 
Aren't these towels adorable??
we often joked with Cole, when we let him lick a dish, that it was clean enough to put away (come on, you know we'd never do that lol) but never said that in front of guests, heh heh.
Wanna come visit?

I visited another quilt shop near the end of Kansas,  but won't say where... great stuff like...
 like these adorable little baby shoes and boots pattern, but not all that friendly to either of us. Drew was off buying ice or drinks, and the owner said Milo would have to wait outside.
Hmmm I'm not about to leave him to the wolves even with a bear to baby sit...
Mama! I like fabric!

 I don't shed or get into any trouble in a quilt shop! I may only be 6 months old now but I know what to do! Lie down and let the Mama shop!
 Anyway I looked at the baby shoes near the door and waited for Daddy to get back. Then I cruised it quickly, didn't buy anything (pats on the back) while the owner tried to sell me lots of stuff.

Sorry Charlie... If I don't feel welcomed I just can't justify a purchase! Too many fun quilt stores to worry over one.

I did enjoy these wooden house ornaments...

So iced and watered we packed back in the van and moved on to the World's largest sunflower painting!
more next time... heh heh... stay tuned

linking to
Wednesday around the World


  1. Yep I can see the reason why the bin of fat quarters would catch your eye. Love the house ornaments. Good thinking, don't want to buy stuff you have to just pack.

  2. so where is the pic of the hula girl?

  3. so many fat quarters, so little time

  4. day closer to paradise just west. 🏔

  5. Maybe that store owner would have been more friendly if he allowed pets in his store! Mew Mew! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  6. Yes, those fat quarters look tempting!

  7. Oh what lovely fat quarters....hugs, Julierose

  8. Sounds like fun - what took you to Kansas?

  9. I know where the giant sunflower painting is because my son lives there! I have even met the artist when he came to town to do some "maintenance" on the painting. Even those little western Kansas towns have lovely public art! I'm so sorry you felt unwelcome in the quilt shop. I've also shopped in there, but would have expected them to be more welcoming. Maybe the idea of dogs visiting in shops hasn't made it out there yet.

  10. I don't think I could have resisted that tea towel! Milo, what a goood boy you were waiting outside. If you ask me, that fabric store was missing out!
