
Sunday, January 12, 2014

We went to the Ball

painted by Ken Mayer,
 The theme was "Green" at the annual Baltimore Mid-Winter Ball. There were some very interesting outfits among the finery. You were encouraged to dress up, and I saw interpretations of green from Bacchus complete with grapes around his head and a toga, to a green cheese wedge hat, to a green Afro, to my green eye shadow.

 Drew is wearing the musical vest I made him years ago, and his new bow tie. I managed to tie it without the aid of youtube this time, so some of my memory bank is still working.
The live band was fun, with different than usual instruments, and the caller was entertaining, the music a mix of blues, bluegrass, Celtic, and pop. We even had a chance to Tango!
One little shot of the dance floor doesn't show you the lovely mood set by the twinkling lights, carved architectural details of the Scottish Masonic Hall, flowing smooth moves of the dancers and low lighting.
 I waited to get this shot til the lights came up, and the group was still waltzing, reluctant to leave the dance.

My word of the year is enjoy, and I did enjoy laughing and dancing with friends, swaying to the live music, twirling so fast that gravity had no hold on me!

Love, LeeAnna
you might enjoy other dance posts and pictures HERE 

1 comment:

  1. Wowza! That looked like a lot of fun! You both look so nice.
