
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bridge of Flowers

This bridge was built originally in 1800's and has been restored bringing beauty and focus into the community. The community also supports it by subscribing to the flower boxes and decorating them for all to enjoy.
Website describing the bridge
On the way to a quilt shop in Simsbury CT we spied this lovely bridge and stopped the car for a wee walk

It was quite busy with people of all ages enjoying the beauty!
Would you enjoy seeing some of the displays? Apparently people have a sort of "garden plot" and decorate their boxes with their style flower display. It was wonderful!

 They had this chart identifying the flower varieties on the bridge...

Some people forget that historical and artistic places bring us humanity.

Our taxes support our culture, and provide much needed beauty to citizens, keeping our spirits up. 
 It's a good thing. 

How drab life would be without national parks, without public art, without theater and dance and music.

These activities bring a richness to life, and are worthy of being supported.

 Preserving our culture and history, our natural places like parks, all go to make us who we are.

How dreary and meaningless life would be with only work and profit and military might, with no national monuments, with no parks to refresh ourselves, with no culture to lift our spirits.

I am American and I am not alone in these opinions.
linking to


  1. I love that village fabric and your stash of new things. I think the idea of a diagram showing all those amazing flowers is a brilliant thing to do.

  2. Thanks for bringing us some of the beauty of life.

  3. Thanks for sharing this beautiful little oasis. How clever to turn a bridge into a flower garden! And I agree completely that life would be pretty drab without parks, museums, and such. I wouldn't want to live in a place without those.

  4. Love that beautiful and colorful bridge. We see this a lot in Germany. Guess it helps when there's plenty of rain to keep these beauties in their prime.

  5. Hi LeeAnna!
    What a great flowery idea! Beautiful, meaningful post! I truely agree!

  6. how special and so very lovely! I share your sentiments.

  7. Thank you for sharing this delightful bridge with us. Ans I share your sentiments on preservation as well.

  8. What a great idea. Love the bridge. I agree about things that make life worthwhile.
    Lovely post!

  9. There's a bridge similar to that in Sheldon Falls. Love it!

  10. What a beautiful bridge and how fun it must be to plan and plant the beauty there! Thanks for sharing that!
    I was just in town yesterday to do some errands and nothiced that someone has distributed pianos through out town, so decorated so pretty, painted up in beautiful colors and some left the original wood with vases of flowers on top. It may be in preparation for the lavender festival coming up or it might be someone thought we need more music in out life. Either way, I just love that I live here where there is a lot of art and community minded things going on. Also all down the main drives through town, there are planters hanging from all the street light poles with the most beautiful flowers growing in them!

  11. What fun for residents to subscribe to flower boxes for the bridge. Makes you want to live there.
    You are so right about there being more to our country than work and military.

  12. it's a firework of flowers... so beautiful... and I love the flag in the flowers, that is a sweet idea...

  13. What a beautiful bridge, and what a fantastic thing for a community to do. Your opinions hold true outside the US too.

  14. Thank you for sharing this beautiful bridge. Wish all cities would do this. mary

  15. I know you had a blast seeing all of this.

  16. What a lovely bridge. Thank you so much for sharing it, and thank you for your beautiful thoughts.
    Miss Harper Lee

  17. What a marvelous place - I'd love to spend time on the bridge.

  18. Trying once again to comment here. I don't know what I did wrong.
    That beautiful bridge brings joy to my heart. I would love to see something like that in British Columbia, where I grew up. There is plenty of rain on the west coast.
    However, it would require a great deal of care, and water, here in the dry lands of southeastern Alberta where I now live.
    But I can dream.
    Thank you for this beautiful post!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  19. The flower boxes are beautiful. What a lovely bridge, we would like to walk there.

  20. Hello, the bridge and all the flowers are beautiful. I am glad Milo was able to tag along on the walk. Very pretty place. Lovely photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  21. That bridge of flowers is a nice way for the community to do something together.

  22. Lovely bridge and flower boxes! So beautiful! The towns here in the West US have hanging baskets on every corner that just explode with color!

  23. What a terrific idea, I love it! They all did such a beautiful job. I fully agree, without the beauty and richness of art and other cultural activities what is there to appreciate?
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  24. What great shots of this beautiful bridge.
    Thank you for joining the Floral Friday Fotos meme, I hope to see more of your photos in the weeks ahead!
