
Monday, September 21, 2015

I'm bored, Let's go somewhere!

Apparently Cole decided that he was owed a trip since he stayed home yesterday while we went to the quilt show.  I'll let him tell you the story....
Yep, I gave them the intense poodle stare all day on Sunday until they finally got the picture.

The poodle needed to go somewhere.
 I packed them up in the car and we went for a little walkabout at my fave shopping center.
First stop, Arhaus Furniture,  where ALL the employees LOVE me. I mean, they come over and pet me and tell my pawrents they should give me better treats and stop making me wear a leash and not give me baths.

At least I think that's what they were saying...
Check out this bed...

 now I like my comfort but this seems like a few too many throw pillows on a bed to me. Then we saw this light...

I told Momma to get a picture to show you... it smelled like, what is that, oh yeah! The Beach!
Sea Shells all artistically organized!

After I finished looking at everything, and licked all my new friends goodbye, we walked on.

Suddenly I had a weird feeling....
Did I hear scissors? I just had a bath!
Keep walking Daddy!

I had just decided to throw mommy a bone, and let her go into Anthropologie when we saw this....

For Barking out loud!  It's a cute little maltese in a stroller!! This guy is so teeny he was standing up while his momma pushed him around. Sweet ride!
He squeaked at me so I rushed over to give him a sniff. Isn't he cute? Can I have him?? Please let me have him!

 He and I talked the people into letting us do the pee-dance. First he went over to the tree, then I went over to the tree and that little guy can really lift a leg! There was a lot of sniffing going on, especially when he walked right under my stomach. I haven't walked under a dog since I was a young'un!
We had a nice conversation, dog style, man to man until his mom put him back in the stroller and gave him a drink out of his own glass. I mean, how is it this guy gets carted around in style... is he a king or something?

Mom, Dad and I visited a few more stores, and  I acknowledged the paparazzi who all wanted to pet me,
until I was satisfied with my outing then we went home for a big bowl of kibble. I'm so glad they finally realized what I wanted all day, to go on a field trip!

I wonder if I would like to have a dog of my own... maybe for Christmas. Santa??


  1. Oh what a fun story to start my day with!

  2. LOL! Oh Cole you crack me up! You are lucky to live in an area where you can go shopping with Mom! Hugs and have a great day :)

  3. Hi Y'all!

    I find, that since my Humans are always buried in their work, the only way to get attention is to BARK! LOUDLY! Until the look up and pay attention.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Whoa! The Bad Basset Boyz are sooooo jealous! They have not gone on a trip in a long while!

  5. What a fun outing! Rita is constantly getting walked under while Reg is with us! Glad you got to meet a new friend! Good job with the Intense Poodle Stare!

  6. What a fun day!! That pup's stroller was very manly, haha!

  7. Wow! What a story to tell.. Love that shopping area too:-)

  8. How fun and you got to meet a new friend too! :)

  9. Oh swoon...two of my favorite stores. That lamp was incredible! Nice that Cole got to make a new friend on the outing. I KNOW that bored poodle stare, it can be brutal! :)

  10. The best part of any outing is making a new friend, eh Cole?

  11. We have one of those stores heading south towards Fredericksburg, and I've been meaning to stop in. Didn't know they were pet friendly. I will have to check it out for sure now when I'm headed back to Va to visit the human adult children.

  12. I think you simply must have a puppy under your own tree for Christmastime. Start petitioning Santa right now!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  13. PepiSmartDog: woah, thats some crazy cushions. Looks interesting but it could be pretty scratchy too. Hee Hee!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Hope you can join us again this week too. *waves paw* :=o)
