
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

All Creatures Great and Small....

Whew! Well, ya gotta laugh...
All God's creatures are recovering today from last night's storm that left us with downed trees, broken limbs, and without power for about 12 hours. Did I mention it was nearly 100 degrees with high humidity all day?
This morning we were happy to see the dawn and went to the porch for our morning coffee...
Well Cole didn't have coffee but was happy things had settled down a bit.

He was so exhausted from his "Very Bad Day" (his post will go up on Monday) that he didn't even care if all God's creatures came out for breakfast....

He just watched this squirrel, the squirrel watched him and the two of them said, "not today"

This squirrel was obviously as shell shocked as we all were. He posed for a pretty picture, then along with lots of birds I've never seen before went within a few feet of Cole's watchful eye in order to enjoy some seeds.

He was joined by a grackle that I swear was dogging him. Mostly the grackles avoid or ignore squirrels but this one really wanted to share a table.

The picture is grainy because I took it through the screen. They weren't far from Cole but there was some kind of unspoken moratorium on aggression this morning.
Then the squirrel, assuming it's the same squirrel... I admit to a lack of ability to tell one from another, climbed up on the A-frame swing and flopped down. And went to sleep.
It was a hard night for us. I can't imagine facing it high up in a tree with no roof to protect you. Seems like all little critters were happy to still be able to wake up this morning even if they might need a little nap later.
I had planned to show you the treasures I found shopping the last week but that will have to wait for another time.
This is filed under home and garden, if you enjoyed it look  for more posts HERE and don't be afraid to look back at the early ones for some great garden pix


  1. LOVE the squirrels! Thanks. It's really hot here too plus I had a case of food poisoning OR something last night so between those I am wiped out! This too shall pass (as they say). 'They' better be right.

  2. We used to lose power at the first slight wind of a summer afternoon! I guess they finally got the connections on the power lines tightened and now we only lose it during hurricanes and tornadoes. We have underground utilities but most often something happens at the station behind our subdivision.

    And it is miserable to be without power and A/C. During the week we were down for Gustav, I slept on the tile in the foyer to keep cool.

    DiNozzo says he can come help Cole with those pesky squirrels. He is working on a strategy to take a couple down from the trees in the back yard. He is really close, inches.

    And he did ask for a chain saw for Christmas........

  3. So glad that all of you came through with little damage! I'm sure squirrel chasing will be back to normal before too long.

  4. Wow, that must have been a doozy of a storm. How yucky to have no a.c.!

  5. Oh, that doesn't sound like fun. Everybody does look pretty shell-shocked and tired! Hope you had a peaceful day today. (It's gotta be exhausting to be a wild animal. I'm so glad I'm domesticated.)

  6. Hi LeeAnna,
    What a night! and days!
    Great pict of a squirrel! That was quite a storm for all of you!
    Good to see you can enjoy coffee out on the still intact porch!
    Take care,

  7. Hi LeeAnna,
    What a night! and days!
    Great pict of a squirrel! That was quite a storm for all of you!
    Good to see you can enjoy coffee out on the still intact porch!
    Take care,

  8. I feel ya Cole.. What a storm!

  9. Aw, glad to see everyone is having a rest day. Storms for dogs are no fun! our Charly hides under the bed and will not come out for anything!

  10. It's is hot like that in South Carolina too. Hey, we always have fun watching Squirrel-TV!

  11. Wish I had some of your heat and squirrels to watch :)

  12. LarryPug wants Cole to know that he prefers his prey to be large and on wheels, preferably, the bigger the better, aka the garbage truck, the street sweeper. Larry's a city boy and he feels that squirrels are not that interesting.

  13. PepiSmartDog: oh wow - glad you guys are all OK!
    Sounds like it was a wild night.
    Love your fuchsia plant! Just beautiful.
    I'm jealous you have squirrels. I so wish we had them where we live.
    Glad Cole wasn't left too traumatized by the weather and had a secret code with the squirrel. Hee Hee!
    Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
    Sorry I'm late in leaving my comment, but I made it. Hee Hee!
    Hope you can join us this week too. *waves paw* :=o)
