
Friday, January 16, 2015

A colorful coincidence

  It should come as no surprise that I am inspired by color. It will become the link party I am planning.
The other day, I realized I have been collecting shades of pink, or peachy pink, or coral.
This is only amazing in that it's winter and I am usually drawn to seasonal color.

While looking at magazines, I pull out pages that interest me in some way. Therefore I have snippets of paper all over the house... more about that in a future post.
I pulled out this one from a decorating magazine because the shades of pinks were very exciting to me.
I began to notice a trend, since all this stuff was piled up in the family room... My ornament from a craft festival (read post about the artist here ) the new fabric, the clipping, the nail polish...

Please overlook the dried out winter wrinkled fingers and note the color.
For about 15 years I pulled on ballet tights this color twice to three times a week. I have always loved this color.
Color vibrates.
While in university,I did volunteer work at the Lighthouse for the Blind, and one of the activities was to see if sight challenged people could feel color. And they could.

My friend Mary, ( blog is here) sent me this happy cow fabric, out of the blue this week Is there anything better than getting a gift out of the blue just because a friend was thinking about you, and put thought into action? Then happy cows show up?! In these colors? My neutral lime green and that shade of coral pink?

The clipping, the polish, the fabric, the files I bought last weekend on clearance at Paper source...

Mr Not-afraid-of-color and I were shopping last weekend at anthropolgie, when I went back to buy the cow creamer in teal, so we stopped in the Paper Source to see what was there. This man does not love color as much as I do, and is very understanding when I squeal upon seeing a color combination like this...

 Not only that coral/pink/peach color inside the file folders, but that pattern in subtle black and white and turquoise and dabs of dark pink??? Squee! And on clearance? I know my husband doesn't see colors the way I do, but he knows that look of discovery and loves me. When I got home I saw that they went PERFECTLY with these fave desk accessories from the Container Store...
I found a magazine holder, and two other containers in this pattern on clearance there about 3 years ago. I am still in love with the pattern and color. I don't understand marketing, because on our last trip to the Con. Store they were still there but full price. I like to have pretty things around me, especially pretty things I see daily and use, but have my monetary limits. So glad I got these when they were on sale.
I am working on the winter BOM quilt at the moment, but right behind it is the flannel flimsy in Turqoise and rose fabrics from Bonnie and Camille. These lovely colors and soft.

I usually love pure bright colors, but color is relative and changes in different combinations. It has an infinite range of hue and tint. It is infinitely inspirational to me and I wonder...
Does color jazz you too? 


  1. You should know by now that I love colours, bright colours. And I love your happy cows with that green. A linky party with colours will be perfect for me. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Linky Party about Color? Where do I sign up?

  3. If you are craving pink, come see my Hugs and Kisses flimsy now showing on my blog. I've some light greens and white thrown into it, too.

  4. When I got my BHG and saw that coral peach color I realized it was what I needed for my bathroom repaint! To brighten up the pinky beige, tan, and rosy brown 1969 tile.

    1. that's it! I tore it out of the same magazine. I think your bathroom must look great with that combo! I rented an apt once with tiny pink hexagon tiles. So cute. LeeAnna

  5. Of Course color jazzes me!!! LOL!!! Fun read! Thanks for the smiles...V

  6. Hi LeeAnna!
    Colour! So many choices! :) How does one decide! :)
    Good thing there are a lot of different projects for all those gorgeous colours!
    Take care,

  7. Loooove that black and white combo on the folders but the line green on the cow fabric is always gonna be me!!!
