
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy 2014!

We have a whole new year to spend!
gold seta shimmer paint, hand beaded, metallic binding& corners

Long ago I  substituted goals for resolutions and would write a long list of goals for the year. Then I began choosing a word to explore along with the goal list. 2012 was "release" 2013 was "confidence" and...
This year's word is officially "enjoy" which means I hope to relax and enjoy the moments between pain, the moments between things going wrong, the moments between problems. Read a better explanation HERE

My goal list is less specific than usual and includes:
* make lots of art
* use lots of art supplies in said making
* enter more shows
* make the video interviews with local artists and post them here
* send out the connection project quilts
* read lots of books, which means, actually read some of the art books I've collected over the years
* be as active as possible and try to eat healthy food along with treats 
* Clean off the dining room table... oh I know, I know. That's a ridiculous expectation, but I do drag that goal forward year after year, and one year it may happen.

My wish for you is the one I wish for myself as well, enough time and good health to pursue your interests.
My ongoing wish is to find meaning in every day life, connect with others and to make a difference.

A few weeks ago I sent a  pincushion to Turid in Norway and she received him this week!
Check out this link to see the whole story of his trip and landing in her sewing room! fun! Click here for the story in pictures
If you want to check out a sample of my pin cushion collection,
  click here

dance with me, I want to be your partner...
And to close, we ended the old year and started the new year doing what we love, and dancing together! Dancing, and drinking champagne! And hugging friends! And I sewed in the car ride, so sewing!
You won't see the two of us in our finery here, as I'm taking the picture, but we looked fine.( I was able to tie a beautiful bow tie around Drew's neck, and he got many compliments on it)
We spent New Year's day, making special food, collard greens to bring money, and black-eyed peas to bring good luck, meat for protein, cookies for sweetness, and more champagne. Here's to a wonderful year together, all of us. Keep in contact, I'd love to hear from you!!
love, LeeAnna


  1. Hi LeeAnna!
    Looks like you have a great beginning for 2014! Enjoy! I hope a lot of people take this inspiration from you!
    Love the original pincushion that made its way to Norway and your collection!
    I to, have also used the armrests as pincushions!
    A goal is to be celebrated, no matter how big or small.
    I hope you can have a few celebrations while enjoying 2014!

  2. Good word, and I love all your pincushions - especially the chair - did someone make that? Clever

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  4. Good luck with Enjoy, your word has a lot of hope and fun in it. My word for the year is relax. I am trying to be more relaxed about life, my teenagers, my far from perfect sewing and life in general. I have been highly stressed recently and need to focus on calming life down and being able to take it as it comes.
    The little bird is so cute! I recently did a pincushion swap with Turid myself through Be a Quilter blog.
