
Thursday, April 27, 2017

"I Like", Thursday #33 books, crates, cows, tv shows

whew! what a week... 
Welcome to this week's list of likes... 
It's been a hard week of letting go. Letting go of Cole's things that were old, or broken, or just not okay for a new poodle to have... which meant many tears and memories of my poodle son.

It may not make sense, but letting go of things is like letting go of the loved one. Loss is hard.

When I changed the clothes closet from winter to summer clothes and packed away winter for the season, I culled out all the ones that no longer fit or were not attractive. This is also hard for me... letting go of the time I was thinner, letting go of the hope that item would make me feel beautiful, letting go of hard earned money spent on it.

Storing it isn't the answer though.

I took some to a consignment store, and some to goodwill. Now on to the I Likes...

*I Like having more room in the closet and knowing all the clothes are ones that fit and I like. Same with the ( Tote Bag  ) culling, and the pantry clearing. (Pantry Moths needed to be evicted)

*I Like a new bookcase and organizing my books
yep, just a bit too tall
 These books have been piling up on the floor in the family room for over a year. I logged them all into my spreadsheet and found out I bought some twice. WAH!! 
They look very nice on a shelf!

Now they are tidy on a shelf, not in the studio as I planned as the IKEA bookcase is too large. Apparently they no longer make the ones like my studio Billy cases... they are taller or shorter and the shelves fall in odd places for magazine holders. Still, DH put it together, so we found room for it in the family room. 

Do you find when you put things away in a tidy way, you don't use them? Once a book is on the shelf and all I see is the binding, I forget the projects I wanted to try. 

I also went through my copied free patterns and let go about a third I no longer want to make. 
The magazine holders are still full after that. I'd like to say *I Like having more space but they expanded to fill the holders!!!

*I Like, no, love Netflicks. 
They suggested I would enjoy the Scottish show Shetland and we do!!!
Image result for the shetlands bbc
It is somewhat on the order of a sophisticated Midsomer Murders. Current day, believable characters, great scripts. The only negative is there are not a ton of them. Still waiting for Murdoch new season to come out. 

*I Like actually reading then recycling magazines that also piled up over the year.Between recycling whole Entertainment weekly's and parts of quilting magazines, I've pared down considerably!

After Cole passed I kind of gave up. It feels good to sort and recycle and let go of some things no longer needed or wanted. 

Don't you find, if something lays around for a critical period of time, you start to ignore it and not notice it? I do, and then it takes a big effort to sort and throw away, and recycle, and release. 

I'm good at collecting, not so good at releasing. There is some kind of backward guilt (money or time) or remorse but one gets used to clear space too. 

* I Like more space.
We needed to make space for this...

*I Like Amazon. How convenient they make ordering items. We needed a new kennel that was going to cost $149 at petco and we found on Amazon for $45. 
go ahead... it's big enough for you to crawl in!

Cole used my labradaughter Chelsea's old crate but it's now rusty. 

I have to let it go...

PS this is an addition... Just saw my friend Joann's studio re-do... the link is http://teatimegardening

So on to your posts! As always if you did an I Like post of things you liked this week, let me know. 
These fine people did, so please visit them and see what they found to like this week.

6, craftscaviescontras

linking up with  parties from my links page including:


  1. Oh I so understand only on a different level. I do some a little at a time, cleaning out his personal items from the shower was the hardest. I so agree about putting stuff away, after you do, sometimes you don't pull it back out. Maybe we need those stickers like the lawyer to mark the projects we want to do. As we walk by you see those little flags waving at you.

  2. I had not the balls to give anything of Easy's stuff away... except the shredded things.... I still have it in a box. I made the same experience while looking for a crate/ box.... I nearly swooned as I saw the prices... but amazon brought some relief on that front :o)

  3. Oh letting go is so hard to do; I have to finish up donating my Mother's old clothes and doing the final clean out of all her seems that there is a lot left at first.... and little-- to mark a whole will be 2 years this June 7th and I am still mourning her loss. But time to move on with my life..and purging is a part of that...hugs, and empathy, Julierose

  4. Wow, you're making a lot of progress clearing out. Can't wait to meet your new family member!

  5. Is it time for the puppy to come home? Looking forward to seeing him! I definitely have shelves of books that have just become part of the wallpaper. I take lots to the used bookstore, but have kept lots, thinking I would read them over sgain. Now I'm not so sure. We really enjoy the British shows that are available on Netflix, so we'll have to try Shetland. Happy Thursday, LeeAnna!

