
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Craft show from a poodle point of view

               (Cole took over today's post to discuss his latest trip to a craft show)
Cole: oh Mon Dieu! Are my people EVER going for our morning walk? I'll just take a nap until mom's ready, and she won't get past me this time!!

We're ALL going for a ride in the car?? Must be... here she comes with the Halloween bandanna! Getting dressed is a sure sign I get to go too!
And a bag of treats in her purse?? That means all day long! Whee!
Oh boy, Dad's car. This means some quality time with my nose out the window so I can really smell see things.

Oooooo we're at the craft show. I love it here. All the yummy animal smells in the outside buildings, the people I get to  pet, the dogs to meet, the treats to eat.
I could hardly wait to get out of the car, get that harness on and pull my people into the fairgrounds!
I took off, so excited was I !

LeeAnna here:  Oh he hurried us inside alright. Then he proceeded to pull us through the entire show. He was in a hurry all day. Seemed like he always wanted to be in the next place. Even while people oooohed and aaaaahed over him. Rushing...pulling...til....
I stopped to interview an artist ( read the following post for that)

(Cole again)  Mom stopped to talky-talk so I took Dad outside to flop on the grass. I was quite content to lay there for hours if need be,  watching people and dogs walk by, and be with Dad.
The thing is, my shoulder hurts, and I was so hopped up on pain killers,  I might have been a bit antsy.
Also I knew we always go to the gourmet dogfood store on the way home, and I didn't want to miss that so I tried to keep those people movin'.
The alpaca booth was great though, and while Dad got his socks, I sniffed every sock there. And then we ran into some people who knew just where a poodle likes his ears rubbed, so I slowed down to my age. We also spent a moment at the maple syrup booth, where I tested it for quality control. It passed the test and we bought a bottle, along with a box of toffee. After a lot of walking and looking and sniffing and getting to know a few dogs, we left for my store.
I picked out some boxes of treats, and we stopped at the Plow and Hearth store on the way back. 
Now that store is dog-cool!! I look at every shelf in there. Really.  I took it upon myself to test the fireplace rugs. Just when I thought I might lie down for a mo- Mommy said, let's go!
Always pulling.
Mommy said I stretched their arms on this trip, but I had fun. That's all that counts. Cole


  1. That Cole! He sure knows how to enjoy a day out!

  2. What a fun post! Looks like it was a fun day for *every* one! :)

  3. What an amazing adventure you had. Did you like the alpaca smell?

    1. Cole does... my nose doesn't smell it! LeeAnna

  4. You're forever finding cool places to hang out in! Sounds like a great day.

  5. Where do you live that you can take your dog into STORES? That is very cool. Or a craft show. Mostly places I have been are NOT dog friendly...
