
Sunday, December 13, 2015

A little shopping spree and we three

It all started innocently enough.
I said, let's walk in Annapolis this morning!
(poor men of my life didn't realize this would include a shopping spree)

Cole got dressed, we got in the car and DH asked "where first?"
Well since we're going that way anyway, let's go by the fabric store as I need borders for this kaleidoscope then we'll go into the city.
They were having a 25% off Christmas fabric, right when I needed some more red with dots. It's JollyHolliday in the City by In the Beginning. The white is Hoffman's Berries and Blooms. I love them and they are perfect for the kaleidoscope! Finally I think I have chosen borders!
Since this is one of Cole's favorite shopping areas we also went to Art Things and I found these perfect (for me) stocking stuffers. So DH was able to purchase them safe in the knowledge I'd see them and go "Perfect honey! How did you know??"
Two cool stencils, can't wait to play with them. Two pairs of socks with the all important feature of NO HOLES + artsy. The girl with a pearl has a "real" pearl earring as well. Hee hee. You could probably order some from Art Things in Annapolis.
We visited with lots of people and dogs on this little spree. Cole met some cutie poodles too. When poodle people meet we always discuss lumps/bumps and haircuts!
We tried to walk around the old town, but y'all it was hoppin'. No room at the Inn. No place to park a car.

We decided to move on to another area, parole plaza.

Lucky husband, I found two tops on serious sale + extra 30% off! More perfect gifts.  Anthropologie.

(surprises are great but this takes some of the pressure off him. That's right. I shop for me, for him. It's MY gift, heh heh)
He found something at the running store for him. We tried to sit at our fave outdoor cafe but despite 65 degree heat the patio was closed. Wah.
 Cole loves these shops and headed right into Sur la Table. Unfortunately I didn't want to go in so he had to go where I wanted... dang leash! He got lots of attention for the scarf.
Cole here, "I told Mamma it was too hot for a scarf but she said one must suffer for fashion dahling. Well, she's kind of right, it was only a bit hot, and it was amazing the paparazzi were in love with me! Oh the pets and admiration. Well, of course! " "And I only wanted to go into the cooking store to get mamma something for Christmas, something to make for me. "

We went for a morning walk, and came home three hours later. That's about right.
linking to mollisparkles sunday stash  


  1. Just have to love day trips like that!
    Enjoying the warmer December weather there too I see!
    Take care,

  2. Cole looks adorable! Looks like you got some good stuff! My husband would never go shopping with me like that, you are lucky!

  3. The stencils are great, what is the name of the leaf one? Looks like you all had a grand day!

    1. leaf stencil is made by TCW and is designed by Dina Wakely and called mini four ferns.

  4. Hi Cole, I'm Lucy, I'm a Chiweenie. My mommie has given up on making me wear things. I chew things, I even chewed my harness for walks. Wait that was a really bad thing to do because I didn't get any walks for 3 days until mommie bought another harness. When we meet other dogs and their people we don't talk about lumps bumps and hair cuts. They mostly say that's a breed? Or call me a cute mutt. They should say I'm beautiful. Merry Christmas Cole

  5. Cole, you're such a sport to go shopping. But I'm glad Mommy takes you because you get to visit with other dogs who admire you. Merry Christmas from Rah-Rah, Elizabeth, and Tarbaby. Even though we are cats, we understand admiration from humans.

  6. Cole, I agree with you... I love it to go shopping as a nekked pup... only my mom wears clothes lol
    the socks with the real pearl are fab! that's sure art, not just a sock :o)

  7. Sounds like a paw-some time! Enjoying this Spring weather in December!!

  8. What a groovy scarf, Cole! Always making a fashion statement. ;)

  9. Sounds like the perfect walk! (Next time, though, you'll have to wear those socks. With such a trend-setter as Cole, you have to work hard to keep up!)

  10. Sounds like another fun outing! Love the red fabrics and the socks! Cole does look fantastic in his scarf!

  11. PepiSmartDog: nice to see you dressed in your Xmas outfit Cole!
    Sorry I’m late getting here but thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop each week. Really enjoy your posts! *waves paw* :=o)
