
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

It's good to have friends...

Recently while on a mini vacation in Connecticut, Cole met this little puppy.
Oh he was enthralled!
Puppy bow! Leash tangle! romping, playing, and I swear he was laughing.

My first inclination was to stop him, so he wouldn't get hurt.

Then I realized, I have to let him have fun even if he might get hurt.

I'm mostly about "protect"  especially in these last days. I want to keep him as well as possible. But life is for living. Cole has a need to play as well as survive. I have to let go, let him do what he likes. This was a hard exercise for me.

He was sore from the bowing, but happy for having been free to play.
There is a big lesson here for me.
Ain't it grand to learn from your dog???

In our neighborhood there is a woman named Pat. Cole LOVES Pat. If there is a remote chance she's out in the yard, he senses it and nothing will do but we go to the end of her cul de sac and say hello. She drops everything to have a moment with my boy. Bless her.
On this day he got two for one as his schnoodle friend Zoey was walking by.

Cole: I KNEW she was outside, Momma!! I told you! And she needed to be petted! And maybe a stinky little kiss too
And one for Zoey because she's just cute as a button!
There! All kissed. I even went over to Zoey's dad and kissed his knee.

I have my favorite people in the 'hood. I don't get to visit every day but when I do, it's grand!
I just have some favorites. There's the woman who rides her bike and always stops to pet me. She used to have poodles. There's Miss Maria (and her guy Mike and her Mom Evelyn) that I could visit every day.
Mr. Mike and Hayley. (Mr. Mike smokes cigars and I want to smoke cigars but momma says I'm too young)

There's my friend Oliver ...
Those legs belong to his mom Bonnie. I love her.

Oliver has a great sense of humor. What a kidder, he always barks right in my face when we meet but I know he's teasing.

Man! I could tell you about our pee-ing adventures.
I always let Oliver walk ahead and pee last.

Wish I had a picture of my great friend Mr. Paul.
He has such a big heart and love for dogs. His dog Rocky is a black lab... I always wanted a black lab for my birthday.

Mr Paul is so nice. He always gives me the best pets. He doesn't mind when I jump up to "get his nose" (I could just eat him up he's so sweet) and he always tells Momma not to worry about it, he doesn't care if I get dirt on him.

Yep, there are days when I could just hang out and watch for friends. Of course you know to have friends you must be a friend. I am Very willing to be friends...
Now, everyone one reading this go out and pet a dog today in my honor!
 Love, Cole


  1. Cole, I am so lucky to have you as my fur-iend . Love & pets , Maria

  2. Oh a dogs life can be so full of adventure! Life is for living and learning as we go!
    You all have such fun together!
    And moments!
    I remember a photo of a certain good pair of dancing shoes with their front/toe part totally chewn off!
    Thanks Cole for keeping your peeps in tow!

  3. I had just mailed you a note and read about Cole's illness. We are devastated for you all. Sending you lots of love and prayers. Cole should have as much fun as he can! Love you Cole!

  4. Cole has such a good life with you. Our pets are so deserving of walks and meeting their favorite friends. We have a Border Collie next door who comes right up to our front door and barks til it opens. She just wants to see us and play with Sophie, our Morkie.

  5. You are such an awesome friend Cole!! We just <3 you so much here at the Hotel Thompson. XOXO - Bacon

  6. Cole looks just soooo happy!! Jackson gets into his "short man syndrome" around big dogs....but soon warms up. LOL!

  7. Oh, yes - it is indeed worthy to learn from our dogs (or in our case, a grand-dog). Their pure joy over the little things carries SUCH a big lesson we all need to learn/remember.

  8. It warms my heart to see you letting Cole be "Cole" and playing and visiting....this will give you comfort in the days to come...hugs and thoughts go out to you all Julierose

  9. So happy to see Cole enjoying life!
    xo Talenthounds

  10. We do learn a lot from our pets. It's fun to see how the dogs and people in your neighborhood interact. We have a older black lab just down the block who comes to greet us when we walk by. Yesterday he brought us his tennis ball to throw.

  11. Dogs bring people together- at least good people. So good to see Cole , well being Cole , the neighborhood embasador

  12. Dogs bring people together- at least good people. So good to see Cole , well being Cole , the neighborhood embasador

  13. Cole is pressure and wonderful fur person photos ~ great post filled with love ~

    Happy Independence Day Weekend to you ~ ^_^
