
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sketch of the day--- shapes and story boards

 My friend Mary sent links to cool sites informing us how to stylishly dress an older body. It started me thinking and on my walk I pictured myself as a rectangle and circle.
I am working my way through the book, how to think like leonardo da vinci. His exercises are thought provoking and I'm defining myself and my art. He suggests doing story boards with words to focus...
I did an impromptu sketch, added words I want to focus on, and then supporting words to achieve the first ones.

All done in about 10 minutes.

10 minutes plus an hour of waking and thinking time that is.

I quite love her face.
She might look a wee bit like a robot but I did want to stylize her.

I love the glow, plus pink aura she has while still emanating all colors of the spectrum. I am seeking. Seeking peace, meaning in my life, self expression, experiencing what life has for me this time around, and purpose.

Keeping my motto of "use it!" for the year, I pulled out a clothing pattern to try. I haven't made clothes in a L-O-N-G time. Since I became a rectangle.
I fancied myself like one of the Project Runway designers, and did a muslin first. Quite thin, and see through. I thought I could still use it as an over shirt in the summer, to help cover up my back brace. I planned to paint it. After it was done however I am considering embellishments instead... like this

Two scraps of lace and a hexie not used  for another project.

The possibilities are endless:
> yo yo's
> net flowers sewn down
> french knots around the neck and border
> dipped in paint
> splattered with paint
> drawing of a poodle

well you get the idea

BTW, I elongated the pattern by three inches.

Can you see this stencil?

I am still thinking about stencil and paint.

Just because it's fun to do.

Do you dither over choices too??

(please say yes, that I'm not alone in this)


  1. Yes, and that's why sometimes nothing gets done or I shelve a project. I don't want to make a mistake or wish I would have gone with the other choice.

  2. The glow is from within you, your creative spirit. When I look at the photo of you, Nancy and Mari (copied as a screen shot) I see someone eager and open to life, but also a little bit shy. You are slowly opening like a flower, which is beautiful as a bud, full of promise.

  3. Do I dither over choices? Oh my, yes! Little things and big things. That's why we haven't bought a new TV (a Christmas present) or figured out what computer to buy (except to decide I want a Chromebook). I dither so much, I often wind up doing nothing.

  4. Do I dither over choices? Oh my, yes! Little things and big things. That's why we haven't bought a new TV (a Christmas present) or figured out what computer to buy (except to decide I want a Chromebook). I dither so much, I often wind up doing nothing.

  5. oh, absolutely I dither. Any project is half work, and half staring at it deciding what to do next.

  6. Dear Lotus blossom, Just might have to add that dither to to my next answer to someone who wants to know..."how long did it take to........"
    i guess that is similar to ponder.

  7. Oh yes, you are not alone--I love to color, especially with Gel pens in my journal, draw, paint, scrap etc...I love your quick drawing--I am always getting up out of bed in the middle of the night to try to finalize my "choices"--this, that or the other??? How long did it take is not a realistic question for sure...hugs, Julierose

  8. I dither quite frequently. And I refuse to feel guilty about it, as it's part of the creative process.

  9. Sometimes I put off dithering until later!!!

  10. Hi. I am new here but just read your post. I also used to make my own clothes a l o n g time ago. However, in your case I think I would make another top and do both! So much more fun. I do this with shoes mostly too as I cannot choose. shame really as one ends up with more fun!!! :-)

  11. you created the must have of this summer!!! bravo! I bought a simple white shirt with a camellia flower for summer... and yours looks much much better than the overpriced thingy I bought :o)

  12. Love sketch and the story board idea. Must be a good book because it has you thinking and doing from that thinking so this is always a good thing. The shirt looks like the type of pattern that goes up easy. Make a few, each with a different " flavor" would love to see what you do.

  13. Choices! Good to have so many!
    I picked up a pair of not too bright pink cotton jeans and am thinking about embelishing them for the Summer!
    I've never done that before!
    Take care,

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. How fun. I've been pulling some patterns lately, too. Haven't sewn clothes in quite a while but how hard can it be to cover a rectangle? Thanks for the reminder to make a muslin first. Definitely need to do that.
    I love your idea of embellishments. Enjoy!

  16. Choices? They are great to have but I hate making them!
