
Thursday, July 6, 2017

"I Like" thursdays #44 and a giveaway !

Welcome to this week's list of Likes! 
First off... I Like My little studio puppy! 
 Now that he's stopped peeing in there! He still shops around for fabric scraps on the floor but spits them out when he realizes they are colorful but with little flavor. See him holding my foot down??? "mama stay!" 

*I Like cheese toast for breakfast...

I take out a non stick pan, put a pat of butter, long slice of Trader Joe's dense bread, slice of havarti and let it slowly heat toasting the bottom and melting the cheese. I slide it onto a plate, scoop out half a small avocado and mash it with fork tines. Cut into sticks to enjoy!

*I Like gifts from friends, especially a big box of stamps!!!
Thank you to Ellen S. for the creative fun in a box! Look at the adorable cow card!!!! I must say, I have already had lots of fun with the daisy punch and my paints. I'll just do a whole post on that Friday!


I'm going to do this mystery. I NEVER do mysteries as there are too many actual art quilts I want to make but this looks like fun and it uses blue scraps and I have an ABUNDANCE of blue scraps. Also have many 2" squares already cut in my watercolor box so... it's called Sapphire Star

 *I Like going through our book shelves, and letting go about half the books.
Ones I'll never need, or read. We are donating them to our library to share, or sell for funds.
I thought it would be too sad to let go, but it's amazing to see open space and so rewarding. Amazing. I'm the one who keeps, not the one who lets go... but it felt right to let go this time. I'm not finished but here are some shots of the shelves now... wouldn't you just love to look at your friend's book shelves?

 I like to mix special items amid books. The A and L are covered in rhinestones! The blue thing is a candle. There is a picture of the first time I flew up to Boston to visit the man who would become my mate. I've dragged Figment the dragon around since getting him in Disney... Figment of imagination... if you imagine it you can make it! The 365 bedtime stories were my favorite childhood stories.
We took Italian lessons, and I still want to learn to speak it! I arrange books by category, and this is a how to shelf and we got rid of most of them. Google is good for this kind of thing.
 With a poodle and charades prompts. We love party games!
Scientist husbands books, pic of us at Longwood Gardens one Christmas. This is where we also keep our lab, Chelsea...
She was my first dog, my labradaughter, my beloved girl... Cole's memento's are still on the sofa he loved and Milo doesn't even look up there. I am sentimental.

Among the books I've already read and enjoyed were these
A series by Moning, mystery, time travel, a bit of fantasy, a bit of romance, set in Scotland.... are you in???

Tell me you want them, and if there is more than one person, I'll get Milo to choose a name and send them to you! It's the summer... Ready...Set....READ! 

Milo's Likes:
I liked meeting this artist at 1st Sunday art festival. I like being with my peeps too! This artist had poodles too... she almost took me home with her! 

Mama would miss me too much heh heh!

I liked meeting this 6 month old pup too!

 We were both so very good!

We know how to act! Isn't she adorable??? She doesn't live near Annapolis though... too bad.

I also liked snuggling with Mama on the big bed during some of the fireworks yesterday. I Do NOT like the fireworks, how do people like to be scared to celebrate I'll never understand!

After you leave a comment to win the books, making sure I know how to find you, please visit these fine folks also doing an I Like post this week... keeping it positive!  Enjoy other I Like posts under that label at the right.

6, craftscaviescontras
8.https://gwynedtrefethen (Posts on Fridays)

linking to some parties including
Thankful Thursdays pet parade


  1. Oh have never read that series, sounds intriguing lol
    My doggies never liked fireworks either nor my granddog, Kota, who wriggled her way underneath our bed for the duration. hugs, Julierose

  2. Your book shelves look great. Isn't it strange how we hold onto things? I will need to look up the books. I know I like the Diana Galbadon series, maybe this one would be some much needed escapism. I love your Thursday posts, and Milo!

  3. I'd like the books! Maybe we could do a reading round robin! I'm happy to read and then pass them along.
    Pugs and kisses,

  4. Don't need the books but love your post! Milo met a friend, how wonderful!!! I love purging anything especially when it means more space! Have a glorious day!

  5. Havarti and avocado..yum. I try not to save many books these days...travelling a little lighter than I used to. Lovely mementos and space to breathe is important, I think. I'm debating joining the Sapphire Star but worried about the skill level of the piecing, my nemesis!

  6. Your toast looks delicious! I'll have to remember how to make it. I keep cleaning out my bookshelves and they keep filling back up, lol! I'm so glad Milo learned how not to pee in your studio so he can hang around with you. Have fun with Kevin's mystery - I'll enjoy seeing what you create!

  7. I like your cheese toast idea! I need to make that. I got rid of all my books except a few quilting books since I use my nook for reading. So much easier to store other "things" this way. I can't wait to see your Sapphire Star quilt. Hope you are having a great day. mary in Az

  8. This is a great list!!! I love that your puppy spits out the fabric pieces when he realizes they're less appetizing than he thought. I too have recently discovered the joy of getting rid of books. I was always such an avid reader that for many years getting rid of books was abhorrent and I always imagined having a huge library with ladders etc. (like in Beauty and the Beast!) but I finally realized that they weren't any good if I wasn't going to read them and even if I had enough space for a giant library I'd probably want it as studio space. Of course we still have tons of books, but it felt very freeing to finally get rid of ones I just didn't think I'd ever read. And I'm with Mary on the cheese toast! I'm actually sitting at my desk starving right now because I wasn't organized enough to have breakfast stuff at home and I'm trying to break the stop-and-grab-a-donut habit, so getting some stuff to make cheese toast sounds like a fabulous idea!

  9. I had to look up Kevin the Quilter's blog. Looks like a fun mystery quilt so it will be interesting to watch this unfold.

  10. The cheese toast looks yummy. And look at all those stamps! What fun.

  11. smashed avo on toast with black pepper.the toast could be a bagel or a corn tortilla in our place and Havarti melts sooo buttery! The lovely avocado can be both a spread and a dip! now add a side order of slices apples or fresh berries!

  12. What an adorable studio puppy! I love this little glimpse into your home and the things that bring you joy!

  13. What a delightful extra dose of "I like" things. P.S. Can I have breakfast with you? That made me drool just thinking about all that delicious yummy. 😊

  14. I am terrible at getting rid of books. I love them all too much


  15. Are the books by Moning anything like the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldone?

  16. i always enjoy your was fun going through your bookshelf! thank you for linking with willy nilly and have a great weekend :)

  17. Fun post! Milo is too cute. I seem to always be clearing out bookcases. It would help if I didn't get more books! Ha! It does feel good to let them go, doesn't it?!!! Have fun with the mystery quilt. Cheese and avocado toast -- YUM! Happy Friday!

  18. I agree with snap. It is a good idea that you donate your books.
    Milo is adorable! Have a happy Friday!

  19. Hello, your books shelves are looking great. I donated a lot of books and now usually read books on my ipad. Milo is a such a cutie. Love the photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  20. I like your poodle as well! Yes, it's nice when they get housetrained! You know, I've been going through my bookshelves as well, but I'm not as courageous as books are going out one by one. They do share their space with meaningful other than book treasures! Take good care! See you next week! :)
