
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Scrap-i-locks and the icky blocks

The Whole Fam-damnly o'colors done
Remember these? The blocks from the book Stratavarious?
Well,  I did them in purple but don't like them much better.

Apparently this pattern just doesn't really work with my scraps.

On the other hand,
I like the center blue ones, and it may be because I like those scrap strips better...

I just wanted to use up some of the older ones who've been passed over for promotion so many times, know what I mean???

Anyway, this morning it was like Goldilocks, but I call her Scrap-i-locks. I tried them one way, ewwwww.
I rearranged them another way, ewwwww even worse.
Then settled on this way... and I might like it enough to do one more color and put them into a top...
can't exactly say they are "Just right" but to paraphrase,  "they might do, pig".
Check out the other purple scraps being used at superscrappy


  1. I like the blue one you have in the centre most. I think because it resembles a colourwash design, while the others have a more abrupt change from light to dark.

  2. Don't give up. They may need a few more blocks to disperse some of the intense colour in the brown blocks.

    1. thanks Nell... that's true. The blocks make one light and one dark block from strata, so some are really dark and some really light, unlike my other strata blocks shown earlier.
      Maybe green will mitigate the colors. It could be a lap size with a few more blocks so we'll see.

  3. I really don't know what you are grumbling about. I think your blocks look fine. Sometimes you have to wait for the "right" color to be added before a quilt really works for you. Just keep quilting!!!

    1. You're right of course... usually I like blocks from the start. This arrangement is better than the first two I didn't show and I was feeling like I wasted time on it. They could still look okay with say, yellow or green. Not what I hoped for. LeeAnna

  4. Unless they look so different in person, these look fine. My philosophy is: If you don't like it, gift it! LOL.

  5. I say make it a charity quilt. Someone out there will be happy to have it. We sometimes are too critical of ourselves and, after all, it is "handmade".

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had some questionable results! With encouragement from some of the other scrappy quilters here, I'm just trying to be patient and let things evolve! And people are saying that to you, too! I kind of like the effect your Stratavarious blocks are creating. I say keep going!

  7. I love your central blue blocks, maybe it's because they are darker on the outer and lovely and light central. If you really can't relate to these blocks just pass them on and move on to a project you're in love with!

  8. Finish it small and give it away! Babies don't care what they throw up on and dogs don't care what they lay on--except for dogs as exceptional as Cole, of course!

  9. This is just the way it goes sometimes in quilting! But at least you found an arrangement that you could use! By the way, love the Blue Grotto quilt! That is FAB! :) Hugs, Mickie

  10. I don't think these are ugly at all. Usually quilts look pretty bad when they're half done, but somehow they come together at the end.

  11. More color! More color makes everything better. 8)
    (I think you're on the right track with the green. Time will tell...)

  12. The blue one is definitely the best one. It's interesting to see how much difference the fabrics make here.

  13. Well they caught my eye off the linky at So Scrappy, so something is "just right" here. I agree with you that I like the blue centre the best, love how it floats on the browns; I think the problem is value-related. Hmm...

  14. I'm not being critical, but it isn't working for me either. I'm thinking add another color of squares, then change the orientation. Mix them up without trying to make squares. Are they called quarter log cabins when you orient them all with the central little square in the same position? Or maybe use the browns in a different quilt, and use the purple, blue and maybe turquoise or pinks or reds for this one.
