
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Birthday loot

My new BFF!
One of the things we did for my birthday was make a trip to Rehoboth Beach. Along the way I wanted to visit the quilt shop in Lewis DE called Mare's Bears. ( 
Whee! What fun this shop is! Cole was welcomed in by MaryAnn's sweetie, the two quickly becoming friends, and Cole was shown around the shop. They both rested together happily until the UPS delivery when they made a mutual decision to allow him in.
Momma needed fabric!!
As the countess would say...
I wanted to buy the place out but showed great restraint, AND all this was on sale! Woohoo!
I thought I might make some pillowcases with the Zzzzz's fabric, and well, the shoes HAD to come home with me. The little roll of low contrast is perfect since who ever buys enough faint pastel fabrics like this, not me as I go for the crazy color and patterns. Like....

OMGosh, Don't know how I'll use this, maybe in my retro quilt if that ever gets started. I didn't care, it had to jump in my bag and at $5 a yard, I should have bought more!
We went on to the beach but I want to do that in another post... as I found the cutest antique scotty dog that I am converting into a pin cushion... you know how I am.


  1. Oh how cute...I wouldn't have been able to resist either! Looking forward to that pincushion too! (Happy Birthday!!)

  2. What fun! Happy birthday, Lea Anna - it started out great. Love your purchases.

  3. Hi LeeAnna!
    We're definately going fabric shopping together one of these years!
    You find the most amazing stuff and deals!
    Tha's one great plus poing for fabrics! Stash!
    Plants can't!
    Take care,

  4. Wow, you certainly did find some yummy fabric. I love those fun dress forms !

  5. There's nothing better than a good day of fabric shopping.

  6. OMG!! Love that shop!! Only get there when we take the ferry from Cape May. Happy Birthday!!! Great restaurants in Lewes too!! Glad you and Cole made a new friend.

  7. Gosh - haven't been to Rehoboth in ages. Need to revisit that before the summer ends.

  8. Happy Birthday to you both! Looks like a great birthday trip. I am knee, well, hip deep in Bath Redo so I am not going anywhere!

    My magnet was used for it's first official job today, telling us that the dishes in the dishwasher are CLEAN! Its unofficial job is to proclaim I am always right!

  9. What cute fabrics! I wish I was better at sewing. Alas I'm not all that great at it, but I try, lol. I used to sew cloth diapers for my kids when they were babies. :-)

  10. You got some great fabrics on this trip. Happy Birthday Lea Ann!

  11. Very fun additions to the stash. Hope you had a very happy birthday.

  12. Happy Birthday Lea Ann. On Sale (my two favorite words... add Fabric and you have my favorite phrase) and so cute, too. You have such fun tastes.

  13. I like the fabric with the dresses :-) How neat that Cole was welcome in the store!!

  14. What great fabric finds! I can see why they had to come home with you.

  15. linked up with you this fine Monday evening, Liked and shared this post, It was a pleasure to meet you and many others as well. Thanks for inspires my day. Thanks for Sharing and Caring .

  16. Happy Birthday! What a fun way to spend it.

  17. Great way to spend your birthday!!! I love Mare's Bears too. Fun FUN Fabric! Have fun with those additions to the stash! :)

  18. great additions to your stash!

  19. Ooh, what a fun way to spend your birthday! I'm getting a kick out of the dress form fabric.

  20. PepiSmartdog: I love this!!!
    What great fabrics. And I laughed at the badge.
    Great way to spend your birthday. :=o)
    Thanks for joining Thankful Thursday Blog Hop again.
    Hope to see you this week too. *waves paw*
