
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cole's Commandments... Second Childhood

Cole here...
The other day I surprised momma... she'll explain...

LeeAnna:  I let Cole in from one of his Reconnaissance Missions in the back yard (everything was safe) and he surprised me by playing a childhood game.
 This is where the puppy comes through your legs holding his little head up for a pet. Criss-cross was when he came through my legs, curved to the right, back thru the legs, curve to the left. In and out.

He hasn't done either game since he was about two years old and he will be 14 in May.

Cole: Do not ever lose your Inner Puppy. It knows how to have fun and make your humans laugh.
(Heck, I even laughed this time too! Momma can't hear me, but I'm laughing with you Momma)
It's important not to lose your sense of play...

(Editors note: no poodles were harmed in the making of the reenactment photo above)


  1. Such a cutie. Love it when they make you laugh out loud. Oscar danced in circles in front of me as I carried a plate of food to the grill king. So excited knowing some treats would soon be tossed.

  2. Amen and I agree my friend. *Never* lose your inner puppy... or piglet. XOXO - Bacon

  3. Aw, we so enjoy the Cole stories. Our Chelsea does the same in/out thru the legs, but only with her dad. Standards can be so funny and sweet :-).

  4. We occasionally still see the inner kitten in our 14 year old cat too. Our pets bring out the inner kid in us all.

  5. Aw, they always have some puppy inside, no matter how old they are, don't they? Cole will be forever young. :)

  6. I love it! It is one of the moves I taught in my trick classes. It was always hysterical when the pair was a big dog and a little short woman! LOL

  7. Oh, never lose your inner puppy is very good advice, Cole!

  8. I bet that warms your heart. :) It's so hard seeing our beloved pets age, because we know time is slipping away from us, but moments like these, you hold on to these moments forever.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  9. Always keeps your inner puppy, kitten and stuffs... cause you gotsta haz a puppy nap on a lap... i go sleepy in mommy's lap now... Happy St. Puppiez Day!

    Katie Kitty Too

  10. Puppy games are definitely delightful and a sure way to make people smile!

  11. Awwww, sweet Cole. Love that you're keeping yourself young at heart sweet boy and making mom (and the rest of us) smile. ღ

  12. MOL... old in body, but not in soul...just like me...and Granny ;) Pawkisses for a Happy Spring :) <3
