
Friday, May 2, 2014

Another way to Text

this is a portion of the quilt
 I am still working on my State challenge project. I am finished with the quilting after yesterday's marathon ending with the title quilted into the top border. Love it! It may be subtle but it's there. I had some questions about density of quilting. The past few years have seen wall quilts becoming so densely quilted that they resemble tapestries, if some is good, more is better! 
You'll see the areas I chose to leave puffy in design when I post a finished picture on Monday.
In order to work on this large 35X46 inch quilt, I had to clear the surfaces of my sewing and cutting tables.
 What a difference it makes! Why, it makes me want to actually sort and clean the whole studio finally! All that cleared off surface is enticing, no??
Thought I might show you how I approach a big challenge project. After I decide on a design, draw it out, gather fabrics and start the top, I move on to the exciting bits, the embellishments! Whee!
As I consider beads, sequins, trims, fonts, etc, I pull out one of my empty drawers and use it to corral the possible finishing trims. It holds bits of fused pieces, patterns, threads, etc  until the quilt is finished. It keeps them together and allows my mind to move (moooove) on to the task at hand. Compartmentalization in use.
In this bin is some discarded bias, some wooden fish, some flower beads, the font I used to cut letters for a-moo-ha.
Back to binding choices. Then the embellishing begins!
How do you keep things in order while you create? 
to see other posts on the hibiscus method (click here!)  and the sun in the beginning (click here!)


  1. I love your quilt. Right now I think I needed your pretty sun. And that cleaned desk is so inspireing. I'm not good at keeping it clear and ready to create. May be I can be better. Your bird is watching me and telling me I should. Have a nice weekend!

  2. The part of the quilt that you are showing is beautiful and so is your sewing table

  3. Baskets - I use baskets to sort, baskets to store, baskets to transport. I am a basket freak! I can't leave a garage sale without at least one.

    You have a really nice sewing space there.

  4. The quilt looks beautiful! Thanks for linking this at my Weekend Link Party.

  5. Order? What's that??? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that term. :)

    Your state challenge project is going to be beautiful!

  6. Loving that sunshine. It's been rainy, drab and cool here. Your cleared off sewing set up looks inviting to me. I do like a clear area. Then you can tell when, it starts getting messy, you're now having fun!

  7. Very cool! Love where you're going with your quilt.

    I don't clean up after myself much. Just move the piles from here to there. :)

    Is that a custom built table you have there?

  8. That quilt is beautiful! Lovely concept and execution.

  9. I don't have a problem keeping my sewing space cleared, but if I could get in the habit of not laying things on my cutting table, that would be great. It's always a mess. Thanks for sharing your thought processes for putting something together. I, too, love baskets!

  10. LeeAnna: I have that same table. Just bought it a few weeks ago. It works well. I also love the pink flowers in your previous post!

  11. I admit to my space getting out of order in the middle of a project. I make myself clean up in-between projects though. Thanks for linking up to Anything Goes Monday!

  12. Hard to pick a favorite post...but I chose this one, as one thing you always inspire me to do is to embellish my quilts more. Also like the text quilting on this one! :)
