
Thursday, February 23, 2017

"I Like" Thursdays #24

*I Like the glass in my front door. It gives me joy every time I see it. We had a hard time choosing a door but love this one.

*I Like black labs. This is Haley, one of Cole's girlfriends. She is rough and tumble, funny and athletic. She travels in the plane her dad flies. She goes to work with him and gardens with him. She meets me at her gate when I walk by, and must grab my hand in salute. She is quirky, in her heyday she would chase a red ball, then when coming back stop to sniff each place the ball bounced!
 Then there is Zoey, a sleek rescue who is very fearful and mistrusting. She knows me, and on her good days she bolts up to me and play bows. On her fearful days she doesn't remember she likes me, and looks the other way which breaks my heart. I want to pet her and love her but she's too afraid to accept.
Next is Diva, a 3 year old full of vim and vinegar. She jumps, always jumps. She has little self control, and is excited by each whiff, every falling leaf, every noise, in equal measure, full tilt. Her person says she is much calmer now, but I've known her from a pup, and I can't see it. Still I want to pet her if I can catch her being still.

*I Like the PBS show Spy in the Wild
LOVE it! A group of scientists built robots to look like baby animals, tree trunks, termite mounds etc so they could film animal behaviors in the wild. This show is Fascinating! I can't get enough!

I have known a long time that animals are very social with feelings, love, communication abilities and integrity. A lot of people tend to discount them because they don't speak words but this show will astound you.

I loved the giraffe's that came from miles around to grieve the passing of an old strong male. I loved seeing chimpanzees who took on a pet, the elephants who picked up the robot when they "moved house" the croc who carefully carried the robot hatchling along with her own children to the safety of the water. OMG the lost wolf pup!

If your PBS channel doesn't have this show, this link will take you to it online. Watch all four episodes here

 *I Like yogurt drinks like Stoneyfield. When I want something sweet, this fills the bill. Sweet and creamy but with some good yogurt benefits as well. Yum.

* I like "starter- bread" socks

I knitted a regular pair of socks with this yarn and miracle of the loaves, there was wool left! I didn't want to waste it so I tried to knit a shortie sock, just over the ankle. Of course I ran out of leftover yarn before finishing so I went looking in my yarn stash for something to finish it with. Lo and behold, there were two more skeins of the same color yarn!

That should make another whole pair,  with some left over  I can use now to finish the shortie socks! Aha! three pairs from four skeins, Bonus pair! Score!
(I swear I am so cheap and hate waste!)

* I Like this Hawaii photojournalist take on life.
What grand pictures and captions. Make sure to click on the post title to see them all.His captions are so entertaining...
from google images

* I Loved Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler read to me on disc. The reader was excellent at Russian accents and I laughed and laughed out loud listening. Inspired by Taming of the Shrew this modern day story kept me engaged all the way through.

*I Like seeing something in clouds... like this eagle spotted on our recent walk

 * I Like the writer's almanac, and want to share this timely quote by George Washington (read more on their post dated 2-22-17

Washington served as president for eight years. In his Farewell Address to the nation, he warned that his greatest fear for the new country was that forces would try to divide Americans and undermine the country's principles. He argued that its citizens should come together to resist those people: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."

Resist indeed. 
I love America, I am the one holding her hand over her heart when the anthem plays. 
I am the one who imagines how my ancestors looked upon the statue of liberty as they immigrated. 

please visit these fine folks, keeping it positive too! (give them time to post!) 
 As always if you do an I Like post let me know and I'll include it here. Gotta keep the circle going!! If you're liking these posts remember to check back periodically to see if any more names have been added. 

  Thanks for reading 
4. 3poodlesandanana
6. https://canadianneedlenana
8. YOU!

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  1. Hi,
    I've just published an I like post to link up with you. Not sure how to do that. Help!

  2. I like your list! Your front door is something special! It would make me smile if I had a beautiful door like that too. Your post reminded me that I enjoy yogurt drinks too. It's been a while since I've had one.

  3. I enjoyed the Backroads Traveler blog, and will keep going back to it. He had a Thankful Thursday post and linked up with someone who had Thankful Thursday posts, too. I'll enjoy looking at those. Thanks for telling us about the Spy in the Wild show, too! I had seen that in the listings and didn't know what it was. I love PBS and the different kinds of nature and animal shows you can watch!

    1. I know, great minds think alike. I found that after we started here! It's not quite as regular as ours but it's all good stuff! L.A.

    2. I love the Thursday community you've created here! It's a part of my weekly routine now!

  4. You always have such fun lists. Thanks for the hookup to backroad traveler! I spent 20 min checking out his site. I was fortunate to visit Oahu many years ago and it felt like paradise. Your front door is perfect. It is an invitation to the artist inside! I think I will try to find "Spy in the Wild" on my tv. It sounds like fun. Thanks. mary in AZ

  5. I can see why that door makes you happy.

    Some of those spy bots are ridiculous - but we've been enjoying the show as well. They captured some really neat stuff. I'd love to see an episode on how they did all the setup.

    And huzzah for finding more yarn! Those socks will look neat.

    1. Next week on spy in the wild is how they made the robots! I think they are awesome. Quite a few herds accept them as real. L.A.

  6. Spy in the wild! We watched in here on the BBC!
    I'd love to make " Spy snail in the wild"!

  7. Your door is lovely; I get the Writer's almanac too--it is a lovely start to the day while sipping my coffee..
    hugs, Julierose

  8. So many great likes! a bunch of my students drink those yogurt drinks!

  9. I love your front door! That's fabulous! My front door is very boring, but a couple years ago I painted it bright blue, so that at least makes it fun looking.

  10. Very pretty front door! We have a friendly black lab named Jake just down the street. When we pass his yard on our walks he runs over to greet us. Sometimes we get a WOOF and his beat up tennis ball. Other times he just wags his tail to say hi.

  11. I like the glass in your front door.I really love that period of design in houses and glass...
    i like that you watch clouds too! i c the eagle 2.
    Animals are so amazing,like those neighborhood dogs that remember you!
    Lily truly was my guardian angel for over 2 decades (not long enough for me!)
    i like that you pay attention and show and tell about it!!!

  12. You have some nice likes today!! I love your eagle-in-the-clouds!!! I'll have to check out that PBS show, it's new to me!! Have a great day!

  13. That door is really, really pretty! Haley looks like a real sweetie and we love all critters. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. I like your Thursday I likes! We've just finished dog sitting a poodle/shih tzu mix for 3 weeks in FL. She would get so excited when it was time for a walk, she would dance and jump and sometimes start to wheeze. Glad to see you have more people joining in. We all need more positive input.

  15. Love Labs photos and do hope the little fearful one will overcome that in time ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Saturday ~ ^_^

  16. Okay you've got me onto another show! Love PBS, and will watch for this one. Will be good for my husband too. Did you read The Elephant Whisperer? The giraffe story makes me think of it. And I've put Vinegar Girl on hold at my library...Washington's words are eerily prophetic aren't they. hugs to you

  17. Gorgeous front door. I like labs too we have a new grand dog his name is Si. Love visiting your Thursday posts even if I am a bit behind.

  18. Hello, your front door is pretty. Cute dog, I love black labs too.
    Washington words are wise and fitting for this time. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  19. I'm also watching the PBS program. Those spy robots are amazing, they even fooled the real animals. What a feat of engineering!

  20. think Washington was a psychic?!
    BTW, I LOVE the Back Roads Traveller and his special take on paradise. 😇

  21. Hey girl - I've heard a lot about the PBS show, been meaning to watch it. Now I'm going to have to set my DVR and watch an episode or two. Thanks for reminding me.
