
Monday, March 3, 2014

Travels to a quilt show and Williamsburg,VA

"Bikini Body" Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

 We made it to the quilt show and I was overwhelmed by the response to Bikini Body!! I met so many women who could relate to her, and we all found common ground on which to laugh at life! What fun it was!!
I was able to connect with an online buddy, Paula Hughes at sassy quilter and her fun group, who were dancing in the aisles with glee over the shopping. Quilters are a fun group!

Mr. Not Afraid of Color and Cole (Porter) poodle dropped me off and spent the day visiting Williamsburg and writing the dissertation back in the hotel room. On Sunday before we left to rush home to an ice/snow storm, we enjoyed a leisurely walk along the charming streets of Williamsburg. I never tire of the atmosphere, and on this Spring-like day of sun we started the visit with some townsfolk. They were discussing the issues of Revolution but took a moment to include my boy.
Revolutionary Confab, with poodle

 The town is a living museum focused on the time of our colonial revolution. The re-enactors are friendly and welcome Cole for a petting.

He feels most of them need to be petted.
 This is a shot into an exhibit building with a tailor, but the reflection shows the colonial buildings across the cobblestone street.
Then we did a bit of shopping... and just like a boy, my boy wanted something to make noise. He was equally interested in the chocolate and gingerbread purchases. We also left with a few gifts, and some blush wine from the local winery. 
Window Shopping
The main street is Duke of Gloucester Street -or- DOG street. There are lots of dogs to meet. These two made an impact, enormous and the girl had a bow in her hair. There were many puppies who wanted to get to know Cole, and one little 8- pounder wearing a dress caught my eye, but the black lab puppy who showed great restraint around 11.80 year old Cole and won his heart. He begged us to bring her home, but her people were connected to her by a leash so....
Rest Stop
Just before we had to tear ourselves away from one of our favorite places for a long car ride back home, we had a restroom break. Cole did NOT find my hitching him up to the horse post at all funny. They have some enormous horses here, and one year I got a snapshot of Cole reaching his little puppy nose up to meet a draft horse reaching his gigantic nose down to touch Cole's. This year, Cole was over the horse, but very intrigued with the sheep, that looked a lot like poodles lying down, and he yipped at them to get up and play.
They wanted nothing to do with him but he was sure tired in the car home from his adventure.
We started a new book on CD on the trip, and are both into it. We got halfway through the story and arrived home in rain but before the ice began. Now we need to plan another trip so we can hear the end of the story!
Hope you enjoyed our "slides"... remember the old days when people had to sit through slide shows of each other's vacation trips?


  1. No! Did not enjoy the slides of Williamsburg - reminded me we still haven't been there and it is on my bucket list. Darn it, LeeAnna, go someplace boring and ugly next time.

  2. So much fun! Your quilt looks fantastic at the show. Cole I hope they let you buy one of those noisy

  3. Hi LeeAnna!
    Great picture of you and the quilt! Now I have a general idea about the size of the quilt! That is quite detailed! Yes, quilters are a fun bunch! That makes for a great day out or vacation!
    Good to hear you made it home safe!
    Blog slide shows are a great improvement! One can take as much time as they need at each photo and can click on them to enlarge them as well!
    Take care,

  4. Lovely blog post, love your quilt and that you and the family got a trip out of it! Cole looks like he had a great day out!

  5. Your quilt is just darling. You used the most perfect fabrics.

  6. Thank you for a great post. Your adventures with Cole were fun to read about.

  7. Love the quilt and the 3-D. Enjoyed the quilt story in the previous post. Now following on blogger

  8. Wonderful photo of you and your quilt and I always enjoy seeing Cole! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  9. So fun to meet you in person LeeAnna! Hope to run into you again soon:) Sorry I didn't get to meet Cole!
