
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Yellow Hexie Table runner

 Does being made from crumbs mean you're crummy??
What about being made from scraps? Does that mean you're Scrappy?
Oh, no, my yellow blocks are peaceful!   They want everyone to....
check out those seams, perfecto!
 I made these yellow hexie blocks last year, piecing together teensy pieces of scraps then cutting out a hexie this size, because the template was this size....
I took them out this month because the color at RSC2015 this month is yellow.
I decided to add in some of my precious Mary Englebreit collection for fun...
See the bin? Still full. Here are the blocks all lined up to be sewn.

I usually sew hexies by hand but I wanted to try the method tallgrassprairiestudio shows on her blog of sewing hexies by machine without marking.

It worked! Very well as a matter of fact.
I am not new to inset seams, meaning not sewing across seam allowances, having done it many times. The tutorial was clear.

 My suggestions are to take her seriously when she says do not take even one stitch into the seam allowance. There are 25 blocks here and it took about forty minutes to sew and press the runner.
Pretty darn quick. And the seams meet just so, and lay flat...
check out the joins! Happy dance when inset seams lay flat! 
I plan to do an envelop turn along the edges, then machine quilt. Maybe add some applique flowers.


  1. Wow, those scrappy hexies are lovely, good luck at putting a dent in that scrap box.

  2. Beautiful fabrics, and really sunshine. I'll have to check out this way of doing hexies.

  3. This looks lovely! I have done lots of inset seams, but I have never attempted it on hexagons. After seeing your great results, I'll have to give it a try!

  4. What a FUN project!! I love Crumbs and your Mary E. fabrics look happy to be part of the growing table runner. Enjoy!

  5. Mellow Yellow! i love your scrappy happy look!

  6. Love your yellow table runner. The envelope method will be great for finishing it up.

  7. Perfect yellow table runner. I always love the scrappy look.

  8. What a bright sunny table runner, Leanne! Thanks for the hexie tutorial tip -- I will check that out.

  9. I'll have to check that out. The table runner is so cheerful. Lovely.

  10. Hooray for machine piecing! And I had some of that Mary Engelbreit fabric, too. How fun to see it again.

  11. I'm loving all the yellows - so bright and warm (roll on spring). Hexies on a machine sounds like a great idea.

  12. Yes! What a fun project and I especially love all your unique, fun fabrics used. You have a great stash!!! WOndering which room you'll use it in?

  13. Great inset seams! Always tricky on the machine, but yours look great.

  14. Lovely table runner: bright yellows and a few surprises. Thanks for the link to the tutorial: I'm definitely going to practise machine piecing hexies this week.

  15. Hi LeeAnna,
    A great way to start any day with such a lovely table runner!
    No room here on my table for a table runner! Just tools...paint....bits...:)
    Take care,

  16. Lovely table runner and great use of scraps and hexagons! I will have to try this one day because I am intrigued by the shape but I am not willing to piece them by hand, so thanks for the pointer to the tutorial!

  17. Love your scrappy, crumby project!!! And the seems are perfect!

  18. Love the yellow, so cheerful! Check out my tutorial from November for an easy edge finish for all those points --

  19. How cool! They are then crazy quilted hexagons.

  20. Beautiful table runner. So many memories in all those little bits of fabric.
