
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

going to the beach? or Camping?

in case the video won't open,  here is the link to it on youtube    click

For your summer vacation, will it be Beach or Camping?? 

and here is the link for this one click here

It's neither for us. It's a hotel on the lake with a balcony and mountain view. Picture Cole reclining on his lakeside towel...
 A nice bowl of fresh water, your people, and a few magazines to eat.

 Or say a nice dip in the lake, not enough to mess up your naturally curly hair, just to cool down your legs...
and chase a ball. Hope you are planning a trip with your people this summer, and better get right on that, not much summer left!  Love, Cole


  1. Ha! I hadn't seen those commercials... very cute. I'll be spending time in a cabin, no mountain or lake view unfortunately. A pool and a car full of projects to work on. Yay!

  2. Looks like a fabulous place! Have a great time with your humans, Cole! :) Judy

  3. Have a great time! We are renting a place at the Cape next month. They wanted to charge us $600 to bring the pugs ($200 apiece), so they are going to Cindy's house instead, where they'll be spoiled more rotten than ever.
