
Saturday, January 3, 2015

What will you make this year? (Goals and machines)

Happy New Year to you all!

Do you have any sewing  goals for this year? Did you actually write them down so you don't forget?
Anyone put finish a few UFO's on their goal list?

I have spent several days in the studio, moving things around to sort and see what I have, and clear out some space for three quilt deadlines. I need to figure out how to get back on the exhibit entry circuit this year and take a class on how to use my new SLR camera for entry pictures. I also want to draw more, not to impress but to learn scale and shading. I want to use my books, do more beading, finish some started projects and start more. I want to look through my old quilting magazines and clear off the dining room table. (post on my magazine obsession click here!)

As if that will ever happen.

For me, there is a balance between cleaning up and putting things away, which gives me clarity and space to work... but...the other side of that is forgetting what I have and possibly not remembering where I stored it.

 I have many other goals as well. I finally bought a featherweight so I need/want to learn about the care and feeding of it, and use it to sew some scrap projects  in bee. Under the tree this year were two important black cases...

 One holds the SLR digital camera I need to take a class on digital photography. Hopefully that will lead to understanding of how to take a great picture for quilt show entries. The other case held this...
A 1951 centenial Singer featherweight.
I have wanted this machine for years, toying with the idea of getting a red one, but when a local woman approached our bee with the desire to sell her two I went over to see this one. It needs a tiny bit of adjustment, possibly a new belt and a bit of oil but it is so cool!! I am thrilled.
Now I must allow myself to use it. One of my goals is to learn the care and feeding from my hive mate Lynn and then start a sewin'

Each year I choose a word to explore for that year.
 Last year was ( enjoy another monk photo from last year)   ENJOY
Awe, here's my happy monk, the one who stayed on the mantle all year to remind me to enjoy the moments between the pain. This year he's joined by this year's Snowbaby. I try to get one each year, and didn't display them all this year but this one needed buying.
The gesture of love, the holding of the sweet bear close, the connection between them... had to have it.
This year my word is connection, a verb or connections a noun and goal. 

When a person chooses ( or often a word chooses them)  a word to focus on for a year, it is surprising all that comes up.
 The universe kicked my butt when I chose RELEASE. I won't try to explain all I had to release that year but it wasn't easy. It was good, not easy. 

So this year I hope to explore connections in all forms, connecting to friends, myself, my work, my long term goals, the Earth and my spirituality, and not least of which my husband and poodle. I sure hope those of you here will consider being a part of my process this year!! I have made fantastic friends here. Friendships that can grow and blossom. 
A short story... we went contra dancing New Year's Eve.
  We met contra dancing in Tampa and have danced together in the greater DC area since we moved here about 20 years ago. We have gotten to know many people at these friendly dances but only a few that we see outside of the dances themselves. This year, during a break I bravely approached one of the couples we really like and told her about my word, and that I would love to set up a dinner date with them this year. I feared she would come up with excuses to keep a distance like so many people here do... but she didn't! She said, great! We'd love to. 

It's a start! 

I have written down goals in several categories. One of my goals is to start a link party of my own this year and I sure hope you will come share that with me. I spent the morning developing a quilt to use as the image for the link button!! It's really cool and I'm excited about it. 

What have you been up to and have you set any goals for yourself and quilting??
Thanks for reading and please stay in touch y'all!

Love, LeeAnna
linking to 15 sewing goals  as well as my other faves listed on links page


  1. i took my mom's Fw to college in early 60'2 and i still have it! also 2 others that actually sew and can go with me, i use the one that sews poorly,dolly, as a holderdowner of paper(checks, cash,information,numbers). when i do info/sales set ups, i take out the needle and leave it at home with bobbins case and dropping the presser foot down is snappy. i am often surprised how many people say" my mom, my granny... had one like that!" a feather weight is my straight sewing favorite for both cloth and paper. i have two mature bernina 830 record and her older sister 708. Recently when a visitor to my studio looked about and inquired where my quilting machine was i held up my hands! followed with help from Bernadette and Bernie!!

    i be more joyful might be a motto frame to start with i find one word too confining. i like your reaching out a good one
    , to make the first moved toward a cnnection. i have nade a few this lasy month now i must act upon it as i am very cntent to file my day in studio and domesstic things mostly related to food! be well, sonja

  2. Congrats on your Featherweight! They are great for taking to classes, workshops, and retreats. They have the prettiest straight stitch around. Enjoy getting to know it!

  3. enjoyed your post and good for you to take that first step and be rewarded!
    I love my fw too!

  4. Hi LeeAnna!
    You have a great blog start to 2015!
    Featherweight! Release! And Great new challenges!
    Have fun learning ! And still enjoy!
    I'm so curious about your linky party!
    Looking forward to reading more this year!
    Take care,

  5. Oh I love your Featherweight - you are going to have such fun with it. The oiling and stuff is easy once you know what to do. I hadn't made any resolutions this year (thought usually do) but this post has given me a much-needed prod - so I'm off to work on that now. I love the idea of a word for the year - and am looking forward to continuing our connection.

  6. Those are two awesome gifts! My what good taste Drew and Cole have... I'm excited to hear more about your Linky party!

  7. What fun black boxes. :) My word this year is enjoy. I hope you have a year filled with connections and connection.

  8. Wow! I love your new fun toys, the Featherweight is awesome!
    It looks like you guys had a fun filled New Years Eve and you have a great positive outlook on the New Year!
    I'm looking forward to another entertaining year of your so fun to read and connect with you :-)

  9. I am excited for you with all those new machines and cameras! I love your goal for connection. I need to connect with a lot of things this year.

  10. Congratulations for some amazing objects that will for sure keep you busy for this 2015! And you chose a great word for the year! I hope to be able to be part of this "connection" plan now that the craziness of xmas sewing is over ;) looking forward to see all you projects! Thanks for linking up at MOP Monday! :)

  11. Ooh, I love your new machine! Those old sewing machines look so feminine and fierce and I hope you enjoy sewing with her. I also received a new digital camera for Christmas, and I'm looking forward to taking better pictures too. Thanks for linking up today LeeAnna - have a great week!

  12. Happy New Year, LeeAnna! Congratulations on your first Featherweight! Warning: Featherweights are kind of like chocolate truffles; it's REALLY HARD to stop at just one... ;-) There are some wonderful online resources for FW owners, including a Yahoo group, and is a great website with free manuals to download, lots of information about "care and feeding," as well as tutorials for using vintage and reproduction accessories on your FW. Good luck with your Year of Connections!

  13. Congratulations on your Featherweight. Those babies just last forever with the proper cleaning/oiling, etc. And they are just so darned cute, too. Enjoy!

  14. I started 2014 with 36 UFOs and this year I am down to 17. My goal this year is to complete them all. Yeah.....right LOL

  15. I love your word for the year! All the best to you, as you make new friends through your art, your blog and your new link party! Looking forward to it!

  16. Great choice for the year and great stuff on the camera and featherweight- Santa was very generous. Here's to 2015 and getting to learn and play with both!

  17. I really need to finish all of the projects that I have started before I start anything new. Will I? Probably not!

  18. Have fun with your Featherweight and new camera! Your list of goals sounds like mine, hopefully we'll both have success this year!

  19. Thanks for posting your goals--I have the feeling many of us creatives have similar lists (I have "be a friend" and "host a sew-along" on my list, among many others). I feel like the Universe speaks in rivers that connect us this time of year. (Ok, maybe that's just my interpretation of the rain in Oregon.)
    Looking forward to your linky party!