  6. I love purging and feel so good afterwards! I haven't hit some of my magazines yet (thanks for the thought of that). I do adore Amazon for the same reason. We also never buy anything unless we check how people on Amazon reviewed it (especially things like my nemesis--vacuum cleaners). The new crate is wonderful. Hugs!

  7. That spreadsheet is impressive! Puts me to shame!

  8. Good for you on the purging! I'm really BAD at letting go of stuff! I did go through my closet a couple of weeks ago and have a big stack to donate on the guest room bed, but the closet is still too full.

    1. probably because women tend to keep the size they wear, and one size on either side!

  9. Hi Lee Anna. You sound sad today. I hope your new pet is arriving soon? At the first of each year I try to purge paper, mags and books. Since we moved into a smaller place almost 2 years ago I am more aware of purging. This year, I cancelled all subscriptions and purged my free patterns as well. If I sewed everyday I would never use them all. I love your dog bookcase above. Funny! I hope you have a fun week coming up. Thanks for adding me to the group. mary in Az

  10. You and I are opposites as far as purging. There are plenty of things I hang onto, but the majority of stuff is use-it-or-lose-it.

    Still, I understand letting go can be hard. All I can offer is some poetry by Rumi:

    Yay for Shetland. And I'm pretty excited about your new kennel. Woot!

  11. I know that letting go feeling, ugh! So excited to see that new crate and makes me not be able to wait to meet your new poodle pup:-)

  12. I, too, have a hard time letting go. And I keep my fat clothes and have my thin clothes too just because, you never know, I just might lose those 30 pounds that snuck on without my noticing. A new puppy! I am way behind in reading blogs. This is great news! When do you get him or is it her?

  13. Hi LeeAnna,
    If you bought it twice ...that really confirms what you like!
    Thanks for the comments ! and adding the link!
    A leak in the wall really kick started the reorganisation! now I feel like I can go in, grab a book, see an idea and go to it!
    Wow! That new kennel looks big! Who's moving in?
    Take care,

  14. We've been trying to get our movies in order...what a chore! But I love having things in order, it makes me happy. Enjoy your day!

  15. Ooooo... I can't wait to "meet" the lucky pup that will be using that new crate! (I love Amazon too - too much. And also Netflix! Will add that show to our watch list. We need some new shows.)

  16. You seem to be on a sorting/organizing/purging binge which I totally understand..spring is such a great time for that. As usual you struck a few chords with me as I like to have project books around pet chair seems to amass these things but it is a way for me to remember which projects caught my eye. We don't have Cable so Netflix and Acorn is our t.v. viewing and we love it. Also watch Shetland and enjoy it. So great to read all the likes.

  17. you had me at
    the art of the silent fart!
    More cow bells, sonja

  18. Oh, I did enjoy this....I have been trying to let go of stuff, too. and I have let go of a is now to where I actually have to search and search for things that I feel I can get rid of. The sad thing is I don't miss what I have donated/trashed.

    I just started watching Shetland...I really like it. Have you watched Foyle's War? Don't let the name put you did me for the first two or three seasons. then I happened to watch some and not know what I was is one of our favorites.

    And have you watched is in English. There is one Henning Mankell's Wallander that isn't. Or at least the first show wasn't...and we like Father Brown...they are murder mysteries, too. Trying to think...there are others but they are not on Netflix. We loved Inspector Lewis...

    Oh, did you watch Bletchley Circle???? I think you would really like it too. I wish there was more of them. I think there are 2 seasons and only 3 or 4 episodes per season. But they are so well done.

    Let me know if you have watched these or if you do watch. Also, I know there are some I did not mention, but they are not on Netflix any more.

    But what has been your favorites...I should ask that on my blog. Maybe I would find something I have not watched before.

  19. Letting go can be so hard! I find it harder to get started cleaning out the closet than letting go, sometimes! Whew! I will have to look up the show, "Shetland". It sounds like something I would like. Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  20. Letting go is never easy but the fact that you are ready to do some clearing out is a good sign and I hope that you will feel better as it goes along. Definitely a good way to get ready for a move too! I'm with Rose, above. Foyle's War is brilliant.

  21. Sort items from passed loved ones is bittersweet. I'm consoling myself with the thought that the items we keep encase a stronger memory. There are many happy memories. And we'll make more with others in future.
    I'm so glad you are looking for a new puppy. Can't replace Cole but you have lots of love to share.
