
Thursday, March 2, 2017

"I Like" #25

* I Like The Spring Chorus  singing on my mantel! (poor bunny forgot the words)

God bless the animals of our world.
singing, "Fly me to the Moon"
 Let's do our best not to endanger them, shall we?

*I Like this song sent to me by Sonja in Hawaii.  My post yesterday made her remember the Dylan song of love and circles---- enjoy it!  (but come back to finish reading lol )

* I Like the TV show, The Outlander based on book series by Diana Gabaldon.

I have read ALL the books in series, and although the show is not exactly how I imagined the books, it captures the sense of place, the intensity of being suddenly in another time, we are both mesmerized by the show while watching. I want it to go on forever.

I saw her and heard her lecture at the Library of Congress Book Festival on the Mall. She was funny and smart. Just as entertaining in person as in her storytelling. She is a scientist who decided to write.
Thank Goodness. 

*I Like the Threadville book series, and am reading
by Janet Bolin

It's about a town full of sewing shops, with relate-able characters and of course a few murders! I love them.
All criminals will be tied and basted!

*I Like these sweet buns from Trader Joes.

 WARNING: these are addictive to the point as soon as I finish one I want another right away !! Although they are made from real ingredients like sugar and butter, they are not conducive to my waistline, or what I call a waistline these days. They are pure and simple comfort food.

*I Like sorting fabric in the studio

Note the labels so I can find what I put away
 I got to put some away, make use of my new rolling carts, see what I own and want to use, and even got rid of four pieces of fabric I would never use.
That's four out and a Meeeeeelion yards stored.
It's my collection. It's my artist's palette. It's important and valuable and now I have space back to actually work with it.

*I Like finishing a project.

 I sewed on the sleeve and label on my V-day quilt so it's truly finished. I finished the beaded bracelet for my good friend Nancy. (see the post of items here: click to see)  Also the shortie starter-bread socks are done and on the needles are the last pair to come from those skeins. That's socks on the feet not wool in a storage

Some people don't like finishing things. I do. I really do. I like starting them, working on them and finishing them. 

In fact I would like to make a project from each book and pattern in my studio. 

There's a goal... shouldn't take more than 300 years of solid making to achieve. 

* I Liked this funny dog cartoon and real pictures site that says only dog owners will get this

* I Liked this short animated film, Pixar's Piper. So CHARMING! Heartwarming!
 I recommend this one but it won't embed
full version HERE!

this is a short version of the film but you can watch it right here. Go to the above link to see it all, and you should because it's a reminder to keep trying.

Peace and Joy

 As always, please let me know if you did an I Like post too. I'll include it here so we can create a circle of contentment and notice the little things around us that make us happy.

Please visit these fine folks
4. 3poodlesandanana
5.  /tunaquilts
6. https://canadianneedlenana

Check back later in case some new ones are added.


  1. what a delightful post to enjoy first thing this morning! The Spring Chorus is adorable. I like stories of people who change careers to something they love such as your scientist author. I'm going to check my library for Janet Bolin. Your Valentine quilt inspires me to improv quilt again. Enjoy your day! mary in Az

  2. Good likes! I like that song you shared, it's very calming, a good song to listen to as sewing!!! Both of my closest girlfriends are mad about Outlander. It's hilarious to see them together going back and forth about the plot and character. I love finishing things too. That is why I love binding so much, it's the last step. Have a wonderful day LeeAnna!

  3. I just adore your chorus of animal sculptures! Of course I also enjoyed the dog cartoon link you shared. The poodles don't wake me often at night to go pee, but when they do they take forever and most definitely want to smell everything!

  4. I love your collections of animals - they are so cheerful! I'll have to put your new book series on my list. Like I said in my post, I will never run out of books to read!

  5. Lovely post--really enjoy your Thursday likes and your peeps' too. hugs Julierose

  6. I loved the short film Piper too. It was so beautifully done! And now I have to look up those books on Amazon because you have me intrigued.

  7. Mmm... comfort food. My Sweetie just gave me a box of thin mints....those just disappear too quickly!

    Love to finish things (which is why my tree quilt is killing me... it just refuses to wrap up).

    Thanks for the smile. :-)

  8. oh i have a vintage moon glass ornie too! love starting idea "seeds" to see what i was thinking..not all starts have finish line status for me or some spawn ever better directions to go forth with. WHY OH, Because! have heard the circular motion song/tune used in a Friskie ad, also in a cereal ad where kids where sitting in inner tubes of fruit colors in what appeared to be milk, floating. They caught my ear so i looked! OH, I watched spy cam animals ON NAture again last night. Amazing work on the robots and their coats. There must have been some smart sewing of hairy textured stuff going on in the lab!!. the "poop cam" made me spew water across the room!! i like your Thursdays likes!! sonja

  9. Always enjoy your "I like" posts. I find out that we are quite alike. Loved the Outlander series.

  10. Love Outlander, and hubby is sucked in and watches it will me. Isn't that short Piper wonderful? I agree nothing better than finishing something up.

  11. Another great list! We saw Piper last weekend - SO cute! Rita even liked it. :) THe little bird reminded me of her in fact - she's afraid of waves too and runs from them.

    That first pic makes me realize I need to get my Easter bunnies down soon!

  12. I am completely in love with your cardinals. They are adorably cute. That Piper video was adorable with a valuable message. And yes, a finished project makes my heart sing too. Keep up the great work!

  13. That Pixar short is the cutest darned thing I have seen in a while!
    Happiness does run in a circular motion! The room mate and I were just talking about that a few minutes ago! Seems that good ideas run the same way too.
    I love your chorus up there in the beginning too. I think the bunny is humming the harmony!

  14. I like your I like posts. And I do love the Pixar shorts (and the book by their head - Creativity, Inc.) Where did you find the quilt hanger for your V-Day quilt? I like it! And sorting, folding, using, making things with, starting, and finishing - I like those a lot, too. Great post.

  15. I keep having outlander recommended to me. I think they're the kind of books I would like, maybe it's time to pull them out!

  16. ..."wicked sticky" sounds wicked!

  17. Another great "I like" post. I too like finishing stuff - and fiddling about with my fabric (I call it tidying but it isn't really).

  18. Love your Spring singing chorus ;-)

  19. Lots of fun things to like this week. The Pixar film was so cute!

  20. Mmmm on Sticky Buns! - The Threadly Sins books sound interesting, I need to check them out. Pretty finished project.

  21. This is such a wonderful post, LeeAnna, Loved all your choices and isn't that little film just so delightful. I've had to share it to my fb page.
