
Saturday, November 14, 2015

flamingo parade

The color of the month at superscrappy RSC may be lime green but I already did lime green flamingos when I did GREEN ones... I will show them to you in a minute...
 Here are the new three joining the flock.
Multi-colored!! Wheeeeee! What total fun! I might even do more!

I started with the "black sheep" of the flock, with the lime dots. The green dot was in perfect position for his eye right? ( used a marker for the center)

I had a vest made with this fabric, heh heh

I just love the little scrap of water fabric I used... it's probably meant to be sky but I just love the color change. Don't know who made it, but I only have a little and I wish I had lots. Can't have all of each fabric I like, where would it live?

 Is now a good time to show you the size scrap I need for these little guys??

 Here is a printed pattern from SewPrecise, and this time I cut it out, to enlarge it on my printer.
This is a big one, lol.

Look at the beak piece...
which is a pain to do so small...

this is the little tack holding up my batting to make a design wall, isn't it cute?
 The top two are from the Green month. See? When someone says green I think lime...
I want to make two more this month, a red violet and one with this silly dotty green. 


  1. I love the "black sheep" AND rainbow flamingos!! Have fun with creating the rest of your flock.

  2. love your frolicking flamingos--they might be doing the frug or the watusi, ya think??? (Boy! that dates me for sure!!) hugs, Julierose

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE these multicolor flamingos -- awesome addition to the flock.

  4. I absolutely adore your flamingos! You have such fun with color. (And I always forget how small they are. Go you!)

  5. These are all so amazing. I love how you find so many fabrics that look like water, too!

  6. Lovely paisley flamingo, with a dotty rainbow neighbour: great fun. Every family has a black sheep, and this one is a little green as well! I envy your stash and your insight; you come up with such wonderful fabric combinations each week.

  7. Oh! What a great quilt this will make! I can't wait to see it! Love that black sheep guy.

  8. Hi LeeAnna,
    I was wondering when they would join in! Love them!
    Love the nail polish today too!
    Take care,

  9. Hi LeeAnna,
    I was wondering when they would join in! Love them!
    Love the nail polish today too!
    Take care,

  10. What itty bitty pieces to sew together for the beaks. Hmm! A red violet one will look great with this flock.

  11. Nice work! So fiddly and so worth it, no? I am laughing because I also used lime green for the RSC green month, so now I'm having to do some other shade of green. I've been following along but not linking up. Also, I have one teeny tiny piece of that watery fabric too, and I am hoarding it. You did a wonderful job on these!

  12. Love them all. They make me smile every time I see one of them. Can't wait to see the finished product. Is this pattern in a book or online somewhere?

  13. They are all wonderful - can't wait to see the whole flock together!

  14. Love those dots. Great placement.

  15. The black sheep is very cool. You did not mention anything about the rainbow ones. Are they going to be saved for Mardi Gras? All you need to do is add some beads. Sure hope you can find the fabric you need. Good luck!

  16. Hi LeeAnna! Wow, those flamingos are small! And cute! The black one is great fun. You are one of the first that I've seen to add details with markers. You inspired me and I bought some but I haven't used them yet. I really do wonder how you get such small fabríc pieces to hook together. Is there any trick to it? Do you shorten your stitches by a lot? It seems like the beak could only have one or two stitches in its side. Is that enough for it to be caught in well? I see people do these really teensy pieced blocks for minis and I keep wondering how it is done without everything coming apart. Any light you can shed for me would be much appreciated! Hi to Hubby and Cole from me, too! Beth

  17. I love your flamingos and the two fabrics you show will mane two more beauties!

  18. Love the black sheep of the flamingo family. These are going to be awesome when they're all put together.

  19. I love your flamingos! They are as much fun as your collection of colorful dishes, and have so much personality!

  20. Your flamingos certainly are eye catching, I love them! And that piece of 'water' was a great find, looks effective from a distance!

  21. Love your flamingos!! They are totally fun!

  22. Ohh, how adorable these little guys are! I had no idea the pieces were so tiny. You've got patience girl! You should definitely make more to join the flock. :) Thanks for linking up!

  23. Love them en masse - they definitely belong in a flock.

  24. I really like the ones with dots! I think it's the perfect print for a flamingo!!! :) thanks for sharing!!

  25. These are brilliant! Great idea, great colours. You can never have too many flamingos! :D

  26. I LOVE your multi-color flamingos! Wheee - nothing could be more fun!
    When someone says green around me my brain goes to either a good medium green or lime.

  27. These are so much fun. I have a crazy flamingo quilt I did awhile back just because it was such fun fabric.

  28. They are all wonderful, that the little black one is my favorite!

  29. All your flamingos are so pretty... I would find it impossible to chose a favourite! Looking forward to seeing your flock GROW!

  30. I knew the flamingo was you when I saw it over at WIP !
    So fun :)

  31. I just love your flamingoes....I am on a quilt group whose mascot is a flamingo!!!!
    I think I am gonna have to try sewing up some of these !!!!!

  32. You did it again!!! Beautiful multi-colored flamingoes. Love them. But what do you intend to do with all of them? Do you ever sleep? Or are you dreaming about fabric placement? I've learned a lot about color and not to be afraid of it from your blog. I just realized that's the name of your blog. Very fitting!!

  33. I LOVE each of your beautiful Flamingo blocks!

  34. I love them all, but the black one a little bit more!!
