
Friday, May 20, 2016

Scrap Blocks in green

The new color this month in the Rainbow Scrap challenge is evergreen. I rooted through the green scraps and strings to find a set of darks at least 15" long
a set of lights same length
What fun!

The mary engelbreit print, the big flowers, the vintage dots!

Right near the middle is a scrap of yardage I painted for a border, and it's much more vibrant in person.

Something has gone awry with my camera...

I've told you how I make these in previous posts but you start with two blocks, one light one dark.

And here are the five 20" blocks so far.

I figure I will quilt them then join with black strips.

That should make a great size quilt.
linking to parties on my links page plus trying this one http://cathquilts


  1. Hi LeeAnna!
    Beautiful greens!
    That will be a beautiful original stained glass quilt!
    Take care,

  2. Another lovely grouping..hugs, Julierose

  3. It has been fun seeing these blocks coming along. Such a great use of scraps, and shows that every green goes with every other green!

  4. The blocks really sing together, remind me of some kind of jewels, you know, they have a facetted look))

  5. "Green is my favorite color closely followed by all the others!" once i was asked the question for a club info page so i made up that arrangement of words! love your string blocks, all the colors!! Please tell me again the size of the starter blocks?

  6. I think your blocks really glow when they're all gathered like that! It just keeps getting better and better!

  7. It seems that it is a really fun block to make, and the result is great! Love the emerald gem for this month.

  8. What fun putting the strings and then the blocks together. A surprise every time!

  9. Beautiful blocks. The colors just shimmer. It's going to be a stunning quilt when you get all the blocks done.

  10. Oh my! I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful use of strings!

  11. Those are looking so pretty together! I'm going to have to try them, seeing as how I never seem to make a dent in my strings!

  12. Your blocks are turning out nice. They will make a lovely quilt.

  13. Wonderful; so simple, yet so sophisticated, and they look three dimensional.

  14. A beautiful and perfectly sized bed quilt. Hint, hint. ☺️

  15. Love the green set... darn it, I say that every month don't I?

  16. We've had so much rain here that your orange block is calling to me.

  17. Leanne, I've been "nosing" around your blog and love your studio! I want to come (wherever you are) and play! I got so distracted by the studio posts that I almost forgot to come back and leave a note. lol (so very me) These squares are gorgeous. The colors look great together. Thanks for the virtual tour of your studio. I do love seeing into other's creative spaces.

  18. The overall pattern is really starting to take shape, isn't it? This is going to be such a vibrant quilt!

  19. Yes thanks for showing how you do this. I love the look, it's gonna be a striking quilt. So fun to see what we are doing with scraps!

  20. Love the green and blocks look great together! It will be a wonderful quilt!


  21. Your RSC block design is wonderful.

  22. I really like the scrappy feeling of this block! It has a very coherent look as well, so that's just great! Thanks for sharing!!

  23. Very pretty blocks! I just can't do strings--too many other fabric things I already cut and collect in my sewing life!

  24. Thanks for inspiring me with your wonderful color sense!

  25. Looks great. Good choice to make string blocks...

  26. Love these blocks - scrappy but coherent all at the same time.

  27. Awesome blocks! They'll make a beautiful quilt! Thanks for linking up at Midweek Makers

  28. Oh, LeeAnna, these are lovely. Isn't it funny that we worry about arranging strings when grouping by color and value makes such a beautiful block? This is the perfect month for this color. New life!
    Thanks for linking with AHIQ.
