
Monday, September 14, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Fall

Display at the store Twisted Sisters
It's beginning to look like Fall, y'all. The air has a snap to it, orange and brown are showing up, and I'm seeing a few falling leaves around here.
I mean, just look at that mantel scene... look closely...(there we are in the scene)
Check out this stairway, very quilt-ish isn't it??
that looks like a fabric I've seen
The owner of this store has a doodle and always coos over Cole when we go in... doesn't that just make you want to come for a visit?? Twisted sister is in West Annapolis.

Look at the gourd we bought over the weekend at the local produce stand
Isn't it a source of inspiration?? If I were a sculptor...
Here it is again...
Isn't nature a blast? This is the oddest gourd I've ever seen, full of curvy lines, bumps, swirls. There is no limit to how it could be interpreted in art.
Painting, sculpture, quilting,  etc. Inspiring job, mother nature.

I will share some of my studio work later in the week. For now, go be inspired by nature and please tell me about it!


  1. Love that wacky gourd! It looks like it should just up and walk away...

  2. That gourd reminds me of the dancing broomstick in the Disney movie " The Sorcerer's Apprentice "..... So cool!

  3. Now I want to go to the produce stands out in the country to look for "weird" gourds too. Great find

  4. I was NOT inspired by a closer look at the street! But I do so love your gourd.

  5. I love the changing of the leaves in Fall.....soooo pretty!

  6. Love those steps! What a brilliant idea to personalise your home!

  7. That gourd is so cool-What a great shape. And it's colors are a great echo of your most recent fabulous cow!

  8. Most. favorite. time. of. year. Love, love, love that gourd! :)
