
Sunday, April 17, 2016

The choice was to go to a craft show

the shop  link is
We had to decide what to do with a lovely Spring day here. A RARE day with low humidity, sunshine, cool temps all on a Saturday. Work around the house? Go to an outdoor craft show? Guess what we did!

The picture is Cole in a booth of dog related clocks. There's a poodle clock to his right in the picture. Almost bought it but I had already gotten the grand prize of a sweet delicate necklace bought by my husband for an early birthday pressie.
Cole loves going to this show. Slow walking, lots of petting and attention, being with his people.

A woman kind of bothered me by asking not only how old he was but then she asked how long poodles live... then she skeptically asked if he was able to walk around the show. I felt judged.  It's one of his joys, and he was excited about all the looking and people. He may be pushing 14 but he is still in there.

After the lovely afternoon show, we stopped by Capital Quilts because I don't have enough supplies (!!!)
I only bought a yard of this sale Hoffman batik, that is intense colors in person.
The good news is they stack bolt after bolt against a wall, of sale fabrics. The bad news is they are all bolt-end up and you can't see the actual fabric unless you bend over double and let them fall against your legs as you try to tilt them enough to see.
Before the 45 minute car ride around the beltway, I got my sewing bag of hexies ready including the all important organizer for the project. Every thing one needs for basting hexies and sewing them together. 
That quilt grows and grows. The magical traveling bag of tricks...
holding two big sections pinned together for placement. The pill holder you see is holding bobbins of different colored threads.

Drew drives, Cole sleeps, I sew and we are currently listening to Diana Gabaldon's latest Outlander book on cd.

It was a good day.
visit other scrappy goodness at these parties
 slow stitching Sundays


  1. Sounds like the perfect day. Love your hexie organizer.

  2. Sounds lovely! I always vote for getting out and about when there's a choice. The work can wait!

  3. Well done with that trio. Lovely progress, what's the two quilters pins for on the hexie sides photo from inside your magical bag of tricks?Sadly, I get car sick if I stitch while traveling. Hence just about all my projects are being done by hand these days. Its nice.

    1. Caroline, I lay out my hexie plan before a trip, and safety pin them where they will go, so that I can easily sew them while on the go!

  4. The best day to celebrate spring! That organizer is really amazing. Seems to have plenty of roomy pockets. I'm glad Cole had a good day and lots of kind attention. Have a good week having fun.

  5. Listening to the latest Outlander here, too! Wish my dogs could behave enough to visit a craft show. Well, one would behave, the other is still too puppy-ish!

  6. You look very organised! I take it you don't use glue then for these?

    1. glue ewwwww I don't like glue as it makes it hard, and too tightly basted to stitch after. Plus, they take about a minute to thread baste behind the paper, never has to come out. Just about as long as gluing takes.

    2. I must try the 'behind the paper' technique then!

  7. I like your organizer. What a great setup.

  8. We just missed each other at Capitol Quilts! I was there until 3:00 for the trunk show, then went to the botanical gardens in Wheaton.
    I love your organizer! It looks perfect for keeping that big project rolling along.

  9. Such a great day! I was thinking to stop by Capital Quilts myself but the weather was too good, so we spent the day walking outside! Your Cole is just too cute!

  10. That clock maker should use your photo for advertising, so cute!

  11. I would have been annoyed at that woman too. Cole is so cute! Love that face. Looks like you had a fabulous day. Housework can always wait.


  12. Oh wherever did you find that organizer bag--it is perfect...pretty hexies...sounds like you had a wonderful day...hugs, Julierose

  13. Looks like Cole was in all his handsome glory! Sounds like the ierfwct day to me

  14. Don't you know that stupid questions require stupid answers? You should have told that woman that standard poodles usually live to be 100. That's what I've started telling people when they ask how long Romeo is going to live. Or you could inquire as to their life expectancy...
    Looks like the craft show was great. I've seen the vendor with the dog clocks before. Cute stuff!

  15. Aw Cole, you sweet thang! There is just no accounting for all the stupid people in the world. Sorry. LOVE, love, love that Hoffman batik. Can't wait to see how you use it. ღ

  16. Well look at all of those clocks!!! Wonder what time it was in that room? Cole looks so handsome;-)

  17. Sounds like a fun day! People can be so judgmental, it's irritating as all get out. Cole was happy, so kudo's to you!!

  18. A good day indeed! Wish I could sew in the car :(

  19. I'm carrying a ziploc bag of yo-yos to work on as well as a bag of thin strips that I am making into doll rugs in my bag.
    I love the idea of using a pill box for bobbins!

  20. It is great that your puppy loves to go out with his people. Don't let rude people discourage your "family" outtings.

    Shadow the kayakcat
    Sarah the human.

  21. I love craft shows! I wish I was even a smidge talented at crafty stuff lol

  22. Finally getting around to visiting the Slow Sunday Stitching links...
    I love that idea of a pill holder to be a bobbin organizer!!
    And such a cool idea to have a clear, see through bag to store the hexies... yum!

  23. Sounds like a fun day! I love doing epp on the go too!

  24. The pill holder for bobbin storage is a great idea. I have so many of these floating around that I just can't seem to get rid of. They are smaller than the organizer boxes that came with my tote.
