
Monday, June 29, 2015

Start of the Folklife Festival

                                                                     Security Duck
Cole here... with the weather report.
I'll be the first one to admit I don't like rain. Messes up my naturally curly hair, plus the threat of lights going out. That sets off the mommy and no one likes an upset mommy.

Last week I had to be groomed and the less said about that the better. It's enough to say they touched my feet a lot, oy!
Then the guy mowed our lawn (loud) the carbon monoxide alarm went off (loud) it thundered (loud) and the power went out.   This weekend it merely flooded.
It all started off okay.
A light rain, Momma was beading while Dad played the guitar and I sang along.   In my head.

Hey, Dad, do you know "how much is that doggy in the window"?

Then Momma "needed" quilting supplies so we got in the car and drove to a new store.

Of course I went. Did I say it was raining?! I wasn't interested in staying home alone with that threat hanging over my head.

I thought I might find a great poodle print for a new bandana but no.

Momma found cool fabric of course, always. And a ruler she wanted. I got to pet the owner of the store
Prints Charming in Fulton MD. GREAT store! GREAT petting!

We then drove to see  a few houses for sale  but the rain picked up, and flooding began and we were lucky to make it out with our lives!! Due to some mighty fine driving by Dad, we drove through several rivers and lakes to get home. The next day I was tired! I didn't want to eat or walk.

I stayed home while the parental units went for another ride in the car.

LeeAnna here, sorry to take over Cole's post but he couldn't go with us to DC because he was creaky and it was hot and muddy from the floods. We went to Peru.
The Folklife Festival is going on at the mall in DC and Cole loves it there but...

This was the order of the day.

Cole would not have been able at 13 to do the heat, the mud, the dogs and kids, the crowds, and all the walking.

We decided if we go down for an evening concert and can park nearby he gets to go because he loves going there.

There were so many dogs there which is lovely that so many people want to spend time with their dogs!
We started the day with George here.

A standard poodle from PA, at least 5 inches taller than Cole, and 10+ pounds heavier.
A massive poodle, and funny and friendly.
No offense to other breeds, but the woman and I agreed  we are poodle people.

George is 2, and able to handle all the dogs and walking. He did make a run for it when another dog passed.

This sweetest golden took his chance to nap during a stage performance.

In the mud, behind his person, loud noise and crowds of people and dogs and kids, smells of food all around and us standing right next to him.

At one point he reached out and laid his head on MY foot!
I love dogs!

We saw just about every kind of breed and mix out there. I'll show you lots of cool pix of Peru this week, but leave you with a picture of this stylish dog, avoiding the gravel and mud with her boots. 

So sorry Cole couldn't go and report back this time, but in the end after all the walking we knew it would have stressed him. He wasn't eating and didn't want a morning walk. It's hard to accept your pup is getting older...


  1. Cole is so handsome. And I love the boots on the last dog! And I miss DC. Looks like a fun time was had by all!

  2. Boots on dogs always crack me up. I keep wondering what the dog thinks.

  3. What a fun day! The Golden must have been really tuckered out, lol! :)

  4. Yes, we have had our share of rain here in the DMV haven't we? Looks like a great deal of fun.

  5. Nice to meet you Cole! We have a soggy mess here too. Saturday brought high winds with the rain, and our town has lots of trees down. High winds = trees down = no electricity for 28+ hours. Hope you are staying dry.

  6. DiNozzo here: We hate rain here too. I don' t really mind it but everyone else is afraid. It is the thunder and the fact that McGee just hates to have those big old flat feet get wet! And our bellies are so low to the ground they ALWAYS get wet. Dad says if we weren't 5 inches tall we wouldn't have that problem! (we are actually taller than that, we are BASSETS after all......)

    1. well, Cole is really tall and he hates it too. He's downright depressed when he is expected to go out in it to pee. He doesn't seem to mind stepping in his pee now and then... whatever...

  7. Poor Cole with the rain and the thunder and the alarm! Too bad he can't always go along anymore, but he probably enjoyed relaxing at home. It's hard when they get older, but it's also a special time. Give him a smooch from me and Rita!

  8. I don't take Sam to festivals, mostly because they stress me out and I think they probably make even this loveable doofas a tad stressed. After weeks of rain, it's hotter than Hades now, and yet another reason not to take my fur-kid out to those events. Sam is water adverse so he'd do anything to avoid puddles. Can't wait to see what you'll do with the new fabric. :)

  9. Hi Y'all!

    We're in the midst of a terrible drought. We could use some of y'all's rain.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. What I would give for rain right now. Our yard is so brown due to the drought - Luna is practically laying in straw when she goes out for her morning sunshine nap. Love the shots of the dogs - that little napper is just too cute.

  11. Wish we could send you some of ours! Hope the drought is over soon

  12. Cole still looks gorgeous. Probably happier at home. I can't take Kilo the Pug anywhere crowded as he gets anxious. It's been a bit rainy up here but not as bad - hope the weather improves for you. Love the golden and the boots. X Susie and Kilo

  13. PepiSmartDog: hi! I finally made it to visit you.
    Sorry I am here so late. *blushes*
    Another great post! Did I read it right that you went to Peru?
    Without Cole? *gasp*
    Love the stylish pic at the bottom.
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
    We really appreciate you and hope you’ll keep joining in.
    *waves paw* :=o)
