
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Now what to make?? Scraps and scrap-loving poodles

 More than a year ago I won a box of scraps. They seemed to be most of a line of fabric and enough to make a big bed quilt so I just pushed them under a table and forgot them.

 Recently I opened the full box of scraps, and washed them resulting in a need to sort them into pattern and color to find out what I have to work with...

 so I sorted the colors and styles into piles all over the family room...

 And  got out the ironing board

I'll Help with that Mama!
 I began pressing the strips and sorting them. I realized there are about 22 different colors and patterns!!
Most of a fabric line probably! They are in differnt length strips by the whole width of fabric. Some are 6 inches down to about 1 and a half inches, different yardage according to color as well.

"Here, let me organize them!"
He loves fabric at 9 weeks old! Loves to suck on it at least
I figure I have the equivalent of about 20 ++ yards of fabric here, in different size strips and amounts. About 21 different pattern/ colors. Want to see?
I have about the equivalent of about 4 1/2 yds of the brown words fabirc, next most is the orange peel design at about 3 yards, then you see three shades of birds, three shades of paisley, another white words
Two shades of tree/birds, four shades of leaves
Lots of these which I do not like at all.
I wonder how they will look cut up, with the pattern they could look interesting.

Anyway it fills a tall container with approx 22 yards in varying strip size.

My challenge now is to choose a pattern that interests me and use as much of it as possible to make a bed quilt. I would like to combine several blocks, some large scale as I have many pieces 12" X 5" some 6" strips and many two and a half inch strips.

I like variety. These are all from the same fabric line and all go together. What shall I make? Whee!

Sometimes too much choice makes it harder....

Working around a 9 week old active standard poodle puppy who also likes fabric and has opinions and wants to "do it myself!" gives me a degree of difficulty rating of 10 !

linking to several parties including
Esther's blog Wednesdays 
Let's be social Wednesdays 


  1. Oh my goodness. LOL! That is way too much fabric to deal with all at once for me. I would be overwhelmed. I cannot wait to see what you decide and the patterns you choose. Have fun with your new pup!

  2. Oh I see a "coin" quilt in your future with all those strips or tripa around the world or bargello maybe...what afind!!
    hugs, Milo seems to like your find a lot lol hugs, Julierose

  3. Wow! What a stash!
    Cheerful collection!

  4. "Sometimes too much choice makes it harder...."you said it!
    i might dig into the cool colors one day, the warm or wordy on a different day. OR perhaps Milo will pick out his daybed throw colors?

  5. Looks like a log cabin quilt to me... Don't discount the ugly fabric. Sometimes it is just the right thing. (You are lucky it's all precut! Cutting is the part I like least. Hurts my back.)
    Enjoy you little one... sounds like he has personality!

    1. well it's in strips but not evenly cut strips. And all slightly different. I'll need to cut them to my size pattern.

  6. A big box of scraps, only somebody who sews will sense the excitement in that !

  7. Now that's a very nice surprise! Love the prints in your first photo - gorgeous!

  8. Wow - those are lovely. Makes me think "string" quilt. I did one using string for one diagonal half of a square and used a black dot for the other half. Kind of like big half square triangles.

  9. I love every single piece/color/print. I think like others.... a string quilt. So many string designs like coins, rail fence, stars, spider web. Your baby is so cute, I love poodles !

  10. Oh lucky girl! To get a big box of scraps and to decide what to do with it is the best problem for a quilter. Well, in my book anyway. Love the first picture with the leaf/orange peel and the fabric with the birds, of course. Enjoy the dithering. ;^)

  11. Goodness! That is a lot of fabric! So neat. What a thing to rediscover.

  12. I was thinking string quilt too, particularly a log cabin. But you could also have a blast with those making X+ blocks, because you have lots of colors and contrasts. And they work up so quickly and just eat scraps! I know whatever you will be great! And I am so in love with Milo already!

  13. That is a fun discovery! I like the text fabric and the ones with birds and trees! I will look forward to seeing what you do with all of this. (And how Milo helps you! He is SO adorable!).

  14. I'm sure you will create something beautiful... you have the cutest inspiration&muse on your side and also the one with helpful paws....

  15. What about an X Marks the Block type scrappy quilt? Link in the sidebar of my blog to Teresa's excellent tutorial. Very adaptable and a lot of fun to make!

  16. Yes, sometimes too many choices make things harder! How about something improv? Like improv log cabin... in that way you don't really need to cut it to match a pattern and it's easy to play with different scales and prints! And I am sure your helper will love to help you with all those strips!! :)

  17. Wow - what a nice dilemma to have! I will look forward to seeing what you decide to make. ~smile~

  18. I've been neglecting blogs. Happy to see you have a new friend helping you quilt!

  19. Wow -- what a challenge! What an opportunity! It will be interesting to see what you come up with. (Your pup is getting big!)

  20. Oh no, LeeAnna, that is such an ordeal. Dealing with someone else's scraps - like you do not have enough on your plate already.
    You know, I will take them off your hands, because I am nice that way. Yeah, you owe me one :-D

  21. What a lovely bundle! Looking forward to seeing what becomes of this fabric, ugly ones and all!

  22. Nvm WHEE! on the choosing, although that will be fun, but super-WHEE! on a 9-week-old poodle puppy!!!! SO happy for you and him, and now going back to find out where you first told us about him ... haven't been reading many blogs lately, sorry...

  23. Lucky you on your scrap win! And good to see you have a new pup - everything looks like fun when you're young! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers

  24. If you make an old-fashioned strip pieced quilt you will never notice that you don't like some of the fabric....Nancy

  25. Love your new sewing assistant. No doubt he'll keep your organized and on target with your projects.
