
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Turtle Time!

We had started on our walk when we spotted a traveling turtle. Back to the house for a camera, and the poodle had a new lease on life! Woohoo, let's get a move on Mama, it was right over here!
Sniff! sniff! sniff!

Dang these cloudy old eyes!

Oh, here it is!!! LOOK!
What, I can't play with it??! Come on!

Then I'll lay right down here and watch it...
remember when we had the migrating turtle cross the back yard every year when I was little?

I used to watch it for hours, and believe me people you have to be poodle-patient and
s t i l l  before the turtle will get back up and scoot.

Wonder what ever happened to that one??
you all should click on this picture mama took, and think about whether it looks like a quilt worthy pattern to you.

She sees quilts in just about everything! It does keep her busy and happy but it means less porch sitting for the two of us. I told her to have summer projects that can be hand pieced while I keep an eye on the critters.

After a bit, this one relaxed and took off...

Happy Summer y'all!  
Cole, writing for mama today


  1. Well written, Cole.
    Beautiful colours. Seen like this it's no wonder the Victorians used turtle shells for combs and hair adornments.

  2. Hi Cole! LeeAnna!
    Looks like a great area to spend Summer days, taking walks, lying in the cool grass, watching nature pass you by, giving quilting advice!

  3. I have a black poodle puppy who is/will be my running companion. Your picture of walking yours seems awfully familiar!

  4. That is a completely different reaction to what my 'granddog' Westie had. He saw his first turtle the other day and went ballistic! If you'd like to see it, here a link to the video. Haha! By the way, I think the pattern would make an awesome quilt!

  5. The last time I saw turtles, they were sunbathing on a log and all plopped into the water when I got closer. No poodle patience over here to wait for them to re-surface! But how cool to have gotten a migrating turtle in your yard!

  6. Wow, now that's a site you don't see every day! We encountered a frog on our walk the other day but not a turtle. :)

  7. Turtle??!! Wowsa, yes, i would like to play with one! We don't have them around here, so I have to keep myself amused with the tree rats, possoms, and raccoons!
    Oh, and Ma thinks that that pattern would make a pawsome quilt too!
    Thanks bunches for stoppin' by my bloggie! :)
    Ruby ♥

  8. You have the patience of a cat pal - maybe even more. I would just lay there and watch it too cuz M says they could put the bitey on you. We wouldn't want that to happen. M says yes to the quilt. It would be very unique and pretty.

  9. PepiSmartDog: How nice to visit with a travelling tortoise!
    We have them here too and sometimes we have to rescue them. Hee Hee.
    Your one does a very good impersonation of a football! BOL!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop!
    We love reading your posts and seeing what you got up to each week.
    Hope to see you next week too - it's our Halloween Special. *waves paw* :=o)
