
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Milo's Meanderings... two car trips in one weekend!

Cover boy... starting a life of modeling
 Milo here: First of all, I needed to get used to riding in Daddy's car... not as much room as Mommy's Van 
I felt quite comfy in this set up. (editor's note: I know I know, a good mom would put him in a harness and connect it to the seat belts. Cole traveled with us his whole life in the backseat, so that's what we're doing now, and may change to a harness later)
Milo here, again: They also brought along that stupid cage!
 It's way, WAYYY too small for me now but Momma said I might need it. I showed them I did not!
I liked nesting in my bed. Guess what! If I lay with my head between the seats I can snuffle up ALL the air conditioning of the whole car and finally be cool enough in my black fur coat! 
Oh sure, Mama tried to cut parts of me off while I tried to eat the evidence, but it's still hot here. Anyway, I "chilled out" for a fine ride in the car! I think I'm gonna like going with them places! 
So anyway here I am in Annapolis enjoying my first Father's day!
 That's my Daddy's legs... I LOVE to bite at them! Here we are being men together looking at boats. 
Lots of boats...
and lots of water that looked very inviting to me as I was hot! But I do like to fit in and my people were not jumping in that water so I stayed dry with them! Later we shared a drink in a pub, just kidding, it was a market and we all had a little coconut water.
Anyway I met lots of people and little kids and dogs and walked my little legs nearly down to nubs.
I decided to sit a moment to take it all in. When I decide to sit, my people have finally learned to let me as I am a stubborn little dog. They say I'm not in charge but you'll notice we are sitting for a rest heh heh. Small but mighty!

 The day before we drove a long way to Frederick and I learned a lot about shopping and walking and meeting people and being really good...

We went in a store full of house stuff, where they had dog toys down at MY level!
Shopping is FUN, y'all! 
I looked around in the toy basket, and sorry! I didn't want the one Momma wanted, the ginormous red tomato,  I looked and looked til I found the perfect one! A pea pod.
I grabbed it and said, this is the one! Momma groused and said it's so small for the same money.

I said, Momma, it's not about size, it's about finding the right toy! This one is nearly flat but for three bumps and a really squeaky squeaker!
 I carried it all around the store and when it was time to go, when the Momma finally stopped oooohing and aaaaahing over all the housewares I said "come on! I am getting this and there's no money left for you to buy a chicken pitcher!"
So I reached into Daddy's pocket and got out lots of dollars and paid the nice woman who also gave me a treat. She said, "Frederick is very dog friendly!" and it sure is! And I was very store friendly, not touching anything else, and greeting people, and no peeing anywhere at all! Good boy, me!
Okay, I don't need a bag, I'll carry it out in my "poodle teeth of death"

Thanks Creme de la Creme, we'll be back! Daddy said I better save my allowance though. 

So that's my big two day's in a row car trip story! I'm a travelin' Man!  


  1. Good job Milo! Riding nicely in a car is a tough skill to master, one that some dogs don't ever learn! You are growing up to be such a handsome boy!

  2. Awwww! Milo is going to be a good traveling companion.

  3. Gosh, are growing up so fast. Bet your moaned dad will be glad once you're through the terrible teens. Travels are definitely fun. Stay cool little man.💞

  4. Milo, you are such a good-looking guy! I bet you get lots of attention! It looks like you're turning into a good traveler and shopper, too! Fun!

  5. Hey, Milo, good job on training the humans. Glad you all had a fun day.

  6. Annapolis - one of my favorite places to go ....

  7. What a good boy you are! Very deserving of a special new toy!

  8. Hello, Milo is a good boy! He was well behaved on the Annapolis trip. I like the views of the water and boats. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. Milo is a treasure and so well behaved ~ good parents ~ great photos!

  10. So cute that he picked out a peapod! Looks like a really fun trip!

  11. Milo, who trained who! Love the peapod!
