
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I'm Officially Over It....Cole's editorial

I am officially OVER IT y’all.
I mean, look at this!

Even the squirrels haven’t shoveled their nest. In fact where are they? Not that I can chase a critter in this pile-up. 

I can’t find a decent smelling place to do business. I had to do business in the street like, like, some kind of uncivilized dog. 

Oh.My.Dog.  I feel trapped! Get me outta here!
This is a dead end! Where is the cypress I like to visit to leave my pee-mail? 

Daddy, keep shoveling.


  1. Blue skies! Lots of snow!
    Great if you don't have to go anywhere!

  2. Must be the stuff of alien worlds........we still have green grass here in CIVILIZED Louisiana!

  3. If there was a dislike button I would press it with you Cole!

  4. I know what you mean, Cole. This whole winter thing is way too over-rated! Hope your dad is careful shoveling. Sam's ღom

  5. Lol i hope it warms up so some of it can melt! Ours from a couple of weeks ago is slowly melting. But we get snow about once a week to keep topping it up. Bring on spring!

  6. Lol i hope it warms up so some of it can melt! Ours from a couple of weeks ago is slowly melting. But we get snow about once a week to keep topping it up. Bring on spring!

  7. My mother in bavaria gave up too... after she worked 2 hours outside, the snowplow came and the driver decided to turn in my mom's entrance while he lost a torrent of that white stuff...what an id*ot :o( Stay warm and comfy Cole, or come over... here we have only a rainstorm :o)

  8. Oh dear, we missed the storm. It's almost Feb. and we can still see our grass which is so unusual here in MA. Hope it melts quickly for you!

  9. Gasp! We live in Wisconsin and have never experienced THAT much snow in M's lifetime. We've had 18 inches one time and it was hard to deal with, but that was years ago. You have my sympathy doggie friend. he he - how would you feel about a litter box? (That's what I thought you'd say.)

  10. Yikes, that's a LOTTA snow! Come to So California!

  11. Jeepers, that is a LOT of snow! I'd have a tantrum, too. It's well deserved!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  12. PepiSmartDog: oh wow Cole! That is a lot of snow!!! Love your snow suit too.
    We are in the middle of a big heat wave - sweltering.
    Big apologies for being late in commenting - things got mental.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and hope to see you again this week. *waves paw* :=o)

  13. I agree with Cole. That's just too much snow
