
Sunday, May 15, 2016

What's a birthday without a few pressies?

A gratuitous birthday "spousie" (selfie of us) taken at the Baltimore Museum of Art.
I had a fun adventure on my birthday! It will turn into about four posts, so there's your warning!
We usually try to go somewhere for my birthday weekend but conditions were not good for that this year so DH took the day off and we took off for Baltimore. "A world away, and right next door"

That's a radio for the 1920's, and isn't it gorgeous? Wish they made stuff like this nowadays.
(More on the museum including quilt exhibit later in the week)
What's better on a birthday than ART plus HISTORY??
On the way to the museum, DH asks if I might like to go to Dick Blick (art supplies)?

(Note the rain... it's rained for over two weeks. When it's not raining it's about to rain, or just done raining for a moment and still cloudy)

I said, "Absolutely!"
My enabler husband wanted to make me happy.
I walked up and down every aisle, considering all the possibilities to fiber art. I chose four sheets of this fibrous paper
And I am excited to use it with fabric. I've done that many times and it works great. I considered all the pens, the papers, the tools and the sparkly bits but in the end, I chose just these two items to go with the papers...
The thing on the left is an "Earaser" for when I make sketching errors. The wireform is to experiment with fabric and three-D. I felt like a queen knowing he would have purchased anything I wanted. If that studio of mine weren't overcrowded I might have gotten a bit more. I covet a flat file for instance.
We visited the museum and there are several inspiration posts to come from that, but for now, we went to Little Italy for lunch at our place, Amicci's
Where we shared the decadent garlicky shrimp bowl
CHEERS! Clink clink of the shrimp!
and a slightly healthier salad
 I interviewed our young server, and what a story! I'll tell that later too, but it was perfect for a birthday lunch. I'm sure my husband is amazed that I can talk to anybody anytime anywhere about anything. I think he secretly enjoys it.
Then not visit to Little Italy is complete without a visit to Vaccaros for dessert. Chocolate cannoli cake for later, and some amaretto gelato for now.
It's just these kinds of sprees that cause me not to look like that statue...

When I got home, in the mailbox was a surprise from my good friend Nancy (post here) of three special bags. Each one inside the other like Russian dolls, each one holding a treasure. The little poodle zipper pulls and that fabric! See that card? If we don't eat cupcakes the supermodels win?

More to come. I didn't jump out of a plane, I didn't cure cancer, but I had an extraordinary kind of ordinary day. And I want to share it with you all.


  1. Cliff hanger!!!!!! I can't wait to hear and see more. What a wonderful birthday.

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic year.

  3. I love the ear-aser, what a cool idea! Happy Happy Birthday to you!

  4. Happy Birthday. What a great way to celebratel

  5. Happy Birthday and your day looks like it was marvelous.

  6. Happy birthday! Sounds like a terrific time. I look forward to reading more!

  7. I so enjoyed reading about your very HAPPY birthday!! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  8. What a great way to celebrate your birthday, sounds like you had a lovely time.

  9. Well belated happy birthday wishes! Doesn't sound like you needed any more, you had a fabulous birthday from the sound (and look) of things! Perfect presents and delicious treats = happy campers (and spouses and poodles).

  10. Happy Birthday again! So when i turned 60 i had the idea to celebrate ALL my birthday Month!!
    Now that i am older, each day is celebration! happy all days LA!

  11. Great birthday gifts--sounds like it was a terrific day...hugs, Juierose

  12. Happy birthday! It looks like you had a very fun day!

  13. Happy birthday. That was my kind of day! The shrimp dish looked decadent and yummy.

  14. Happy Birthday LeAnne, it looks like you had an awesome time, after a month of computer trouble I had to come and read all your back posts, and catch up with Cole too.

  15. Happy birthday!!! Looks like you had a splendid time, despite the rain.

  16. Happy birthday!! A lot of yummy stuff, between the food, the presents and the supplies I don't know what was yummier :) I am looking forward to read your stories about the birthday day!

  17. Sounds like an amazing birthday! And here's hoping for a dry day soon. :)

  18. Happy birthday LeeAnna!
    What a fun day out! What a surprise to treasure!
    Love the quote "do one thing everyday that inspires you!"
    Looking forward to reading more about the rest of your day!
    Take care,

  19. Happy Birthday! What a fun way to spend a day, birthday or not! Sometimes it's the simple things that are the best. Love the cupcake quote!

  20. Happy Birthday! Sounds like the perfect day!

  21. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. I wish you a happy one and many, many more!

  22. Oh, my! I do so love that EarRaser! And that paper. Oh La La! Cannoli AND gelato? What a great dessert(s).

    You had a wonderfully EXTRAORDINARY day!

  23. Awww, how sweet. He's definitely a keeper. Can't wait to see what fab creations you design! Now I have to go find something to eat, I'm drooling over my keyboard after seeing what you guys noshed on. 😇

  24. May you have many more...
