
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our little refuge

 This is our nook, our place of comfort for the warmer months. It almost sold us the house in fact. Like my studio, we've moved furniture around over the years according to our changing needs but this has been our nook for a few years now.
On a summer evening, we gather here after work, often with a glass of wine, a good book, sounds of birds splashing in the fountain just outside the screen. We catch up on the day and connect, our little family of three. Cole likes to get the walk out of the way, so he can sit in his spot.
King of all he surveys. It's on the other side of the porch from us, but the best chipmunk watching area and the best place to watch the squirrel channel. See his birdhouse toy? He can pull the birds out and it's not torn to smithereens. During the great pollen cleansing, I saw some iris in the yard so I decided to have freshly cut flowers on the table
We have so many trees that sunshine is scarce and flowers have a hard time thriving. These iris must be hardy!!
I made the table cloth by folding yardage in fourths and cutting a pie section out, then binding with commercial white binding.

It was simple and fits better than any I could have bought. With the scraps I made a little holder for magazines and books for the porch reading.

At the moment I'm reading The Moment, stories by artists and writers of the moment that changed their lives. Short stories, easy to read in a moment and so full of impact. The mug rug came from a trade at the Houston quilt show two years ago, the strong coffee came from this morning's brew, wish you were here with me to chat!
On a whim last night, after DH installed a new kitchen faucet, (did you hear the screams from your house?) we took a break, went to a garden center for some hanging flower baskets and saw these turquoise chairs on sale.
I LOVE turquoise. These chairs, like goldilocks' porridge, are just right for my short legs and bad back. I wondered if we should spend the money, but they brightened up the whole back porch!! They look great against the wood.
They make me happy.

It's amazing how a small change can brighten your place. A pop of color can brighten your living space. How color can influence your mood.
So what changes have you made lately that made you happy? 


  1. Hi LeeAnna!
    Would love to join you for a walk around your garden! Then join you all for coffee in that cozy nook! Love the new chairs! What a great addition! And so spontanious! To find the 'right' chairs can sometimes tak quite a while!
    Thursday I'm potting up the very pink Geraniums!
    Take care,

  2. Thank you for sharing your little spot with us. We just bought new chair cushions for our patio spot and I too planted some flowers. JOY!!!

  3. I've always loved your porch... So relaxing. Love our front porch but not near as comfy as yours!

  4. Those turquoise chairs are quite fabu! I have my heart set on a purple bench for our garden. I'm going to arm twist my carpenter neighbor into making one for us. Pugs and kisses,

  5. Ma says color can make all the difference! We love your porch and the turquoise chairs are perfect. What a great spot to relax and let the day melt away.
    Happy WW!

  6. I wish I could drop in for coffee and a chat, too, LeeAnna. I adore your new chairs, too. Turquoise is my very favourite colour! Looks great with the table cloth. What a nice little cozy outdoor nook to read a book! PS. Did you know you have word verification turned on?

  7. Oh, this post makes me happy. What a beautiful space. You are so blessed.

  8. Love the chairs!! looks so comfy at your house.

  9. Love your porch and your chairs too. We are also lucky to have a screen porch and I am out there as often as possible. Nothing better than a cup of coffee, my iPad or a book, the cats and the sounds of birds or lake activities!~
