
Friday, August 14, 2015

Indigo-go girl

Indigo is the challenge color this month as So Scrappy.
Meet, Indigo-go!
You can't see it but she's wearing go-go boots. The shiny white kind that come up to your "calf"
I used some precious scraps this time. I just love that turquoise and lavender one on her face. I've used it often. There is just something about that color combination. I used a variegated pink to blue purple piece for her lips with the pink on the edge to look like she's about to lick her lips.

What if she were wearing earrings??

Since she's an activist that believes in organic healthy lifestyles she chose these earrings...



Colors vibrate at certain frequencies. Indigo is believed to bring peace.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ooh la la, l love Indigog-go Girl! I'm imagining her fabulous boots. I can't wait to see your rainbow cows and rainbow flamingos put together. I'm sure you will come up with something amazing!

  3. what a great idea, I love it how you played with words and that's a fabulous idea to wear earrings with a super message :o)

  4. Your cow is precious! Great use of fabric! I enjoyed your post from the quilt show and Cole looks like he had a good rest in the park! Hugs and have a great day!

  5. She is a beauty! Maybe EAT CHICKEN for other earrings? :)

  6. Hi LeeAnna!
    Go Girl is great!
    Earings! All part of being one of the cow crowd!
    We used clip ons :)
    Take care,

  7. Hi LeeAnna!
    Go Girl is great!
    Earings! All part of being one of the cow crowd!
    We used clip ons :)
    Take care,

  8. Just so much fun to see your herd grow. Love these girls.

  9. Im also loving your cows, each one has their own personality and character, the earings are a hoot :)

  10. Love it! You have such a vivid imagination which makes you the artist that you are :-)

  11. I love your cows so very very much.
    (I had a pair of gogo boots as a teenager. They were the best thing ever back in the 60's...)

  12. Up here in New York we have lots of different cows, but none are as pretty as yours is!

  13. Such fun cows--such fun personalities. Thanks for bringing them to life!

  14. Oh yeah! I had those go go boots. In fact, Frank lived just down the street and he wanted to ask me out, but he wouldn't as long as I had those go go boots! So he waited until he was sure they were history to ask me to his d]DeMolay Dance.

    And the rest is history! 45 years later!

  15. You make the most amazing blocks. Beautiful!

  16. Beautiful range of indigoes. The variety really adds sparkle to your block. Love the earrings!

  17. What great fabrics in that gorgeous indigo go. She's definitely a girl with attitude.

  18. Hi Lee Anne. Another beautiful cow! And such a girly cow! This is going to be an amazing quilt.

  19. She seems to be a very formidable gal. With those boots she could stomp all her rivals into &/&.

  20. Your cows and other blocks are fantastic. It is a treat to see what you are working on.

  21. Your cows and other blocks are fantastic. It is a treat to see what you are working on.

  22. Indigo-go is mooovelous! I love the fact she is wearing go-go boots!

  23. What great color choices. Quite a range...your cow has been living on.

  24. Love love love this cow!!! You have a wonderful imagination and I so enjoy reading your blog with my morning tea! Thank you.

  25. She's a real sweetie, what a splendid reveal it's going to be when all these beautiful cows are together

  26. We gotta see those go go boots! So fun....

  27. Love those ear tags. Where did you get them?

  28. Another beautiful lady!! Nice fabrics.

  29. So classy! and the earrings are just perfect! Thanks for sharing!!

  30. I can just see the go go boots! Beautiful use of color.

  31. You are so funny! I love her... great job!

  32. I love watching the progress on your cows. This one is so cute!

  33. I wasn't sure about making an indigo cow (remember I started doing these blocks too, in February, after I saw your two...I'm, choke, rather behind, as far behind as a cow's ... er, hind end is large)...After seeing your girl, I could definitely do an indigo cow! Just thought we seem to have done 3 different blues already, so not sure I wanted 3 blue cows of 12. Love the personality you have in your herd. :-)

  34. I love her! You did a wonderful job bringing her to life.

  35. Really cute! I've enjoyed seeing all your different color creatures. What are you going to do with all your blocks? Just asking about your plan.

  36. These cow blocks are showing up everywhere and I just love every single one!

  37. Your creations always make me smile!
    Thanks for sharing with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!
