
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

From throwaways to treasures working with components

This picture kind of shows it all. A remote to listen to a book on tape. Turning cutting board with sharp rotary cutter and square to cut against.

The little blocks are 1 3/4 inches now, finishing at 1 1/4 inches. A bee mate gave me a bunch of throwaway triangles, too small to use, but they knew I have fun with that kind of thing. Well, I didn't bother to measure anything, just fed them to the hungry sewing machine in a chain.

Then press the tiny seam open, and they really didn't need trimming.
For newbies, you place the diagonal (45*) line on the sewn line, decide the finished size, and trim as needed.
Recently I told you about a studio sweep around here. I gathered the bits and bobs, the components I've made but have no immediate job to do, and placed them in a drawer to simmer.
There are times you just want to sew.
So that's what I do, and friend's throwaways are perfect for play without worry. I don't care how they turn out, I don't have an investment in a finish, I just make components and they always, eventually, turn into something cool.

Make the components, say little hexie units, or fused circles, experimental blocks,  leftover leaves, etc.
When you want to stretch yourself, or play with fabric, open that drawer or box, and do it!

I don't exactly know what to do with these pretties. I want to just turn them into something. Ideas???
Add a nice autumn print? Stay with tan or brown? Turn them into feathered star? Keep them like this?


  1. Feathered star! Feathered star! (Now I'll be chanting all day!)

  2. These are so fun! I have a few little pieces of piecing sitting around waiting to be made into something. I too am not sure- a few I've incorporated into charity quilts. I don't need any more pillows or mini quilts, but I love using small bits of piecing in bags and pouches. Maybe you could make a new fall carryall with your tiny HSTs?

  3. You're sewing! Hooray. I have a large number of tiny triangle cut-offs, but the thought of sewing all those little pieces together gives me the shivers (or maybe it was the 59° temperature inside the house this morning).

  4. I love working with those little throw-aways too! So much potential to just play around with. I would probably lay these out in a 3x3 block, twisting some around to make it pleasing and then throw a border on it and add it to an orphan sampler type quilt.

  5. Good morning! one time i found my self sewing trimmed offed triangles from a snowball block into squares, i made pinwheel blocks from them with a slight rearrangement that went into corner blocks of a baby quilt of snowballs and!!

  6. I can think of so many uses! Good save!!! Hugs, Mickie

  7. I just love sewing without a care. I did just that last night and the day before. I blogged about it, go check it out...please. I also did just that sort of sewing with some tiny triangles I had a while back. Just playing, like you did. Mine may become a Mug Rug. Or a doll blanket for a tiny doll. I don't have any dolls though. Hmmmmm...

  8. Those are such fun colors and I love all of the above ideas! Maybe work them into a tote bag? That sounds like fun to me!

  9. A happy bright mug rug? Or a small zippered bag to hold jewelry?

  10. maybe a wonderful fall decoration with a kite?

  11. Components---that's the best way to play and sew! These little bits look like the top part of a traditional Tree of Life block! Unplanned sewing is the best!

  12. Tack them on your design wall - grab another bunch of leftover bits - sew those together and repeat until you feel that need to sew has been satisfied. The pieces the design wall have plenty of time to become something more.

  13. Sometimes you just have to take 'tiny' and make 'tiny'! There are many times I sew something together for the heck of it and hang it on the wall. Eventually something will come to as to what to do with'll figure it out when the time is right! The little HST's are adorable!

  14. Yea! You're sewing! :) I agree with Jayne. You'll know what to do. The fabric will speak to you about what it wants to be. :) Hugs - big hugs to you!

  15. Great way to sew! sometimes you have to just woolgather (or in this case cotton!! haha) and find your way into something...hugs, Julierose

  16. I feel the same way! For these, turn them into little units, add other blocks, and sashing. Before you know it, you'll have a quilt. Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers

  17. I just made a stack of coasters with some little bits and pieces I had. I gifted them to a friend, and she loved them. So easy and fun! Wendy at

  18. How exciting the you are able to create something of beauty from someone's castoff "trash-ure." Well done.

  19. These tiny blocks are so versatile! Throw them on the design wall and start turning them until they look cool :) I love to work with things that I don't have a commitment to, because then the end project is always a wonderful surprise!
