
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Time for some medicinal sewing

Time for a bit of Medicinal Sewing which is my term for not overthinking scrap sewing. 
In my studio time this week, I took down the overstuffed purple scrap bin and sorted out the ones too small to keep. 

Of course I had kept them!  And lookie what I made with them. 

First step, put back all the long strips and big squares and well, usable pieces, then sort the others into about the same size for strips. 

Don't forget to please yourself with colors !

Sew them with not too much thought.
 Enjoy the process.  
Stop when it feels done. 
 It looks cool to me! This is how it looks on the back, messy
who cares??! No one!
spritz it with water then press it flat and orderly
repeat with more weird angled scraps, keep going, don't think too much, listen to a good book on disc.
consider what to do with the strips when you're done. How about adding in a free form curve? Okay! My favorite thing to do!

 Make a few aqua/turquoise strips too. no worries!
No real plan needed for the moment.  
We're soothing our spirits here folks! 
Add in some curvy strips and maybe try a black and white strip set too. 
Oh and a few more diamonds... black and white and Mama feels a bit better
check out other aqua scrap projects at the rainbow scrap challenge 
also linking to sewcanshe Saturdays  


  1. Replies
    1. Medicinal, not quite mindless... I consider size and color placement, but I don't match or worry with grain or where I'm going. LeeAnna

  2. Yum. The turquoise really sets the purple off. What a fun day you had!

  3. Fabulous strings! Gotta love sewing mindless!

  4. There's those purple and turquoise again! A wonderful combo, if you ask me! It's good to be creative just for the sake of feeling soothed. Good for you!

  5. my favorite way to spend time sewing is joining scraps such as these. I especially like the curved horizontal lavender piece. I just wouldn't have thought of that! perfect touch. mary in az.

  6. Letting yourself 'go & flow' with the pieces...mindless to some degree, medicinal without a doubt!

  7. Nice job. Just to let the pieces come together and get a clutter under control is the best kind of sewing in my book. We keep those little bits so might as well put them to good use, right? Aqua and purple look so nice together. Whatever it is, it is coming along beautiful. Enjoy the relaxing hum of the sewing machine. ;^)

  8. Aughhhh YES!! I always enjoy creating what I call: Made Fabric from my scraps. Yours came out great!!

  9. Oh Yeah. Don't ya love it. That is how my super scrappy pot holders come together every month.

  10. Just so vibrant and lovely--what fun!! Sometimes we tend to forget--that IS what it's all about--having fun, too...hugs,Julierose

  11. Sewing can be so medicinal. I love it when you can just play and get completely involved with what's going on with the colors and textures. That kind of sewing got me through the last stressful years of my teaching career! Your purples and turquoises are beautiful together!

  12. Soothing the soul with mindless sewing is always the best form of medication. It's healthy, cheap, and uses up some of our beloved scraps. Love the purple and teal together!

  13. Scrappy therapy pretty much never ceases to soothe. Love the purple WITH the teal!

  14. Looks good! Fun stuff! Use it and follow your heart!

  15. Interesting that you said to listen to music. While visiting the design studio last week they mentioned that music is always playing as it increases creativity. But not music with words as that can be distracting. I had decided at that time that I needed to add a speaker to my sewing room.

  16. Sorry that should have said. 'didn't listen to music'. My brain was faster than my fingers.

  17. The piece looks happy itself. Must be all the fun you had that shows.

  18. I gotta love your recipe! i Also find mindless random sewing of fabric odaments,( that is what i call fabric bits and strips, the leaving of other projects,) soothing, healing and a good place to be in the studio on a rainy day(or any day!!) just making!!

  19. I just love "medicinal sewing"! Yours had some fantastic results besides the medicinal value.

  20. Wow, that looks great! I really love the look.

  21. Love your scrap therapy. The colors are gorgeous!

  22. I love your crumb blocks! It's not really my thing, but I always wish it was whenever I see ones like this. The purple and teal go great. :)

  23. There is something about that color combination that soothes me too. I've done all my household chores, including putting dinner in the crockpot. So now it's playtime!!!

  24. Great way to use them up. Love the colours you have used too.

  25. Your medicinal therapy made me feel better, too!

  26. Good for you - and what I saw was Chinese Coins, but then I'm seeing them all over the place at the moment.

  27. I call it Zombie sewing, when I just sit mindlessly like a zombie and feed scraps into the machine. I usually make baby quilts with the scraps. It is very fulfilling to make a finished project from them.

  28. LOL, I took you too literally when I saw the thumbnail photo! I thought I could see medicine bottles! I sewed all my little pieces of purple together yesterday too. I should do that more often; it's very relaxing.

  29. Your creativity just blows me away! Nice job.

  30. Nothing like a bit of scrap therapy, works wonders for me too!

  31. Makes me want to go dump my scrap bins right this minute! Looks like so much fun. :)

  32. Going through scraps and making beautiful unexpected things is the best medicine! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  33. I love these!! I save even the teeniest tiniest scraps, too, so I feel better knowing I'm not alone in that! I absolutely love your turquoise and purple mini scrap creation. What a great mindset, too! Glad you were able to reset and refresh!

  34. Oh, I definitely see we could have fun getting to know each other...I cannot think how many crumb quilts I have made...did you look at my Quilts Page? And I have enough blocks down in the cabinet to do another one!

  35. A great way to sooth a weary mind. Sewing has a way to do that.


  36. A great way to get rid of those little scraps and clear you mind at the same time.
